A middle-class enclave on the South Shore of the city's southernmost borough is the gun capital of New York, with 509 residents -- or about one in every 57 males -- legally packing heat.
The neighborhood is filled with single-family homes on 40-by- 100-foot lots and attached town houses, largely populated with conservative-leaning civil servants like cops and firefighters, as well as Wall Streeters.
"That's the quintessential group that owns guns for their home and family protection," said the area's city councilman, Vincent Ignizio.
Many of those gun-toting residents practice their aim at two private gun ranges on the island, and many also head upstate to unload.
"There are a lot of hunters," said longtime resident Guido Cadunzi, a gun-safety instructor.
The well-armed area is also one of the city's safest. The 123rd Precinct has seen a 27 percent decrease in major crimes over the past 10 years, and there were just two homicides there in 2009 and 2010.
National Rifle Association
how exactly do criminals know that Glendale is "legally packing heat"?
HAHHHAAHHHA! The NYPost never ceases to entertain!
Because when they break into someone's home and are staring down the barrel of a gun word tends to get around.
you really believe that don't you?
Glendale is a good nab - and always has been - as is Whitestone. The amount of arsenal has NOTHING to do with it. The quality of the people that live in these neighborhoods has more to do with their safety - AND more recently - good nabs also have good surveillance systems.
You're not living in Dodge City Partner . . . HAHHAHHAH!!!
Right but in your world, people who own guns are bad people. This proves that's not true.
As the article says, these neighbs are filled with police and ex-cops. Of course they're low crime!
C-mon, folks....there's more than gun ownership that keeps these nabes safe.
The list reads like a roster of mobbed-up hoods.
The local dons take care of security.
They don't want their real estate to lose value!
Glendale is a good nab - and always has been -
Hopefully that lasts. All of the new albanian/slovak/polish/etc that are coming into the neighborhood are making it worse.
In the winter its obvious who lives where by which houses don't get shoveled out! Not the most friendly or courteous people.
Safest areas are where legal gun ownership is highest
The well-armed area is also one of the city's safest.
I don't think gun ownership is the one factor why zip code 10312 is so safe. Another factor is this:
Hispanic/Latino: 5.7%
White*: 88.9%
Black*: 0.6%
Native American*: 0%
Asian*: 3.9%
Hawaiian/Pacific Islander*: 0%
Other*: 0.1%
Multiracial*: 0.7%
But don't let your lying eyes fool you!
Glendale is a good nab - and always has been - as is Whitestone. The amount of arsenal has NOTHING to do with it. The quality of the people that live in these neighborhoods has more to do with their safety
Wow! I'm impressed! There's hope for Babs after all!
She's almost made the connection, but she's a bit scared to "connect the dots". Probably all those years of "politically correct conditioning".
HAHHHAAHHHA! The NYPost never ceases to entertain!
And Babs never ceases either!
Don't worry Babs, we're laughing AT you, not WITH you!!!
the post has confused correlation and causation. the areas with the highest numbers of guns are actually the higher crime rate areas - the guns are simply undocumented.
What's confusing about it? The word "legal" in the post?
the post has confused correlation and causation. the areas with the highest numbers of guns are actually the higher crime rate areas - the guns are simply undocumented.
This poster obviously hasn't even bothered to simply read the headline:
"Safest areas are where legal gun ownership is highest"
Please explain to us why countries such as Switzerland, which has the highest gun ownership in the world, has a lower crime rate than England, which has some of the toughtest gun control laws in the world?
the areas with the highest numbers of guns are actually the higher crime rate areas - the guns are simply undocumented.
No doubt most of the owners of undocumented guns in those high crime areas are also undocumented!
Maybe the government should start another program:
"No undocumented gun left behind!"
"The local dons take care of security."
HAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHA!!!!! are you in lala land?
Deke - I was just about to write something nice to you - until I saw what you had written to me . . . must you always make an ass of yourself?
You must CRAVE my abuse.
You're an idiot.
must you always make an ass of yourself?
The problem with you, is that you view the world how you'd like it to be, not as it really is.
When you acknowledge that fact, then you've made a major step towards recovery.
But you can't make that first step, until you're honest with yourself.
I can't help you with that, you have to make the effort.
Have a nice weekend!
have legal conservative gun in Bayside, and can travel safely.
I sleep well at night thanks to my trusty 12 gauge. I live in area with very low crime, that being said the business end of a shotgun is a remarkable thing. Long live Israel! Death to the Palestinians! End welfare & food stamps! Long live my INCREDIBLE NYC teacher's pension. Long live the Rev. Hagee!
Anon No. 17: Yeah, but what about the people nearby you?
Babs is off her meds again.
Check out which local dons live in which nabes when you can manage to extract your head from your 3rd rate schoolteacher's dumb ass!
(She's gotta be a grade school teach).
I'll bet her pupils don't pay much attention to her so why should Q.C. readers...(LOL) except for amusement.
Uh...and learn to spell.
no one gives a rats azz about the local "dons" - do you REALLY think that the average coked-out druggies who think they are invincible FEAR the local old men "dons" - you watch too many movies - live a little instead.
