Mayor Bloomberg’s proposed Fiscal Year 2013 budget is not as benign as it appears, according to Queens Borough President Helen Marshall.
Senior centers, firehouses and programs for children remain on the chopping block, she said.
“Deep cuts are on the horizon because funding restored by the City Council will be eliminated,” Marshall said Monday at the start of a day-long hearing at Queens Borough Hall.
Representatives from community boards, cultural organizations, nonprofit groups and colleges argued for their piece of the budget pie.
Marshall and her aides use the testimony to help shape her budget priorities.
But Marshall will also have to do her own lobbying. She said $1.6 million of borough president discretionary funding was not included in the mayor’s budget.
“Without it, six senior centers will close, four adult day care centers, transportation programs will cease and much more,” she said.
The Council can restore those funds during budget negotiations with the Bloomberg Administration.
But Marshall will also have to do her own lobbying. She said $1.6 million of borough president discretionary funding was not included in the mayor’s budget.
“Without it, six senior centers will close, four adult day care centers, transportation programs will cease and much more,” she said.
Maybe Fat Toby will have to spread the wealth...and not her waistline!!! Unless the Feds are investigating all those massive contributions to the North Flushing Senior Center??!!??!!?!
Our Borough President has been a terrible ombudsman in representing the interests of Queens.
She is perpetually incapable of articulating the needs of her constituency to those whose decisions impact our quality of life.
She just does not deliver meaningful results.
What were people thinking when they voted for her re-election?
Who will they choose next?
Ok Helen. What have you been doing with all of our money???
I nominate Steve Melnick.
me think the silverstein markell duo would be perfect this way the tradition of boss tweed manes shillman con con tinue
might as well allow them to steal a piece of the pie its only right
or let vallone win this way with little bro as the bayside cm and big brother in the bp office with maybe mini bro as the cm for big brothers district queens will be razed completely
either way sheeple queens is in the drag or will continue being drag ed to hell
How old is she? I'm sure she's way past retirement age, but she loves all the under the table money she collects. Time to put her in a nursing home. Maybe Toby Stavinsky can recommend one.
She's a mind-numbing idiot.
A windbag full of farts.
Nothing that comes out of her mouth has any sense, nor any certitude.
We deserve better, but then again, we are Queens.
me think the silverstein markell duo would be perfect this way the tradition of boss tweed manes shillman con con tinue
Wait! Let me guess. English is your second language...or third???
you can't have it both ways....good services and over-development.
Granting favors to developers (i.e. tax relief, etc.), which costs Queens money....leaves less money for needed services.
Moby could skim just 15% off her "North Flushing Senior Center's" allotment and fund plenty!
They get $500,000 a year from her alone for "senior lunches"!
That's a lot of lunch boys and girls!
And WHERE does the rest of that money wind up....at sonny boy's "Parkside Group"?
Helen is just a figurehead at this point.
Her civil service lifer handlers, Irving Poy and Alexandra Rosa, have been running the show since the Shulman days and will continue to do so for other borough presidents after Marshal retires.
They don't have to spend money to get elected and re-elected.
Isn't it great to be imbedded in the NYC civil service system....especially on this higher level?
Abolish the office of beep!
Historically speaking, it's just been a collection point for developer and contractor bribes.
The office DOES NOT represent the people1
I repectfully disagree with elimination of the B.P. position.
There would be no other elected official devoted completely to issues relating to the entire borough.
We must not accept subpar performance in that office.
Elimate ALL of the Borough Presidents. Take their salaries and distribute them to Senior Centers in the boroughs. This job title does nothing for the people in the respective boroughs. This job should have been eliminated a long time ago. Government needs to downsize and save some money with all the bloated salaries.
Do away with all boro presidents and their budgets and also the useless public advocate title;waste of time and $$$$$$!
If you take the time to review the history of Queens' borough presidents you will discover that most of them were f----g crooks.
For exmple:
"Honest" Larry Gresser (early 20th century) had to resign in the face of an investigation or such.
(Ask Carol Gresser, Larry's wife, about this particular ancestor of his).
Then,I believ, it was Beep Maurice Conelly who gave us the sewer scandal in the 1930s.
Go do some reading.
While we're abolishing the office of beep we should eliminate community boards.
WTF do they do in our borough besides sell it off to developers?
Marshall has her "mad money" stashed alongside Shulman's in Zurich, no doubt.
So why should that dim wit give a damn what happens to the little guys like us?
I raise my butt to fart in her general direction!
Anybody wanna guess her IQ?
It doesn't take more than a thimble full of brains to nod "yes" to developers like TDC.
Maybe she could save us $80,000 by canning her personal photographer, Dominick Totino. That's right folks, 80 G's of taxpayer money for this guy so that she can be immortalized cutting ribbons, wielding a shovel, and handing out awards. Making her look like she's actually doing something for her big bucks.
Hey Marshall press secretary Dan Andrews, can't you do these photos if need be?
Well if funding is being cut a responsible elected would put a halt to development.
The funding would be restored.
Concerned? Euphemisms. These commies don't care about the tax payer, just opportunities to rape them!
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