Democrats accused a Queens Republican City Council candidate of flooding the neighborhood with racially charged flyers targeting his Korean-American rival.
They claim Republican candidate Dan Halloran is trying to scare white votes with flyers painting Democrat Kevin Kim as a pawn of Asian developers.
"This is a coded message a la Giuliani," said Liu, referring to the former mayor's recent warning of a resurgence of crime if current city Controller William Thompson - who is African-American - defeats Mayor Bloomberg.
One of the flyers juxtaposes a photo of Kim on a crowded street in downtown Flushing - which has a large Asian population - with a photo of Halloran playing boccie with several older white men in a park.
Another flyer features a large "For Sale" sign warning voters they will need the sign if Kim is elected. The flyer lists the names of Asian campaign donors.
Halloran's aides shot back, saying it was Kim playing the race card.
"Overdevelopment is a huge issue," said campaign spokesman Steven Stites.
"Kevin Kim's campaign is funded by the same developers who overdeveloped downtown Flushing, and they are who he will work for in the City Council."
Okay, so: If you are a white candidate and feature a photo of yourself with other whites on your campaign literature, that's "racist". If you are Asian and your campaign literature features yourself with other Asians, that's called "reaching out".
If you target overdevelopment as an issue and list the names of your opponent's developer contributors, who happen to be Asian because more than 90% of his contributors are Asian, that's "racist".
And best of all is that Johnny and Kim are basically conceding that Flushing has become an overdeveloped dump (and that wasn't achieved by the Archies).
Maybe instead Kim can answer why he would have so many contributors from District 20, unless they plan to do business in District 19 and see him as their golden ticket.
When all else fails, play the race card.
"Maybe instead Kim can answer why he would have so many contributors from District 20, unless they plan to do business in District 19 and see him as their golden ticket."
Very good point.
I suggest that everyone read the ENTIRE list of Kim's campaign contributors. 'Nuff said.
Take your time. There are 44 pages. Please note the location of these donations. Can you say tweed? I see that they still haven't cleared up the matter of Kim's childhood school. Halloran is THE best choice to preserve and protect the neighborhoods in the 19th district!
Hey Ragusa, Tabone, Halloran. Now you've got some balls!
Keep the heat up. The Dems are sweating.
"Halloran is THE best choice to preserve and protect the neighborhoods in the 19th district!"
Agreed! Over the last few days, I noticed several Kim campaign signs around John Liu's 20th Council District. You would think that the Kim campaign staffers would use a map! Or is there another purpose to this propaganda bombardment?
I live in the 20th and would like to take this opportunity to warn the 19th district citizens about having a city councilman who started to run for city-wide office before the paint was dry on his office door!
If you want to get a feel for what will happen in Bayside, Whitestone, College Point, Auburndale, etc., then please visit Union Street between 31st Dr. and Northern Boulevard. What you will discover is that rows of one family homes have been replaced by apartment buildings with commercial space on the first floor. The buses bringing commuters to and from Main Street encounter massive delays in this area.
Furthermore, John Liu has done very little for the district north of Northern Boulevard. When Julia Harrison was our councilperson, she sent out mailings and kept the community informed of important issues. John Liu did no outreach whatsoever, no matter what lies he will tell to refute the claim! When he elected, he promised to meet with constituents at libraries on a regular basis. After 3 weeks, these encounters were terminated.
Kim is being trained to be the latest puppet for the Democratic political machine being run by Ackerman, Stavisky (politics makes for strange bedfellows), CB#7, and other old school tweeders. Look what was done for John Liu. He isn't even campaigning and I am not aware of a debate between Liu and his Republican opponent, Joe Mendola.
In conclusion, the people of the 19th council district need a councilman who will represent their interests and not those of Bloomturd and the Queens machine. Ironically, Bloomturd endorsed Halloran for the seat. It is the ONLY thing that the mayor and I agree on. I looked at the list of Kim's campaign donors and it is clear that most of his supporters do not live in the district but will expect something for their donations, especially from students and housewives who gave donations in excess of $1,000 in a poor economy! The race card is now being used because the Kim campaign people are getting desperate!
