The widow of a 26-year-old man killed Monday in a wall collapse at an Elmhurst construction site had some choice words Wednesday for her late husband's boss.
"I hope he rots," said Mireya Alvarado, 25, who is six months pregnant with Hedilberto Sanchez's third child.
Sanchez's boss was developer Tommy Huang - no stranger to controversy in Queens and infamous for trashing the landmarked RKO Keith's Theatre in Flushing.
The owner of the company left the scene of the accident when he realized the extent of the carnage caused by the collapse, according to Alvarado and Sanchez's three brothers, who were also working at the construction site Monday.
It was not immediately clear whether that man was Tommy Huang. Huang did not return calls yesterday seeking comment.
The city Buildings Department is investigating whether there was any wrongdoing that caused the collapse, sources said.
But Alvarado said she knows who to blame and she wants Huang to pay for what happened to Hedilburto.
"I want justice. He left me alone with my children," she said, clutching her stomach and choking back tears.
Alvarado said Huang forced Sanchez, an undocumented immigrant worker from Mexico, to work 10 hours a day, six days a week, regardless of the weather, for a paltry wage.
How does Tommy Huang keep weaseling out of trouble? This guy and his family has been a blight on Queens for too long.
60 hr work weeks for low pay, and yet they make them work like animals.
Safe bet that if this was a union job site this wouldn't have happened.
All of the stalled construction projects in Elmhurst/Woodside due to stop work orders are non union projects.
Undocumented immigrant ?
If criminals weren’t here in the first place Huang would be out of business.
The Mayor is just as guilty for bringing these people here with this santuary city BS.
ll of the stalled construction projects in Elmhurst/Woodside due to stop work orders are non union projects.
Construction trades unions are skilled, specialized trades that will not accept undocumented workers for good reason they are illegal!
I feel for the widow and her children but as illegals they knew of these perils and accepted these conditions because this is what is available here for them to illegally work in. The owner or contractor - both are guilty of harboring, hiring illegal criminals and should be indicted and brought to justice for this and murder for improperly ignoring safety codes, proper construction practices, labor laws.
Alvarado said Huang forced Sanchez, an undocumented immigrant worker from Mexico, to work 10 hours a day, six days a week, regardless of the weather, for a paltry wage.
"forced?" Well, you could have always gone back home!
"I feel for the widow and her children but as illegals they knew of these perils and accepted these conditions because this is what is available here for them to illegally work in."
Well when they get done busting all the unions and sending all our jobs overseas. This will be the lives of the American Worker, something to think about.
hey crappy is it true that the the construction company that was working on the site is 1st class demolition/ construction do you know?
I feel bad for the family, but they must've known the risks of being illegal immigrants coming to work on a construction site. I don't even understand how he "forced" him to work, if they get paid for it, they will work those hours. He could've got another job elsewhere, but he chose construction and unfortunately chose Huang as his boss. Huang's crap needs to stop.
Um- what does the death of the individual being undocumented have to do with anything about union/non-union?
Fact of the matter is: Union or Non-union means nothing when it comes to safety standards. Most construction jobs in the boroughs are non-union simply b/c its more economical. The building quality standard is the same whether union or non-union.
This is just an unfortunate accident in the worst way.
"...Mireya Alvarado, 25, who is six months pregnant with Hedilberto Sanchez's third child."
"...she said, clutching her stomach and choking back tears."
let me get this straight- Mireya's not married to Hedilberto who died in the accident. there is no way to prove that they are his children now that he's dead.
Mireya Alvarado and her jackpot babies are all on welfare, WIC, food stamps and US government benefits. She was driving Hedilberto to work six days a week.
she knows enough to clutch her belly and cry in front of the reporters.
She wants justice?
how about this-send her & her jackpot babies back to Mexico ASAP.
wouldn't the best thing to do in this case to send them all back home to Mexico to be with her extended family at this time of grief?
"Is this the final straw for Huang?"
Not really. Huang and family suck big time. I think they're gonna need a bigger straw!
Tommy Huang will be like our recently deposed, glass-wielding Senator and have nine-lives too.
25 years old an 3 kids already ?
Mireya Alvarado also has a taxpayer lifeline cellphone and is driving a car with Tennessee or Carolina plates and no insurance.
Has anybody taken a good look look at the taxes on a phone bill ?
Lets not forget soaring insurance premiums due to all these uninsured drunks driving ?
In Southold the supervisor and police have it right. They throw these cockroaches straight in jail and confiscate their cars, You wont wont find them east of Riverhead unless they have legal verified and taxed agricultural work visas and are housed on the farms they work on.
Break that law they jail and fine you big
The scumbag Huangs will pay for this, both Tommy and his son Henry. Any jury who sees a pregnant woman with a dead husband versus a rich Taiwanese felon with a history of shoddy workmanship wont even blink at awarding her millions. I can't wait to read all about it in the papers!
That's the problem isn't it? Americans don't want to work for chump change. Small businesses from your local grocer, restaurantuer, all rely on cheap illegal labor.
"The building quality standard is the same whether union or non-union."
It may be true in terms of the result(product). But the union workers are better trained than non-union, which means the union workers are better in terms of following the rules and regulations. That's exactly why this tragidy would be avoid if the workers were union.
Ethical and honest developers (which the Huangs are NOT) abide by building and labor codes. This death would not have happened had standard practices of labor and safety been in place.
Instead, Tommy and Henry Huang tried to save a few bucks while destroying yet another block with their crap. This family needs to be put in prison or deported back to Taiwan.
"Is this the final straw for Huang?"
Remember the accident at 104-56 Roosevelt Ave. in Corona on 10/10/06? similar fatal accidents, but nothing happened to the builder.
"Fact of the matter is: Union or Non-union means nothing when it comes to safety standards."
What fact? Do you have anything to support your 'fact'? So far in this Borough, most of the fatal accidents at the construction sites are by non-union. THAT IS THE FACT!
Haung doesn't care about this pregnant women and she won't collect shit. she'll have to prove that she's having this dead mans baby, so stupid not to even be married, most likely because he's married back home. Dumb ass Haung looks for short cuts, less costly to himself and now people were hurt. they should hang this man!
Why do asians have surnames of body parts? Leung,chin,Wang
Why do asians have surnames of body parts? Leung,chin,Wang
....and tong, dung...oops dung isn't a body part.
Huang used Latino day laborers to remove asbestos from the RKO Keith's Theater.
They were seen disposing of the toxic stuff in street corner public waste baskets.
Oh yes...a Russian (mob?) asbestos "remediation contractor" was supposed to have subbed that removal job (LOL)....a Mr. Sergei S. (?) or something.
Sergei's company address was a Brighton Beach apartment!
Why is this criminal Huang still walking around?
Maybe because his good pal Congressman Ackerman (Asia Committee) is covering his ass for him.
You feds are dropping the ball on Tommy.
Or are you getting paid off by Huang like all the others?
There's an awful lot of Taiwanese money still floating around.
"I hope he rots," said Mireya Alvarado, 25, who is six months pregnant with Hedilberto Sanchez's third child.
Why is she having three children when her husband can barely support the family? Fucken society man.
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