Monday, July 28, 2008

Our favorite open spaces in Queens is asking:

What's Your Favorite Outdoor Spot in Queens?

Mine is Jamaica Bay National Wildlife Refuge, where you can forget for a little while that you live in a borough full of Queens Crap.


Anonymous said...

Fort Totten offers a terrific view but children and pregnant woman should beware of the mercury contamination. How do you spell "Cover-Up"?

Anonymous said...

Mine is the intersection of Queens and Yellowstone boulevards. It takes your breath away.

Anonymous said...

Evergreen Cemetary

Anonymous said...

Evergreen Cemetary

Frank Lloyd Crap said...

Flushing Meadows Corona Park. Nothing delights me more than dry fountains, defaced statues, crumbling modernist ruins, a million soccer players and a very handsome steel globe.

Anonymous said...

My backyard, without a doubt.

Anonymous said...

Ridewood Reservoir, until Parks destroys it anyway. F' you, Adrian Bena-pee.

Anonymous said...

Sitting on a bench in front of the pond with the fountains going at Bowne Park. Very serene.

Anonymous said...

I was going to say Fort Totten until you ruined it for me. Can't you let me enjoy my ignorance?