This blog is usually smarter than this. Just because these two things are correlated does not mean one is causing the other. The headline could have just as easily been "Legal gun ownership is highest in safest areas" and had as much statistical significance.
"This blog is usually smarter than this."
you're not a regular I guess.
The safe nabs inclusive of Glendale and Whitestone are NONT ONLY made up of business owners and policemen, etc. BUT they have enough bucks to be legal.
There may be MORE GUNS in less safe nabs BUT they are NOT legal - AND they very well may be used ONLY for protection too.
(pssssst Deke - don't let the criminals know this now.)
When you apply for a permit in this state, you are subject to an extensive background check and have to prove that you have taken a course to safely handle and store a weapon. Therefore, it's not the presence of guns that makes a neighborhood more dangerous. It's the presence of guns in the hands of criminals or morons who don't know how to use them that puts the area at risk. You aren't hearing about kids getting their hands on guns and shooting each other in these areas. You aren't hearing about them taking the weapons to school. These type of things happen in high crime areas.
Morons get their panties in a bunch over the mention of guns as if no one should have them. But many lawabiding people feel otherwise.
That has nothing to do with the post -
In safe nabs - or "good nabs" - people ALSO have illegal guns AND are involved in illegal activity.
So the fact that these nabs ARE safe - have NOTHING to do with the statistics and more to do with middle class / upper middle class values.
oh and BTW - as someone who is left of center - I am NOT opposed to gun ownership . . . sorry to throw you off.
In safe nabs - or "good nabs" - people ALSO have illegal guns AND are involved in illegal activity.
So the fact that these nabs ARE safe - have NOTHING to do with the statistics and more to do with middle class / upper middle class values.
Those 2 sentences contradict each other.
HAH! - I have to agree with you now that I have reread my post!
White collar criminals live in "good nabs" - they are not going to hold a gun to your head to steal a little cash - BUT they WILL take ALL you have and then some if you're not careful.
The average person though who predominates these safe nabs goes to work, raises a family, etc. and has what I consider to be good values and an honest work ethic. It is THEY that are the fabric of these good nabs.
Babs just makes up her (convenient) narrative as she goes.
She simply adjusts the narrative to fit her politcal agenda.
Empirical evidence? Data? Statistics?
We don't need no stinking data!!
Data be damned, sayeth Babs!
I was walking home one late evening and spotted three males giving a female a hard time. The incident went from bad to worse when they decided to started grabbing at the women. I took my GUN, chambered a round and clicked off the safety and walked over.
"Excuse me" I said and watched the punks damn near queensCRAP their little boy pants when they saw a rather large barrel pointed at their face. I told the woman to get behind me, asked if she had a cell phone and suggested she call the police.
"You're not a cop?" as if she was on another planet seeing a regular citizen holding a pistol.
"If you're not a cop, why do you have a gun?" she asked, still dumb struck and still not calling the "authorities".
"I have this gun because their are people like them AND people like YOU"
Evil men triumph when Good men do nothing. Guns exist. The cannot be uninvented, you don't like them, don't have them. I have the right to life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness and the right to protect them. YOU do not have the right to interFEAR.
Democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on what to have for dinner. LIBERTY is a well armed sheep contesting the vote.
and then you woke up Superman.
ah "Deke" - ya' can't think abstractly can ya' - how come Deke - old head injury . . .?
Say hello to my little friend!
I remember some dip $hit politician wanted to publish the names of folks who held handgun/rifle permits.
Wait, found the article. http://michellemalkin.com/2010/06/30/ohio-dems-tried-to-illegally-obtain-ccw-permit-holders-info-to-launch-anti-gun-campaign/
ah "Deke" - ya' can't think abstractly can ya' - how come Deke - old head injury . . .?
Apparently you can't even think logically:
In safe nabs - or "good nabs" - people ALSO have illegal guns AND are involved in illegal activity.
So the fact that these nabs ARE safe - have NOTHING to do with the statistics and more to do with middle class / upper middle class values.
Where were you in 9th grade Babs, when they discussed logic? Constructing truth tables? P or Q, P and Q, does that ring a bell?
Oh yeah, that's right, you were out by the bleachers smoking cigarettes, and performing throat exercises on the football team!
Michelle Malkin is your source?Shes got No credibility. What a joke..
would you please detail and elaborate the data in MICHELLE MALKIN'S columns, that you claim have no credibility ?
where are your sources ?
we need to know the truth?
why do you hate her so much?
Michelle Malkin is your source?Shes got No credibility. What a joke..
As if "Lino" has any credibility!
What a humongous joke he is!
all you can do azzhole is give pervy stupid comebacks - how about CHALLENGING what I said instead i.e. - DISPUTE my comments, DEBATE my comments. you do not because you cannot.
"Where were you in 9th grade Babs, when they discussed logic?"
9th grade??????
Gee I always thought that was discussed in the 8th grade . . . or was it the 7th hmmmmmm - anyone else in the forum with a recent high school education?
you're 12 aren't you?
Babs, you are a horrible human being.
And a hypocrite.
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