If I have the story right, this house on 58th Avenue in Maspeth was built in the 1800s and once housed the Mount Olivet Cemetery caretaker. It's been abandoned for awhile, with a "for sale" sign on it, and now is probably headed for the crap pile.
It was featured recently on Craigslist with this heading:
How much does it cost?
Since June and Ward Cleaver are currently out of the market,
maybe I can find a rich foreign real estate investor. A house that size could probably warehouse 30 or 40 illegal immigrants men. And that huge lot and with quite a bit of concrete possible 10 cars and vans with street tags. Any takers!
It was listed at $850,000.
Another finely detailed modest gem
soon to be Mc Mansion-ized!
What happened to the sub-prime recession
putting an end to this trend?
How dare that Craigslist poster state "knock down for 2 houses" in their posting! The house has a life of its own after bridging the generations, so how about the poster wearing the home's shoes?
Where are the generations of the family who were born in this home?
Are they in California or as close as Bayside. If the grand children and great grand children of this families heritage had any pride for this home they would still be there. The problem with real estate in Queens is not money, government, politics, race and nationalities, but the loss of anything resembling values. Go home tonight at 6 and have dinner with your family if you have one and then unplug the TV.
sturdy little house, to have stood so long and still look so fine. When the demonic developers try to demolish it they may find their wrecking balls ineffective.
(at least one can hope so)
whatever! the city is going to do what it wants regardless of what you all say in these forums. The machine keeps a rollin! I am just saving my money and selling my house and going some place that doesn't tear this stuff down. I am sorry, I can't live amongst the crap they are building and the BS the city is handing out...
To me this house could be beautiful but instead population and growth take precedence because it keeps bringing in more dollars that keep the human machine rollin along.
don't let anybody push you off "your" land. Stay and fight. A lot us feel as you do and it's only a matter of time before we decide we've had enough crapification and take action.
I'd like to stay and fight for 'my land'... but man they sure don't make it easy! We have a tiny co-op now that's gonna take a while to pay off... my husband and I both have good degrees, what should be good salaries, otherwise little other debt and amazing credit. But still it's such an uphill battle.
Now it seems like by the time we have the money, there won't be a house left to buy. It's just not fair.
good luck to you both. I'm sure things will be looking up soon. Things usually do, eventually, and often when you least exspect it.
Stay and fight is true.
Cowards run off and they should.
I'd rather remain with folks who have heart.
"What happened to the sub-prime recession
putting an end to this trend?"
Surely hasn't ended anything around here.
"Crap" is still going up left & right, don't believe the hype.
Stay and fight is true.
Cowards run off and they should.
I'd rather remain with folks who have heart.
Apparently they haven't built crap around your house yet. When they do and you have classless people living around you and it turns your world into shit I would like to see your response then when the city does nothing for you and you lose thousands of dollars in property value. What do you think the shit that is being built is going to look like and be worth in 10 years!
I don't know about you but I dont' have a pile of cash to chance that.
So, is the house still occupied by the caretaker? I live in a small town in western NY and we are having the same issue. I have to wonder, who is promoting this idea all over NY state? And they wonder why everyone is moving out.
I would like to know more about this house. I tried to find it on the web as a house for sale. has it sold, what is going on. I am deadly curious.
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