Patrick Murray, 34, is a suspected member of a drug trafficking crew that produces hydroponic marijuana in various "grow houses" in Queens and distributes the pot throughout the New York area, according to a complaint unsealed in Brooklyn Federal Court.
Cops received an anonymous tip phoned into the 105th Precinct yesterday that Murray was moving high-powered lights out of a house on 237th St. in Queens Village and loading them onto a U-Haul truck. The special lights are used to grow marijuana indoors, said DEA special agent Diette Ridgeway.
Murray was sitting in the U-Haul truck when cops approached him and asked what he was doing, the complaint states.
The firefighter claimed he was just making a U-turn in the driveway, but cops knocked on the door of the house and a tenant told them Murray had been moving items out of the basement, which reeked of marijuana.
I see a tenant who will be evicted soon. I wonder how many people this "stupid" criminal is paying off?
I'm so glad this born and bred American is part of this country. Yes, he deserves more than a hard-working immigrant since his parents were on this land when he was born. Please.
Who said immigrants don't deserve anything? It's the illegal aliens we can't stand. Learn the difference. Yes, we have enough of our own to fill the jails and don't need imports as well.
You still don't have any good argument for your prejudicial opinions. I would rather have a hard-working undocumented immigrant, who loves America and wants to be here, in my community than a lowlife drug dealer like this guy.
Loves America? If they loved America they would have followed the rules to come here. Once they get here, they continue to break the law. Some jails have more illegals than legal citizens. The ones who stay out of trouble are cashing in and returning home.
As if there are no illegal alien drug dealers and gun runners. LOL LOL LOL!
Followed the rules to come here? You are clueless!! Most all of them did come here according to the rules. They are undocumented because of expired visas or extended stays, neither of which is a criminal violation.
Stop making up facts please.
You're living in fantasy land. The majority of illegals crossed the border down south in the middle of the night, or came here "on vacation" and decided not to leave. If you think people here on "expired visas" are not a problem, then let's remember that's what the 9/11 hijackers were.
I'm so glad this born and bred American is part of this country. Yes, he deserves more than a hard-working immigrant since his parents were on this land when he was born. Please.
Funny how the supporters of illegal aliens accuse us of selectively pick and choosing illegals who kill someone while driving drunk, and say that we're trying to extrapolate "one bad apple" to represent the whole bunch.
But what do the illegal immigrant lackeys do? They selectively choose one hapless white guy busted for growing pot, and try to extrapolate his behavior to all white people.
I have no sympathy for these bums looking to make eazy money with drugs, ponzi scams etc.
When I was young in the 60 and 70's we had no money or cars
Befor school 6AM on garbage collecting day My grandfather and I would head out with wagans to collect scrap metal as well as find radios, TV to drag home to the shanty to fix and sell wile my dad went to college.
Sundays My Uncle and I would to get pretzels from the Starr Pretzel Factory on Starr St. 2 cents each each and sell them on the street 5 for $1.00 or a quarter each.
The Starr Pretzel Factory chained conveyor belts would drop them into wooden buckets of 50 waiting by the entrance to be picked up.
NOTHING like fresh crisply, brittle, hot and perfectly salted pretzels, two cents each.
We would haul around 500 of them up all the way up Dekalb give some to the "corner men" and cops at the 83 pct. It wae then then down Onderdonk to St Matthias church 5 for $1.00
Saturdays in front of McCrory's and WoolWorth's in Ridgewood depending if or not other sellers got there first.
We would sell out all the time.
Now they sell these "Churros" sticks that look like a dog made on the sidewalk
To use a criminal American to justify the presence of illegal immigrants is pathetic. Does a Jeffrey Dahmer conviction justify a dozen illegals to cross the border?
"Sundays My Uncle and I would to get pretzels from the Starr Pretzel Factory on Starr St. 2 cents each each and sell them on the street 5 for $1.00 or a quarter each...
Now they sell these "Churros" sticks that look like a dog made on the sidewalk"
Not sure I get the "moral" of your story, -Joe.
Are we to infer that your childhood practice of jacking up the price of pretzels made by someone else so that you could retail them throughout the neighborhood is somehow more noble and enterprising than the selling of churros*, most likely by the people who made them?
Or, boiled down, the greedy middleman is more valuable and useful in our society than the producer him/herself? What savory American values you uphold!
And how is this germane to the story of a NY fireman busted for pot-growing?
*Actually pretty tasty and like a cinnamon donut. Nothing at all "like a dog made on the sidewalk." But you'd already know that if you ever bothered to try anything outside of your obviously quite narrow "safety zone."
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