From the Queens Chronicle:
The outcome of the May 29 vote that gave Mayor de Blasio 10,400 universal pre-K seats in September was never really in doubt; nevertheless, the mayor was jubilant the next day when he discussed passage of his signature initiative in Queens Village.
De Blasio, Public Advocate Letitia James and Deputy Mayor Richard Buery spoke excitedly on a visit to the A to Z Center Too, one of 204 community-based prekindergarten providers approved last week by the Panel on Educational Policy.
“This very location ... here in Queens is now available to parents for application starting right this minute; it’s happening as we speak,” de Blasio said after he toured the classrooms, met the staff and sat down to chat with some of his smallest constituents.
An estimated 4,500 seats will be in Queens, with Flushing and Jamaica slated for more than 500 apiece. De Blasio and Buery said the majority will be in low-income neighborhoods, where they said the availability of free, full-day pre-K will be a great benefit to working parents.
Why are the majority of seats in low-income neighborhoods? Does DeBlasio understand what the word "universal" actually means? Why are there not enough seats?
Because less shitty neighborhoods already had pre-K options, or at least were more likely to than low income ones.
It's easier to improve the bottom of the barrel than the middle of the pack or better.It's like teaching a monkey math versus teaching a five year old child math. Which is more impressive?
First Kindergarten.
Now PRE-Kindergarten.
Is this so-called "educational" crap really necessary?
James and de Blasio: fascists with the friendly faces.
I remember that I had my daughter in pre -k in the YMCA and her teacher can barely even read herself! It was a sad sight!
George, many poor parents in bad areas benefit greatly from the daycare. It may not be baby Shakespeare they get all day, but it's a big step up from the 10 year old brother who had to stay home from school that day because the neighbor was too strung out on coke to come home last night.
Does DeBlasio understand what the word "universal" actually means?
The man was a political strategist before an elected official,its all about marketing and branding.
the actuality and the meaning are irrelevant.
unfortunately,the city does need this because there are too many poor people with kids who have both parents working.It hasn't been a black and white TV family world in a long time.
So it's here,and it better be regulated and monitored constantly or it will turn into a den of neglect like the NYCHA.
Soon every other house in Fucked Up Flushing will be a bullshit Asian church (hah!) with a child-care (sex slaves, illegals, money laundering) center getting paid for bullshit, non-existent, pre-k services!!!!
More people scamming the system!!!!
Our mayor is so out of touch with the reality of Queens!!!!!
When does it stop - when every beautiful old house has been destroyed? Yup!
Sounds like government run, taxpayer sponsored day care. Pre-K? Really? Wasn't K supposed to be preparation for elementary school? Now we need prep for the prep? Welfare state crap.
Why poor neighborhoods?
Trolling for votes.
Every politician in NYC wastes resources on this.
Actually, Pre-K is very beneficial. Personally, I didn't think so, until I sent my own child to Nursery School for 2 years. He'll be entering Pre-K in September and I'm already amazed at all he's learned BEFORE entering Pre-K. Now, I live in Middle Village and there are NO options for Pre-K for us middle class folks:( Luckily, he got into a CBO, so I feel blessed. It's so not babysitting. However, in certain neighborhoods, let's face it, the less contact these kids have w/their negative role models, the better for us all in the end.
Because they do such a good job with K through 12.
too many single mothers are left with the options to leave their young child with family members
So if Shaniqua wants to have a quickie with her baby daddy, she can simply leave the little monster at the Pre-K center for a couple hours!
“We ... know that year one is different than year two,” he said.
Question for Comrade De Blasio: How does this relate to Year Zero that Comrade Pol Pot spoke of in Cambodia?
Both men stressed the term “high-quality” as often as they mentioned the word “free.”
So why did economist Milton Friedman always say: "There's no such thing as a free lunch"?
Who needs school in general? Sit them down at a computer, and they're on their own!
i would never even think to live my child at one of these facilities.
i've seen so many acts of negligence at pre-k's/daycare where the parent wants to sue but still keeps their child in there. its sick.
tweeding at its finest.
Redistribution of wealth.
Bill "The Red" at it again.
The Universal Pre-K program was a Guiliani program to assist the Welfare to Work Program. In order to get their Welfare benefits, recipients had to work a certain number of hours a week. Hence, Universal Pre-K was born. This is a glorified babysitting service at the expense of the taxpayers. Next they will mandate it. It should not be a full day program. Some children aren't ready to be away from their mothers at such a young age (Three years old). Makes me sick that the politicians can dictate to their constituents and ram this program down our throats. All they want are votes. Term limit all of them.
Save the $$$. Bring back the Howdy Doody Show. I learned quite a lot watching that as a kid. I never even went to Kindergarten. So what did I miss?
Makes me sick that the politicians can dictate to their constituents and ram this program down our throats. All they want are votes. Term limit all of them.
The pols are a joke. The problem is the stupid public.
People...if we don't get these kids when they're young, they're literally screwed for life. I'm no Liberal, but I've seen the benefits first-hand. Seriously, this is a good investment. The more "some," kids are AWAY from their parents, the better for society as a whole. Sad, but true.
Judy Goldberg (above): "...I'm already amazed at all he's learned BEFORE entering Pre-K."
Anonymous (above): "...I've seen the benefits first-hand. Seriously, this is a good investment."
Just WHAT do these kids actually learn in Pre-K? I mean what? How to sing "I'm a Little Tea Pot"?
Which collectivist sets the "curricula"?
Spoken like someone who has no idea what it's like to grow up in an unsafe neighborhood, George.
I don't have children but if I did, I would still need to pay for UPK in Bayside and my taxes are going to pay for the kids in Jamaica and the South Bronx. After my day care bill, I would end up taking home less than the people in the bad neighborhoods and therefore need to move to one! Another scam designed to integrate the middle and lower classes.
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