Sources close to the mayor say his deep- pocketed pals are "aggressively pushing" him to run again - his term ends in December 2009 - and are strategizing on how to change term-limits law to make it happen.
Although Bloomberg has publicly denied that he will run for public office again, he commissioned a private poll to quiz New Yorkers on the issues of term limits and his chances for a third term.
Sources say he is on the fence and will likely make a decision in the fall.
The business source close to the mayor called a third term a "serious possibility," and said, "We will keep pushing. We believe he will run."
Sure we can change the laws for Berlusconi, er I mean bloomy and the capitalist,lying,real estate,diamond mogul,slave labor,wonderful NYC politicians.There about due for another building mess with shady cranes they knew were faulty to begin with.
I proclaim Mayor Michael Bloomberg to be the worst mayor in NYC history.
Bloomberg is a joke around the country more than people here know.You might as well have the ultra capitalist Rupert Murdich be Mayor and Governor, because like Bloomberg they have a monopoly on newspapers.Murdoch's got the Wall street Journal and a couple of other NY small tabloid papers just like bloomies large news "service" paper and tv.Murdoch even has papers in China that bow to the authoritarian cencorship, and bloomberg like cheap labor.Perfect
"If this were a dictatorship,it would be a heck of a lot easier, just so long as I'm the dictator," Bush joked.And he said it three times.They have something in common besides spending 6 billion of tax payer money every six months to steal Palestinian land.
These billionaire bastards are always attempting an end run against democracy!
Sorry Mayor long as the multitudes of your discontented constituents are alert....there will be NO OVERTURNING term limits.
You've had your abysmal 8 years.
Now you and your real estate/business buddies can go f--k themselves!
Note that the Commissar has no support from middle class citizens who are not paid to parrot his moronics.
ANON # 1 spelled out the benefits these "businessmen" get from Commissar Death and Taxes. What has this Mugabe wannabe done for the taxpaying, working, property-owning, CITIZENS who live here?
Yup, just like the USSR, we have commissars, press censorship, seizing public property for the well conntected, people running for office unopposed, and one party rule.
Socrates once said,
"The unexamined life is not worth living".
Does any Queens (or NYC) resident ever look behind the clubhouse weekly news-rags' golden praise of their machine candidates
to EXAMINE the real issues or uncover any facts?
It's doubtful.
So, in the end, we get who we vote for!
Time to smarten up folks!
What you filthy Americans need is a dictator like Mike Bloomberg to rule you! He knows that people are too petty and stupid to make decisions for themselves so they must have their decisions made for them by a man who has never been in their shoes. Comrade Bloomberg is a great man who will keep all you filthy middle class pee-ons in your place. I hope he takes all your land and throws all of you in a filthy jail.
Just another example showing that not all laws/rules/policies apply to the rich and famous.
mayor blitzcrege and his manes dancers will steal the rest of all your land in queens and it will go thru because when it was done to others you did nothing. let me steal more land please vote for me
no way will jewburg win no way his time is up and he knows it thats way he said a few months ago he will not run .
your time is up mayor jew boy get the f--k out go ruin some other state and take your ass--le followers with you
ANONYMOUS I proclaim Mayor Michael Bloomberg to be the worst mayor in NYC history.
Really? Worse than Fernando Wood, who wanted to secede from the United States in order to continue trading with the Confederacy during the Civil War?
Worse than Walker or O'Dwyer, who had to resign and flee the country because of their criminality?
Worse than Lindsay or Dinkins, good men who were far out of their depth?
I think you overstate.
Will the QC crowd take a vow to leave NYS if Bloomberg takes a 3rd term or becomes governor?
Why would we do that? We were here before him and we'll be here well after.
He's desperate because he hasn't created a legacy yet. He failed at the olympics. He failed at the hudson railyards. He failed with congestion pricing. To an egomaniac like him, leaving with nothing but a ban on smoking and trans fat makes him feel like a failure and a joke. If he bothered to consider what was actually right for NYers, then some of his plans might have succeded. Now he'll try to change the law to give him another shot. What a sad, pathetic whiney little turd.
Some of us HATE bloomberg and his illegal rich man policies and were not big fans of queens crap either.No ones leaving buddy, except maybe you to your parents second or third home in Florida,or israel.
"I proclaim Mayor Michael Bloomberg to be the worst mayor in NYC history."
Come on now. The competition is pretty stiff. Dinkins. Lindsay. And good ol' Abe Beame, the king of the hacks. But, they were awful in different ways.
Who was the best mayor?
ANONYMOUS: Who was the best mayor?
La Guardia has the best statue.
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