Why every council seat is important in this election:
Flushing Friend....you are right on the money.
And by the way, where is Avella in all of this?
For months and months he holds anti-development rallies and now he's not heard from?
Self-imposed muzzling or muzzling from on high?
Gee...where's Waldo...I mean Ackerman?
He's missing from this gala gathering of the usual tweeder suspects!
Kim has nothing to offer but being a clubhouse finger puppet and his unfounded racist accusations.
What hidden racist code is contained in Halloran's fliers?
The "Da Vinci Code"?
You're getting desperate you Dems.
The 19th district has the skin of a Brazil nut.
It ain't so easy to crack... Stavisky/Ackerman and their clubhouse stooges!
Let's take the figures the other way around.
Kim could only get 5% financial support from the 19th district so he had to reach beyond the seas to China & Korea!
So it was the AT&T time to "reach out and touch someone"...for money!
After I finish my morning coffee next Tuesday I'm gonna go dunk a Dukun
(Kevin Dukun Kim) at the polls.
He's not to be trusted with one of our most precious investments...our homes and neighborhood!
To add to that...why does Kim have to go to China and Korea for campaign contributions..."Italian Girl"?
Thank God Toby Stavisky's faccia brutta is partially hidden behind Kim.
I ran out of "Imodium".
Who in the hell are those gas-house mugs in the background?
From central casting?
That guy Kim is a fucking asshole. The reverend sharpton of the asians.
Here is an interesting question for the group to ponder. Is Kevin Kim on a leave of absence from Ackerman's office or is he still receiving his salary? According to the following, he has not received remuneration since May of this year:
Isn't it interesting that his position is listed as "caseworker" but the campaign material claims that he is "Deputy Director of Community Affairs" so is this another campaign lie exposed? The salary is pretty unimpressive as well. I wonder if there is any under the table money being funneled his way.
He and his wife just had a child and the cost of living in Queens would eat up any savings rather quickly. Perhaps the FEDS should start looking into the money trail created by Kim's election campaign. This would include campaign contributions and any covert money laundering that the national and international contributions suggest. Hey, I'll bet even Schenkler's whores are starting to get nervous. Right, Gary and Nussy? If "Ruffles" had any balls (which we know is not going to happen) then he could have one heck of a story!
From the Stanley Friedman School of Perp-Walking:
"When being led out of a building hand-cuffed, drape your overcoat over your manacled wrists so that the press photographers cannot get a clear view of the cuff's chains. Be sure to smile gallantly and confidently into the cameras' lenses."
LOL, I was waiting for fish lips to reel his ugly head. Maybe Liu can show Kim how to launder contributions discreetly as he did.
LOL, I was waiting for fish lips to reel his ugly head. Maybe Liu can show Kim how to launder contributions discreetly as he did.
Ya want some real racism...ha, ha...well here it is...
take it to the bank!
We've been getting nothing but a golden shower from the yellow peril for years.
The "Golden Venture" the "Golden Mall". Everything's coming up golden.
Stop pissing yellow water on my shoes and tell me that the rain is good for the crops.
I'll share my nabe with anyone but won't tolerate colonization by one culture displacing many.
This isn't about multiculturalism it's about a mono cultural seizure of a district.
Ackerman's "Manchurian candidate" won't do it this time.
Try again in 4 years Dukun!
I love that "Nussie"!
"Ruffles & Nussie"...quite a vaudeville act!
the fact that Avella HAS NOT endorsed Kim speaks volumes!
Kevin would have sucked Tony's dick for hours to get his stamp of approval.
But remember...
Avella is still a pol...not a god.
He can't insult his party by crossing over and supporting Dan.
Tony is covering his bets for the future and not burning his bridges.
Neutral is his best course I suppose.
Caption for John Liu's photo:
"How long do I have to put up with all this shit?
I wa-a-a-a-na be comptroller already"!
