From the NY Post:
Crime is poised to climb in New York City for the first time in nearly two decades.
The uptick is all but certain despite 11th-hour scrambling by police to keep their record-smashing crime-fighting streak intact.
That effort included New York Police Department commissioner Ray Kelly considering an unprecedented sit-down with trouble-spot precincts just days before New Year's and demanding updates from across the city as the final week of 2011 unfolded.
In the end, however, Kelly and Mayor Michael Bloomberg pre-empted any countdown drama by proclaiming victory on Wednesday. Crime for the year was down 1.2 percent, the mayor announced -- or would be, if a change in the law in 2011 that made one type of strangulation a felony was factored out.
Still, the mayor's numbers left experts scratching their heads. If the city logged about 1,300 of these new strangulation cases, and the year continued on its pace for at least 1,300 more felonies, the year-end crime total would at best be flat, not down.
Must have forgotten to cook some of the books!!!
It's a numbers game and everyone knows it
Bloomberg is a liar.
Of course crime is up.
We're in the middle of the "Great Recession".
All of Emperor Bloomberg's failed attempts at juggling the crime stats won't work anymore.
We can all see right through you Mike.
Your "financial expertise" didn't do much to bail NYC out of its fiscal woes.
You've just managed to add to them!
No 4th term for this elitist, incompetent, half-pint dictator!
He's already failed miserably during his 1st, 2nd and 3rd terms!
"New Yorkers will just have to muddle through the strangulations." - Mike Bloomberg
Crime is up, but transit is writing summonses and making arrests for people sitting on stairs or with their feet up on the seats. Great prioritizing.
Nobody's writing summonses for the Chinese peasants eating and spilling their food all over the #7 train.
They seem to be able to get away doing whatever they please with immunity.
Never mind that it's against the law to eat food on trains.
Try that on the PATH line and see what happens.
Those cars are spanking clean!
Hell, lets city council vote on bringing another million residents and another 50 million tourists.
They seem to be able to get away doing whatever they please with immunity.
Never mind that it's against the law to eat food on trains.
Try that on the PATH line and see what happens.
Oh, come now. You know the rules. Laws only apply to whites.
Never mind that it's against the law to eat food on trains.
I think the law only applies to open liquid containers on the subway. Not like THAT is ever enforced either.
live in the Bronx where gangs commandeer entire neighborhoods and everyone is in on the crack warehouse concept. including the cops and politicians. thank you Pedro Espada for destroying your community and constituency. Watch as blacks and hispanics succumb to the crack and heroin epidemic and take anyone else along with them. I hope they all drop dead of an overdose.
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