State Sen. Eric Adams funneled $30,000 in taxpayer money to a nonprofit he founded, 100 Blacks Who Care, but doesn't know how, or if, the money was spent.
The Brooklyn group, which got $15,000 in 2008, didn't record the money, as required on its federal tax returns, or document any expenses.
"Once the money is turned over to an organization, we, as elected officials, can't get involved in how they use it. I don't know how it's used," Adams told The Post last week.
The Brooklyn Democrat said he couldn't remember, without checking his records, why he gave the organization the "member item" grants in the first place.
Adams approved a $20,000 member item for 100 Blacks in 2007, money that was to go toward equipment, including a slide projector, a laptop case, microphones and computer software, and $600 for staff members who conducted forums, according to state documents.
The state sent only $5,000 to the group, which never submitted an expense report to get the rest of the cash, according to an Education Department spokeswoman.
Adams secured the $10,000 member item the next year.
But, he said, he resigned from the organization before he took office and had nothing to do with its spending.
100...one of the most racist orginizations in the state.notice that he always has some scowling savage behind him,likethe way farakhan used to do.Total oppurtunst scumbag.
EVERY politician on EVERY level of the political spectrum is "skimping off the top". It's simply part of the job now.
why is it that virtually every black "community organization" claims "sloppy bookkeeping" whenever financial shenangans are exposed? And why does this seem to magically exonerate the personalities involved? Are blacks genetically predisposed to practice bad arithmetic and accounting practices? And yes, this guy is one of the biggest racists out there and we can only regret that his kind did not "off this pig" back when he was on the street...
He will blame his Jewish accountant.
Why am I not surprised?
This criminal should take his NYPD issue gun, put a round in the chamber, put it inside his mouth and squeeze the trigger. If he doesn't I hope someone would do it for him.
They're all the same, all of these politicians.
As Bloomberg looks the other way...
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