Here's a sketch of a rapist who attacked a 19-year-old woman at about 12:30 a.m. last Thursday, January 20, at 26th Avenue and Second Street in Astoria, just south of Hellgate Park. He approached her from behind, pushed her to the ground and sexually assaulted her. She fought with him and he fled, taking her purse. She was treated at a local hospital and released. The guy is described as 5-7, 150-160 pounds, wearing a North Face-type windbreaker, dark pants, and dark sneakers.
It seems everyday a photo is posted by the pd looking for help from the public.Thank b berg and kelly for forcing out the veteran detectives so they can make the force diverse.You get what you pay for!
You know, i really wish all these white people would stop raping and murdering all the time!
He approached her from behind, pushed her to the ground and sexually assaulted her.
In what way?
She fought with him and he fled, taking her purse.
Maybe he just wanted her purse from the start and inadvertently touched her in the process of getting the purse.
12:30 am at 2nd street and 26th avenue. That's that park with the baseball field near Astoria projects.
Thank b berg and kelly for forcing out the veteran detectives so they can make the force diverse.
You know, i really wish all these white people would stop raping and murdering all the time!
Merde! Le Hooligan!
It always brings a smile to the Captain's face, when he reads comments from the few people who haven't drank le Kool Aid!
As the Captain has said before, and will always say:
He is really good looking. Instead of raping women he should do it with another man! I would love to rape his Ass!
He is really good looking. Instead of raping women he should do it with another man! I would love to rape his Ass!
It sounds like Captain Kangaroo already drank 'le Kool-aid.'
I was wondering what my boyfriend has been up to lately!
Was he wearing a sombrero?
Hey, isnt't this the place the Vallones want oh, say 50,000 new people right next to the Astoria Houses?
And only one road out.
Ok Ok, I know. They want a ferry service to make up for it.
I love the description that's given of this guy.
I guess as long as he never takes off his coat or changes his pants we should have no problem finding him.
But as soon as the warm weather rolls around we might as well call off the search.
A woman killed by one of these criminals in Manhattan
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