JetBlue wants to light up the New York skyline with its iconic blue logo — but it must first clear layers of city red tape before taking off.
The airline, which will move its corporate headquarters to Long Island City next month, plans to erect a 40-foot lighted sign on the rooftop of its new building at 27-01 Queens Plaza North.
“When complete, it will be easily seen from the east side of Manhattan across the river,” JetBlue said.
But JetBlue’s proposal must be reviewed and approved by two community boards, the borough president, the City Planning Commission, the City Council and mayor.
Board 2, while backing JetBlue’s sign request, voted against the zoning resolution anyway, claiming it would allow more signs and billboards to be erected atop other buildings in Queens Plaza without its review.
“We don’t want the honky-tonk look,” said Board 2 Chairman Joseph Conley.
Councilman Jimmy Van Bramer, who represents the LIC area, gave JetBlue his full endorsement.
Fugley cheap corporate plastic crap like a bank.
Whats wrong with something like a cool looking wing and blue globe of the earth done in some neon ?
Jet blue cant afford real artists ? This piece of computer (CAD) bland art totally sucks they should be ashamed of themselves !
My friend just got a serious respritoty illness from a Jet Blue flight...the passenger behind her was seriously ill with flu...they let him board.... he sat behind her and coughed and blew sputum all over her face and hair...they would not remove him from the flight ...now my friend is in North Shore Hospital with Guillen Barre Syndrome that you can get after being infected by a serious sinus/respritory illness... JET BLUE's procedures SUCK
they bitch when queens plaza is blighted. they bitch when improvements are made. they bitch when a company tries to add some presence. bitch bitch bitch. you deserve to have the hookers back.
I think its great. It revitalizes and brings recognitions to Queens and an area that was dead for decades.
Jet Blue is the way to travel by plane....NO first-class, all seats same price, wide space between seats, and 40-channel tv choice, free-of-charge, for each seat. No charge for checking a bag. Plus those blue potato chips!
I'm with Joe - make a nice iconic sign, at least Colgate threw in a clock.
Only if they have a 50 foot Steven Slater sign. Who's he? See Jet Blue flight attendant incident
Why don't they put back the clock on top of the Brewster Building - oh no, that is class.
Something in short supply in Queens.
Let them put up the tacky neon. Should reflect nicely on the broken concrete that goes for landscaping and the dead plants killed by salt and fumes once they open the plaza.
BTW, millions of dollars, it was finished 6 months ago. What are they waiting for?
There used to be a huge sign for Pan Am on top of one of the Queens Plaza buildings. What's the difference?
"Guillen Barre Syndrome"
All the airlines now recycle the air to save fuel. Fresh outside air at 20,000 feet is 40 below zero. This costs fuel and resources from an already underpowered airplane to heat it up.
A good 1/2 the people on that flight must have gotten sick from that one person.
I will no longer fly unless I have to go to Los Angeles.
The best think you can do (aside from not flying)is always carry a mask and put Neosporin up you nose with a Q tip before you even enter the airport termminal. Terminals and airplanes are giant petrei dishes of germs from all over the world.---worse then the 7 train !
All the airlines suck IMHO
They got rid of all the 747s, DC10s and 1011s that flew over 640MPH now it takes near 7 hours to go non stop JFK to LAX VS 4-1/2 hours in 1983.
All these new so called "fuel effecient" airplans outright suck. They cruse @ 430MPH, the cabin air is always a bio-hazard, they are underpowered and have ZERO manual control if the computers operating the control surfaces fail.
Looks OK to me.
That area is still basically a dump now but it doesn't have to be, there are some nice old buildings scattered around and it looks like Jet Blue has gotten one of them.
Yeah, it could be cooler, but I think it will be a positive, relatively speaking.
JetBlue has made Queens their national headquarters for 20 years, thinks of the thousands of jobs and billions, yes billions of dollars they have generated for our city's economy. Let them have their sign. But it should be bigger.
Good for "true" Blue!
Plant your logo here!
Remind those art-fag hipsters that this area was once a bustling job creating neighborhood and a city unto itself!
No complaints about the artsy iconic Pepsi sign from those yuppies....huh?
Let them learn to live with Jet Blue's plastic pronouncement or leave and take their kids and their nannies with them back to Kansas!
You can catch a cold on any airline.
You're breathing recirculated air.
What's that got to do with this situation?
Let your friend sue Jet blue.
I would have put a bandanna on my face or insist on being moved to another seat.
JetBlue can enjoy their lunch breaks having their bellies stuffed with Checkers and Kennedy Fried Chicken across the street, then have their sacks emptied at Scandals two blocks down.
I think there should be a hotel in Queens Plaza.
The sign will be 6 stories high, yes 6. also, the area was only dead because of industrial zoning forced upon it by the city in the 1960's which almost but not quite destroyed the residential area which is now coming back and demanding the things that will keep the area a healthy and vibrant place. light pollution is not what Dutch Kills needs.
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