"If you want to get a feel for what will happen in Bayside, Whitestone, College Point, Auburndale, etc., then please visit Union Street between 31st Dr. and Northern Boulevard."
Speaking of Union Street, is there any truth to the rumor that the strip of stores where the library, supermarket, and post office are located are going to be torn down for more housing? If so, I feel sorry for the people who live in that neighborhood. Isn't it congested enough already? Where will people park? Where will the kids go to school? How will traffic move through the area? What about the strain on the infrastructure such as the electric grid, sewers, and other important services? Someone's got some explaining to do. This plan sounds like it has Stavisky/Liu crap all over it!
"How long do I have to put up with all this shit?
I wa-a-a-a-na be comptroller already"!
Take it easy, John. The tailor still hasn't finished enlarging your pants pockets.
Speaking of Union Street, is there any truth to the rumor that the strip of stores where the library, supermarket, and post office are located are going to be torn down for more housing?
Gotta ask. Is this Queens or Manhattan?
Sicilian Guy said...
"To add to that...why does Kim have to go to China and Korea for campaign contributions..."Italian Girl"?"
I don't know. Why does he?
Shame on you Lisa...the junior journalist...not a very full or balanced story.
Were you just tired or did your editor cut you up?
It looks a lot like you're still working for the interests of the "Trib" even though you now park your ass at another paper.
Not a very big crowd either...hence the tightly cropped photo to make it appear bigger.
Just the usual Democ-RAT-ic clubhouse go-fers pulled together for a hastily arranged photo op...the kind the always Staviskys loved.
Why is John Liu frowning?
I thought he liked photo sessions.
As far as I know they will not be removing the post office and the library on Union Street.. that strip of stores is there for good as far as I know..
And forget this racist Kim.. he stands no chance.. Halloran all the way!
Queens Crap you guys make me laugh... Before the primary the only thing this website cared about was making sure Paul Vallone wasn't elected because he lived in Astoria and had only voted here a few times. Well now the potential victor of your communities council seat is about to go a man who doesn't give two shits about your community. In fact, hes raised 380,000 bucks from people who you said Paul Vallone was taking money from. And once Kevin Kim gets elected, hes going to let them do anything and everything they wanted in district 19. BUT WAIT, Paul Vallone only Voted in this district since 2004... Well, Kevin Kim has never Voted in this district and has only lived here for 6 months. In reality Paul Vallone was a guy gave two shits about this neighborhood and would do what he could to keep it the way we like it. When Kim wins, enjoy Korea invading your community, enjoy 10 families living in one house and enjoy the over development that will ensue. In the next four years, Kim will have registered so many new Korean Voters that it will be impossible for anyone to run against him.
enjoy District 19, you've brought this upon yourselves.
That's why we need Albert Baldeo in the State Senate.He is not a racist like thu utters.. He will not play the R card.
Ok, so Paul Vallone and Kevin Kim took lots of money from the same people (developers) and somehow Vallone was a good guy and Kevin is shit? Hmmm... How does that work?
The problem is that the white boys split the vote. I personally was pulling for Behar.
Thanks for the props on recognizing that Queens Crap readers are responsible for the outcome of the election. I keep hearing that this is a silly little blog that no one reads that shouldn't be taken seriously.
tonight at the Bayside Hills H.A.,kevin kim dwelled on landmarking and aiding the area in acquiring a zip code ,different from flushing and oakland gardens.
note:bayside was rezoned two years ago???
kim then wasted time explaining why he changed his name from DUKUN. and then insinuating that halloran dropping the "o' " from his name was a sinister act. he insisted that campaign literature, expressing that he was supported financially by over-developers and the real estate industry, were lies.
the chairman,timidly, mumbled "most of your donations are from outside the district" no question? kim gave him a glare ,that seemed to say "who the f--k do you think you are ,making that statement to me? an audience member raised his hand to ask a question,the chairman said kim had to leave ??? the man yelled out "are you running for president or CM ? with money from all of the U.S.A.
the man left, stating "we are being censored" halloran had not arrived yet.
dist.19 must get out and vote. talk to your neighbors.
