NY Post
She may be America’s most famous freshman congresswoman, but in New York, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is a virtual ghost.
She has no district office and no local phone number, unlike the state’s three other freshman members.
And it’s unclear whether the 29-year-old lawmaker, who represents the Bronx and Queens, actually still lives in the Parkchester neighborhood that has been so closely tied to her rise — even though she won her upset victory over fellow Democrat Rep. Joe Crowley with accusations that his home in Virginia made him too Washington-focused to serve his district.
Ocasio-Cortez has used her deceased father’s Bronx condo on her voter registration since 2012, and even posed in the one-bedroom Bronx flat for celebrity photographer Annie Leibovitz in a Vogue magazine profile after her stunning November election. But The Post could find little indication she continues to live there.
The Post e-mailed the Ocasio-Cortez’ spokesman, Corbin Trent, four times with specific questions — they were all ignored. On Saturday, The Post reached Corbin by phone.
“We will not be commenting,” he said. Among the queries he refused to answer: Where does the congresswoman live?
Ocasio-Cortez was in New York City last weekend and this weekend, with appearances in Queens on both Saturdays — yet she was not seen coming or going from her Parkchester pad either day.
F*cking fraud.
Shame on anyone who voted for this nonsense
AOC is hot and the Post really has a boner for her.
With George Soros in Westchester?
Let's hope she wakes up people in Queens to start voting Republican
Let's hope she wakes up people in Queens to start voting Republican
Most people in queens are all illegals and foreigners anymore. They will ALWAYS vote for people who let them get away with breaking the laws. This is why the Republican party no longer exists in NY anymore. They want people who will turn a blind eye to their law breaking and they dont want anything to change just as long as they get what they want. The Republican party will never exist anymore until we get tougher on immigration laws. Hence, that's the reason why NYC is a sanctuary city and dumbocratic, they get all the illegal and foreign votes.
This city deserves every corrupt politician they voted for.
"Let's hope she wakes up people in Queens to start voting Republican"
LOL, yeah her constituency of third world immigrants, working poor and virtue signaling gentry liberals are just dying to have their eyes opened to the wonders of the free market.
Outside of the tiniest and whitest of districts, Queens will never vote for another Republican anything again in your lifetime. Enjoy!
The mail piling up could be that she's been busy the last few years campaigning and running for office and how active she's been in just one month in office, and the fact that her name was on a hitlist by a domestic terrorist.
But the real issue is that she decided to get an apartment in one of those fake mixed use luxury towers instead of one in Queens or the Bronx. And this office that hasn't opened up yet, which should have been ready when she took her oath of office weeks ago.
And the reaction by her staffer about these questions is contemptible. I assume the staffer was uncooperative because it was Murdoch's paper, but even her constituents are frustrated. She needs to fix this fast and find more modest digs in DC.
I will say this again, no one, no, one, is sacred on Queens Crap.
She might be slow to open her local office, but she's pretty quick when she thinks her boyfriend is dissed. And everyone acted fast to get him a House email account. It's all about priorities, baby.
I called her office the other day. There was a Jackson Heights phone number on her website and I spoke to someone. The website said they were still setting up the office.
She’s too busy being a celebrity
The fixation on AOC is that she represents the worst caricature of an indoctrinated millenial. She has a vague, general idea about things that are broken, but a very simplistic understanding of causes, complexities, and arrogant grandiose visions that will drive away people in the middle. That the NY Post exploits this is her own damn fault. But seeing as she's a typical millenial, she'll blame someone else for any challenges and failures she faces.
JQ, you wouldn't expect a Westchester girl to live in the Bronx, would you? That'd be uncivilized.
Other than the staffer not responding, there is no story here. The Post is desperately trying to find something detrimental to say about her. This seems to be the new national sport among conservatives and Trumpies. The last story I read outside of the Post said she is planning to have an office in the Bronx and Queens. I'm sure she will live in the district. She was sworn in in January, and it is now February. Crowley spent decades in Virginia.
AOC's mythology update HERE.
Why let a residency issue get in her way? Virginia Joe Crowley set that bar pretty high.
"AOC is hot and the Post really has a boner for her."
Rebekah Mercer seems to have the hots for her too.
That is some weird juxtaposing GTA.
"Queens to start voting Republican..."
Ulrich is the last Republican Queens will ever have. And even he is nothing but a RINO. Queens and the three other boroughs (except Staten Island) have been gerrymandered so that it is mathematically impossible for a Republican to win. And now with the Democrats in charge of the State Legislature, redistricting will occur in 2020 which will redraw the remaining state senate and congressional districts so that it is impossible for a Republican to win. The Republican Party has been irrelevant in the City for decades and soon that will be the case statewide.
