At least one city street is looking positively spiffy. That's East 79th Street between Fifth and Madison Avenues you're looking at, grayish asphalt positively gleaming (metaphorically speaking) in the afternoon shade.
The block happens to be the home of Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg - those are the bay windows of his doublewide townhouse on the left.
East 79th, it should be noted, is also a thoroughfare for buses, so there's plenty of reasons to keep it extra-clear. - COREY KILGANNON and ANDY NEWMAN
I repost True News From Change -- Bloomberg shielded by Media -- contrasts Lindsay.
I add SAIC Bloomberg cover-up.
There's a rumor out there that there was a job action by the sanitation workers who didn't like the mayor's cutbacks - that they slowed their response time. That wouldn't surprise me at all.
As least I could get over the Kock Bridge! The bigger question is how can I get to it?
How about our Queens politicians? Anyone checked if their blocks are the first in Queens to be plowed?
Ah ...where is the bike lane?!?!
how about the mayors cutbacks slowed response time. Why are the workers always blamed.
the post/lies about the DS union is smoke and mirrors.
blame the Republican mayor who only cares about constituents when we make him look bad.
Bloomberg muscled himself into a third term, made more people homeless than any other mayor then turns around & lies to the public at large about affordable housing and job creation.
If he cared about NY"ers he would eradicate the Dept of Homeless Services and build really affordable housing.
It was plowed because it feeds the 79th St transverse
Side streets feeding transverses on 65-66 and 85-85th were plowed first too. Most of the side streets here in Man. have NOT been touched except by civilians.
The major up and down aves didn't get much 'till last night.
Attention on your streets is being diverted in the news to:
1. airport backups (so the rich can get to Bermuda for New Year's Eve).
2. Times Square (so the rich can get to New York for New Year's Eve).
You in Queens? Well you will just have to struggle to get to your Yorkville food delivery job as best you can.
Whats the big deal? Its a different world in the outer-b's than in the day of Lindsey when it was filled with the middle class
The understanding is that with today's profile of a typical outer-b 'tweed,' where you came from its a world better.
blame the Republican mayor who only cares about constituents when we make him look bad.
backed by the Democratic Machine. He would have accomplished jack shit without their complicity.
You know it as I.
A nice spin. So why is the CP transverse so important.
So the West Side and East Side can get to each other's Holiday Parties?
post your youtube videos here folks!
Notice now how all the Councilmen who supported Bloomy are running as fast as the can to disassociate themselves. Hey guys, the buck stops at City Hall and you're responsible too!
Why are the local politicos not sending their interns out there to find out which streets are blocked and which haven't been plowed? I called Vallone's office and they hadn't heard anything about my block. Sure, they can blame Bloomberg but what are their plans?
That is easy: Blame Bloomberg (hoping that you forget he was their boy - and you will) or the Sanitation Commish.
Maybe they can blame Con Ed.
I just watched the mayor's noon press conference. I think HE's plowed!
Lil Ms Quinnie is awful quiet.
Now Now boys and girls, I just had an Epiphany. Yes, this Holiday season I just had an Epiphany. You see, the Mayor has stated he would be and is the best Mayor this City has ever had. Well I ask all you Queens Folk, as well as all our Outter Borough friends. When One is on their way into Manhattan, what does one say? I am going into the ____. City? Yes , can't you hear it now? How many times have we said we are going into the "City",
So you see if our Mayor is meaning what we say then gosh darnit, is he not the best Mayor the "City" (Manhattan) has ever seen?
You guys don't understand: this mayor is the only person in the world that could lead us through all of these crisis'. Please appreciate him and vote a 4th term. what are we going to do when another disaster like this happens?
Emperor Elf has spoken, all will be well, says he. I believe in Santa too.
NYTimes city room has 36 pages of comments (rants is more like it) about which streets are not plowed. It seems all of Queens and Brooklyn has experienced the same treatment, and it appears there is one guy in the Bronx who has seen the Times website.
The possible reasons why snow plowing is so bad this winter:
1. Budget cut- the city used to hire outside contractors to clean the snow in the previous years.
2. Bloomy is not running reelection again.
Bloomberg blew up himself - he acted like a stupid ass on TV! As if this was the biggest storm south of Alaska ever to hit NYC - What BS is that? This was a relatively tame snow accumulation that we have seen countless of times before. I think he was really in Bermuda and got caught bending over with his pants down and his man-servant delivering bottle service.
DDS - I don't blame them for any job actions they take against Bloomberg - they do a great job year round in my book except the amateurs videoed in Brooklyn repeatedly smacking their truck(s) into a big SUV.
I think the PD was sent out into the wilds of Elmhurst & Middle Village on foot to spy on the DDS. We had the local Police Commander walk up 80th Street to show folks who was in charge. No one cared.
SO: Mayor Bloomburger may run for national office hopefully from Arkansas so that we never need to see him again!
"Time for a revolution...French style...mon ami!
Perhaps set up a few guillotines on the steps of city hall...n'est pas?
Pardonez moi...citoyen Bloomberg...please step into the tumbrel".
Never mind informing security or scoping my e-mail Monsieur Mike...I'm speaking purely satirically, of course.
JO is sadly right.
The future is:
We're doomed.
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