Dear NY Mets, as hard as you wish to be located in "West Flushing", if you are on the west side of the Flushing River and have a 11368 zip code, you're in Corona. Just ask the folks across 126th Street (or the US Postal Service).
Maybe your newsletter,
The Flushing Flash, should be changed to something more geographically correct and also reflect the team's style of play. (Like The Corona Crapsheet.)
Well, can you really blame the Mets on this one? I wouldn't want to be associated with Corona either. Think of how bad that stigma has to be for them to decide that Flushing is the better of two bad choices. I don't mean any disrespect to the few remaining non-tweeded areas of Flushing.
The Mets have good company in Corona including Queens Theatre in the Park, the Hall of Science and the Queens Museum--three cultural venues still affordable to ordinary people, unlike their games.
Additionally, a world-class tennis stadium (you may have heard of it.) is nearby. Flushing has been destroyed even worse than Corona due to the outrageous over-development, lousy planning and skyrocketing population densities that have transformed this area from a bucolic backwater to Chinatown central in my lifetime.
Hmm, let's check out the addresses for the above named cultural institutions:
Queens Theatre in the Park (Corona, w/P.O. Box in Flushing)
Queens Museum of Art (Queens)
NY Hall of Science (Queens)
I guess the last 2 don't want to pick a town.
Flushing has been destroyed even worse than Corona due to the outrageous over-development, lousy planning and skyrocketing population densities that have transformed this area from a bucolic backwater to Chinatown central in my lifetime.
Absolutely correct. But in terms of overdevelopment and overall crapification, Corona is just a few steps behind Frushing, trying its best to catch up/
For postal purposes, isn't it actually correct to use "Flushing"? Most of Queens is broken up into only 3 or 4 different terms for mail purposes.
Nope, some years back that was done away with.
This postal thing drives people crazy. Why is every address in Brooklyn simply "Brooklyn, NY" and every address in Manhatten simply "New York, NY."? Ditto with Staten Island and Bronx, I think. Why aren't we all just "Queens, NY" already? Plus the zip which is the real address anyway.
In case you've been living under a rock the last two decades, the Mets have always referred to Shea Stadium as Flushing. I remember watching games 20 years ago hearing the announcers on Channel 9 say, "From Shea Stadium in Flushing, NY..." Bob Murphy used to introduce the games in the same manner. They've never referred to the area as Corona. This didn't just happen overnight because they built a new stadium. A retraction would be in order here, but I'm not holding my breath on anyone on this website admitting to being wrong.
Corona could have been a quaint community if a population moved in to restore the buildings.
Instead the machine wants votes and the city wants to push out immigrants from Manhattan.
(The odd thing is how the immigrants accept without protest being pushed out of that boro.
You shut down an illegal conversion in Queens in one building and the news is out here.)
What exactly is there to retract? The postal code is for Corona. Just because no one ever called them on it doesn't mean it ceased to be wrong.
"Why aren't we all just "Queens, NY" already?"
Has to do with how each was founded and developed. Queens was a collection of townships. I for one think the zip code designations for individual towns foster a sense of pride.
No "Queens" because 5 separate facilities sorted our mail, rather than 1 main branch post office as in the other boroughs. In fact, historically Queens was the largest borough in terms of size since "Nassau County" was originally the eastern half of Queens. That part of Queens chose not to become part of New York City in the late 19th Century.
Send the Mets to NJ!
The USTA - is opposite Shea and Hall of Science. Corona or Flushing - guess first then go to USTA web site to look it up. I say Flushing only because former (thankfully) Mayor Dinken gave away a bit of Flushing meadows Park to this buisness.
This postal thing drives people crazy. Why is every address in Brooklyn simply "Brooklyn, NY" and every address in Manhatten simply "New York, NY."? Ditto with Staten Island and Bronx, I think. Why aren't we all just "Queens, NY" already? Plus the zip which is the real address anyway.
Actually, we're all NYC, NY.
In reality, you can write whatever town you want on your envelopes, even say, "Metsville, NY" or "Alfonzo City, NY," as long as you have the correct zip code and street address.
Don't believe me, try it with your friends.
Yes we know. But the Mets chose to dis Corona by putting Flushing on the envelope.
Corona was originally called West Flushing.
Yes, but it was part of Newtown and was renamed to give it its own identity.
The problem with the name Corona is subliminal negative connotations:
1. The Corona Dumps as described in the Great Gatsby.
2. The Mexican Beer.
Corona needs a new up-scale name. (Hell's Kitchen became Chelsea. The Lower East Side became the East Village.)
110XX = Floral Park
111XX = Long Island City
114XX = Jamaica
113XX = Flushing
116XX = Rockaway
According to the Post Office, Shea, sorry, CitiField is in Flushing.
How about one of those cutesy combo names like SoHo, TriBeCa, NoHo, DUMBO etc? We can combine Jackson Heights, Elmhurst and Corona to make ElJaCo. Or maybe combine Flushing and Corona to make FluCo.
You have no idea what you are talking about. From usps.com:
CORONA NY 11368-1612
The postal codes were updated in the USPS system to reflect individual communities years ago.
From the time the ZIP code was introduced in the 1960's, up until 1998, the postal zones of Queens were organized into four "cities" according to the database of the United States Postal Service. This grouping tended to minimize the identity of neighborhoods. At the urging of the citizens of Queens and with the support of Congressman Gary Ackerman they were eliminated.
How about FluRona...Co-rushing...CitiRona...WestCrappa
the mets suck they should move to N.J. they didn't make the play offs the last 2 years and wont make them this year
How about one of those cutesy combo names like SoHo, TriBeCa, NoHo, DUMBO etc? We can combine Jackson Heights, Elmhurst and Corona to make ElJaCo. Or maybe combine Flushing and Corona to make FluCo.
ElJaCo now that's a name the Mets can be proud to have a home in!
Crappy hasn't been living under a rock, he's just to pig headed to admit when he is wrong. How can someone disassociate from something they never were associated with to begin with. But you will NEVER see crappy admit he's wrong.
In 1962 when the Stadium was built, the Mets had no problem identifying themselves with Corona. I wonder what happened?
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