The truly frightening thing is that the same thing that happened in NYS can happen to the entire country within the next 15-20 years. I predict that the House will have a permanent Democrat majority within 15 years and the Senate will fall within 15-25 years. Also, every coastal state on the east and west coasts will have a Democrat majority which all but guarantees the Presidency.
If there is a G-d, AOC and her ilk will destroy the Democrat Party from within before this nightmare scenario can unfold.
She lives in some expensive hip part of DC with her boyfriend and had no money to get her shit together due to trumps government shutdown.
Be nice to her because she may be next president or VP. Remember shes young, good looking and 60 million more brainwashed indoctrinated millennials that will now include Clinton-Bush era Hispanic anchor baby kids of illegals. All voting in 2020.
--and they all want their free stuff !!
Somebody was correct, Joe Crowley did the math numbers, saw the writing on the wall and said "fuck this!" people who say "have hope" are idiots with their pinky's in a loaded failing dam.
The end of this country and capitalism is near.
The thing about Socialism is that everyone is equally screwed, except for the elite, like AOC!
Re:"She has a vague, general idea about things that are broken, but a very simplistic understanding of causes, complexities, and arrogant grandiose visions that will drive away people in the middle."
If people have the brains and patience to get past Fox attacks and dumb caricatures of AOC, and listen to her interviews, they will find that she is well aware of details and facts. Her understanding of issues exceeds that of the whole Republican House combined plus a zero added understanding for Trump of any issue.
@ron s said... Since AOC is so much smarter than "us" explain why she worked in a Bar after College ? #orangemanbad #wakeup #aocexposed
If people have the brains and patience to get past Fox attacks and dumb caricatures of AOC, and listen to her interviews, they will find that she is well aware of details and facts. Her understanding of issues exceeds that of the whole Republican House combined plus a zero added understanding for Trump of any issue.
Like what, exactly? Her stupid "lightning round" at the congressional hearing that her fans made viral which said nothing more substantive than money is a corrupting influence in politics? Wow, what a revelation. Her "Green New Deal" which was a mishmash of every lefty idea she heard in the last 5 years, including welfare for those "unwilling" to work? (Yeah, I know it was just on a bullet point summary, but it was on her official site) and remedies for "racial injustice"? As if none of the more moderate Dems have been trying piecemeal for years to win these battles one by one, incrementally and pragmatically? No, the junior congresswoman with no experience knows that *her* pie in the sky bill will pass because she just got SO many retweets. Abolishing ICE? How're we supposed to stop sex and human trafficking, immigrant fraud, and interstate gang activity with foreign roots? Her failure to understand that formal tax rates decades ago on the books were not reflective of what people actually paid because of write-offs and deductions in the tax code? Her hemming and hawing on the Israeli/Palestinian issue? That embarrassment happened on PBS, not Fox. If these problems were so easy to solve with big grandiose legislation, it would've been done by now with various parties taking control at one time or another, or we'd be at least a heck of a lot closer.
Stop bringing Trump into everything. His failings are not an excuse for AOC's stupidity and Millennial arrogance. If I'm wrong, tell me what I should read or watch by this oh-so-wise 29 year old privileged bartender from Westchester with her useless degree.
Some anonymous said:
"The Post is desperately trying to find something detrimental to say about her."
Actually there's nothing the post could say that's worse than what she says herself.
“To be a socialist is to submit the I to the thou; socialism is sacrificing the individual to the whole.” -Josef Goebbels
That's Josef Goebbels as in National SOCIALIST.
" Her understanding of issues exceeds that of the whole Republican House combined plus a zero added understanding for Trump of any issue."
At that point you lost me.
Who cares? She's a lot easier to look at than the last phony who held that seat. What was his name?
"...Her understanding of issues exceeds that of the whole Republican House combined plus a zero added understanding for Trump of any issue."
Are you a moron like her, too? Were you dropped on your head at birth, or do you have another excuse for such profound stupidity? The constant torrent of libbie talking points parroted from others that streams from this idiot's mouth in such a childish singsong voice makes no practical sense, simply recycles ideas which never worked, and would have a staggering price tag which the country could not afford. This fool reminds me of a trout; you drop a lure of a libbie talking point in front of her and she'll go for it hook, line, and sinker, no thought involved. She is also an antisemite and has adopted the anti-Israel BDS Movement ideas.
What's also pathetic is that she BELIEVES that, with a few weeks in office, she is the new Oracle to be consulted on everything. She believes she wields real power and is looked upon as an authority. Maybe some day she'll wake up and see that she is nothing more than a source of great amusement for the media and an obvious target for ridicule by anyone with an ounce of common sense. Meanwhile, it's AOC says this, AOC says that, a statement has been made by AOC, here's AOC hugging her new BFFs, the sleeper cell members Tlaib and Omar, etc. Thank goodness radios have volume controls. When her shrill childlike voice comes stealing through my radio's speakers, I turn it down to an inaudible level until her air time is replaced by something more palatable.