P.S.....Kim stated that J.Iannece and Behar had endorsed him ????
"In the next four years, Kim will have registered so many new Korean Voters that it will be impossible for anyone to run against him."
haha i love America majority wins (in this case) keep complaining or move, because you're not the majority now
"He said exit polls conducted in recent elections have shown the percentage of registered Korean-American voters who turn out to the polls to be higher than the average of the overall electorate.
He said this year the increased number of voters were likely motivated by three strong candidates vying for the chance to become the first Korean American elected to the City Council: Kevin Kim in District 19 and John Choe and S.J. Jung in District 20."
this isent the north-eastern queens you remembered because the vast majority of people who share your sentiment dont live here anymore.
In reality Paul Vallone was a guy gave two shits about this neighborhood and would do what he could to keep it the way we like it.
yea, just like the rest of the family - they care - on how much they can exploit and strip mine the community. Astoria is not West Queens, but West Virginia.
When Kim wins, enjoy Korea invading your community, enjoy 10 families living in one house and enjoy the over development that will ensue.
and Astoria is not different with Arabs and Mexicans making it Elmhurst West. Come on guys, get real.
Kim is just a privileged over educated spoiled brat who expected to receive the 19th district from boss Ackerman wearing silk gloves.
Sorry we work for what we earn!
Carpetbaggers are not welcome!
Where is Kim qualified?
By working only 3 years in boss Ackerman's "famed" community affairs
I didn't even know that it was famous...did you?
The day to day angst of working in a nitty-gritty city council district office will give Kim callouses on his delicate hands.
Unless he's going to spend most of his time outside of it photo-opping like John Liu.
Stanford and Columbia and fancy law degrees mean little in the trenches!
Without his congressman's backing from "the hill"...Kim is just a pampered political wimp sporting a pedigree.
We need some strong heartily bred mutts in city government!
If Kevin Kim wins, I'm moving. To where I don't know. If he gets in, it's over. It's all over.
Everyone knows that Kim is scared! Our Voters know he is an EMPTY SUIT! MAKE YOUR VOICE COUNT ! VOTE
yea, just like the rest of the family - they care - on how much they can exploit and strip mine the community. Astoria is not West Queens, but West Virginia.
You are so blinded by all the negative shit thrown at Paul. You have never met the guy, you prob dont know anything about him. He has lived in CD19 for 15 years, and i personally guarantee you that this district would not have changed one bit for the worse if Paul Vallone was elected. Paul took minimal money from any type of developers, in fact all those people were friends on the Family.
KEVIN KIM HAS RAISED 423,000 dollars and a majority of that money comes from district 20 developers... Why is everyone so ignorant on this site?? How do you think Kevin Kim is going to repay all these people for donating??? I'm sure it has nothing to do with letting these developers build anything they want.
Not only has Gary Ackerman already established a heavy Asian Vote in CD19 and 20 with that piece of shit Yen S. Chou, but its only going to get stronger in the next four years..
CD19 if you guys let Kim win again with another low turn out... I will never vote again.
Yeah, not voting...that'll teach 'em!
Seriously...the guy was endorsed by and then endorsed Bloomberg. Developers would have had their way.
Why is everyone so ignorant on this site?? How do you think Kevin Kim is going to repay all these people for donating??? I'm sure it has nothing to do with letting these developers build anything they want.
And I am the one that asked the question why his developer donations came from District 20. I'm still waiting for his answer. So take your insults and shove 'em.
Racism!!!! You've got to be kidding me:) I should start crying racism when these lazy useless pieces of crap come to My country and refuse to speak English better yet try some Tsalagi, Apache or Cree!!! They love America, laughable and know when they don't get their way they can cry good ole RACISM, all these newcomers to Flushing have done is help tp DESTROY MY LAND YOUR LAND!! CLOSE THE DAMN BOARDERS ENOUGH IS ENOUGH AND I TELL IT LIKE IT IS, If you don't like it KISS MY RED,WHITE and BLUE AMERICAN ASS!!!!!!!
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