Consider: Since 2000, five Assembly members and four senators (not including Spano) have been convicted of felonies — felonies! — ranging from receiving bribes and embezzlement to outright theft. Another five have been convicted of misdemeanors. Three former senators and one current assemblyman face pending corruption charges.
It’s hard to believe that Silver, speaker since 1994, and his colleagues could be so oblivious to the crime wave surrounding them. The looting of member-item grants funneled to nonprofits has gone on for years and has been reported on extensively.
So here’s a proposition for Silver: If the Assembly and Senate can go five years without having a single member convicted, he gets his raise. Conversely, every time a legislator or ex-legislator is convicted of a crime related to his office, all legislative salaries get cut.
Taxpayers no doubt would save a lot of money under this formula.
Filthy, lying, slime!
Give them raises under two conditions, they must work full time for the state without any outside interests whatsoever, and they must agree to two, five year terms.
What a set of cohones? Albany continues to be a cesspool of corruption and Silver wants a raise?
I agree with the editorial. But I'd take it one step further. Silver must resign and accept responsibility for the culture of corruption he enables. Now, to add insult to injury, he wants to reward this culture by giving its participants raises ? Quick, somebody go #Occupy Silver's office and mic check him back to reality.
Silver must resign and accept responsibility for the culture of corruption he enables.
I agree with the suggestion of two 5 year terms and no outside work.
It cost the state and taxpayers money to run elections every two years.
Since not every elected has outside employment, enforcing it and defining what outside work is would have to be established.
I don't think the republican elected would go for it.
The state assembly members don't make much. If you live upstate your salary goes much further that if you live in the city or in nassau/Suffolk or westchester.
Silver has been around forever. He's one of the most corrput politicians in NY and has too much power. Time for him to go.
hey mike sais knows evan stavisky
can we give him a raise
While we are at it, let's prolong giving cops, fire, sanitation, and teachers a raise for another five years or so. To hell with cost of living or anything of the sort. Hell, let's also attack their pensions so the politicians , some of which draw from the same pensions, are immune to the attack. Shoot, they get to pad their pensions a little more by GIVING THEMSELVES RAISES!!!
"The state assembly members don't make much."
Dem Troll... How much does Shelly make?
the dem's in nyc/nys will continue to re-elect these failure's clones.
that is proof that LIBERALISM IS A SICKNESS.....
This guy is a quiff. Get a normal hair cut for someone your age.
Anon No. 11:
And the Repubs will continue to reelect their clones in the State Senate, even if they don't succeed with their gerrymandering. What's the difference?
Silver makes a ton of money at Weitz and Luxenborg Law Office. Why does he need his NYS job?
Because if he didn't have his NYS job they wouldn't need him at Weitz and Luxenborg.
Term Limits!
Re:#13...is N.Y.C ,because of democrat union dictatorship failures , the next GREECE? the GREEKS have realized that there is no free lunch, anymore.
public workers have had their salaries,pensions,holidays etc .slashed and they even have to pay PROPERTY TAX now. What a shocker......
left -wing politicians love to give the people "STUFF", as long as the $$$$STUFF$$$$, is taken from others.
Which doesn't answer the question, Gramps.
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