Re: "@ron s said... Since AOC is so much smarter than "us" explain why she worked in a Bar after College ? #orangemanbad #wakeup #aocexposed
So having a blue collar job as waiter, bartender, cab driver, store clerk etc. indicates stupidity? That would be surprising news to millions of New Yorkers, including myself. Perhaps your own brilliance landed you a job as a nuclear physicist/philosopher king/federal reserve chair immediately after the graduation ceremony ended. But for most of us, we built our career in steps, and we do not insult everyday workers.
Maybe we need more lawyers in congress and the Senate. Let's see how that worked out.......
Be nice to her.
The public school programmed Millennial's and children of illegals will make her next president along with a democrat house and senate. The warning sound you heard in the midterm election coming down the mountain was not a bird, airplane or superman.
Secure all assets, because the socialist are coming for what your worked, years lifetimes, generations for.
--and to all these older fools working for the city, voting democrat.
You fools will be the first to lose your pensions, healthcare and social security. Your just too stupid to know it yet.
Easy to look at? Bug-eyed with horse teeth? Not to mention that squeaky voice?
^Anon! HA, indeed. The young will inherit the old peoples' mess, one way or another. So though it is ageist all things equal I prefer a young rep to an old one. AOC is a savvy one. And yes I prefer seeing her mug on this blog. Certainly pretties it up a bit.
Her house website says:
Jackson Heights Office
74-09 37th Avenue Suite 305
Jackson Heights, NY 11372
** Under Construction **
Re "Stop bringing Trump into everything. His failings are not an excuse for AOC's stupidity and Millennial arrogance. If I'm wrong, tell me what I should read or watch by this oh-so-wise 29 year old privileged bartender from Westchester with her useless degree"
I'll give you one example and you can extrapolate to all of your other reflexive complaints about Rep. Ocasio Cortez. She was interviewed to explain the 70% tax which was described on Fox and by other idiots as "She wants to take 70% of your income as federal tax". She clearly explained that 1) It would apply to less than 1% of the population 2) It would apply to only extremely high incomes 3) It would apply only to income above a given amount (say 10 million) 4) It had been in effect for decades before, under both Democratic and Republican administrations of the 1950's and 1960's. 5) The country did very well economically during those periods. Sounds very detailed and reasonable to me.
I would gladly take my chances with the "oh so wise bartender" instead of the cheating, lying, fraudulent, Russian conspiring, dictator-worshipping piece of crap that currently pretends to be president. What a disgrace to America.
Hey ron, I and probably 90%+ of adults who ever paid taxes think AOC is way out of her league understand the high school concept of marginal vs. effective tax rates. This is exactly what makes her sound so stupid. She says or explains something that's plainly obvious to the majority of people, and thinks she's the first person on the political stage who truly "gets it", and her solution is just so obvious and politically easy: "You just pay for it". I already explained to you that tax rates in the 50s and 60s on the books were not largely effective of actual federal receipts. Most of the top 1% money she eeds to fund her big plans are not even income: they're capital gains, or even wealth that's already been stepped up in basis.
And on top of it, you still can't defend her without bring up Trump yet again.
Let's clear the confusion up for the socialist morons once again.
If we were even able to implement her ridiculous 70% marginal tax rate above the 10 million income mark the estimate is that this would raise about 29 Billion towards the yearly federal tax collections (while de-incentivizing wealth creation).
Note, the current interest payments on our national debt amount to approx. $289 Billion dollars per year. So in effect, this increase in tax rate would amount to a fraction of our yearly debt service, let alone our actual national debt in the $21 Trillion range!
...but socialists don't think about consequences, they only consider any lies they can tell to get into power. Just like they did in Venezuela.
So we have another clueless socialist here trying to tell us that by crushing the incentives at the high end of our successful capitalist system, we'll be on our way to nirvana. Sort of like what Chavez told his idiot supporters 15 years ago, you know, those same people now eating rotten meat or starving and prostituting their daughters to make a dollar.
To add insult to injury, she's pushing this "Green New Deal" which the President was right in saying, "...reads like a high school term paper from someone with a poor education..." LOL
This green new deal is estimated to cost us 93 TRILLION dollars! Wow, that's more money than there is on the entire planet. But don't let that stop you socialist morons from reaching for the stars! Maybe we can find some Martians with the help of that SpaceEx probe, and convince them to buy into the socialist scheme.
Hey, then we can fund all of Ocasio's dreams with Martian Bucks!
...yippee ki-yay mutherfu,,,,
Harry Haller
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