State Controller Thomas DiNapoli has seen enough shenanigans, and now believes that corrupt state officials should lose their pensions.
DiNapoli told the Daily News on Wednesday that he will publicly push for a law that bars pols busted on felony corruption charges from getting their pensions.
DiNapoli said he changed his long-held opposition to such a law after a spate of indictments and convictions - including his predecessor, the disgraced Alan Hevesi - that have tarnished the Capitol in recent years.
"We don't have anything now that's a deterrent," DiNapoli said. "We need to do something to build in some kind of penalty to get people to think twice before they do some of those things."
He's now researching ways to crack down on current lawmakers from collecting pensions if they commit a crime.
At least 21 other states have laws stripping pensions of legislators convicted of felonies related to their official duties.
Gov.-elect Andrew Cuomo supports such a law.
Uh oh!
Hevesi collects THREE pensions!But it's all the cops,firefighters,etc that are the bad guys..........
Corrupt pols should be tossed in the "slammer" to "dine" with their fellow inmates in the "great hall" among the "colorful" general pop!
And it's "on guard" in the shower room and the exercise yard!
Now that's what I call a real deterrent to political corruption!
No more "club fed" for white collar criminals!
such legislation is long overdue
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