From the Times Ledger:
The city Board of Standards and Appeals has approved plans for another spa in College Point, bucking opposition from both Community Board 7 and Borough President Helen Marshall as it granted the wishes of the developers.
The board issued its decision May 15, which gives the green light for owner Kwang Nam Park to build his two-story spa with rooftop pool in place of the warehouses and office space he owns in the College Point Corporate Park.
“We are very pleased with the ruling,” said Park’s son and business partner Irwin. “The first step of the process was to get this approved, and we are glad that we got it.”
Now that the city has given the project the thumbs up, Irwin Park said they will start planning on how and when to begin construction, although he did not have an estimate on when they would break ground yet.
Reform of the BSA can not wait any longer. If the pols were smart they would unite behind reform as it would win them votes
More riff raff for College Point...
It only goes to show you how important CB#7's vote really is.
The BSA just told
those big cohunnas, Chuck and Gene,
to shove it.
Maybe Apelian's company "Prestone" can wangle a printing contract out of Mr. Park as a booby prize.
It's official! College Point is a dumping ground for unwanted development!!!
Ackerman said, "More hand-jobs for me!"
You can see the Spa Castle facility on an episode of HBO's Bored to Death. It is by no means a yanky cranky joint. I doubt this one will be either. A rub and tug spa will just open in a storefront, not go through hoops to build a giant facility. Why are people so against a legitimate spa that is not even near a residential area?
is this the Spa that is owned by the Korean "HOOKER HOTEL"group, that Sen. "YOU KNOW WHO " supports.
Why are people so against a legitimate spa that is not even near a residential area?
How come those Spa Castle vans
don't have commercial license plates?
Uh...because the College Point Corporate Park was set up for industry, manufacturing and commercial enterprises...
That's what it's zoned for.
And that Korean "Church" is occupying their spot there behind DMV, ILLEGALLY !
But who gives a shit...especially at CB#7...enough to demand their eviction?
After all,
we don't want to offend any Asians who've been pouring overseas money into various U.S. political campaigns for decades!
Flushing for sale!
College Point for sale!
Queens for sale!
New York City for sale!
America for sale!
Why are people so against a legitimate spa that is not even near a residential area?
The owner of this spa is also the owner of the infamous Kew Graden motel which was shut down for promoting prostitute not too long ago.
The Kew Garden motel...
isn't that where Donald Manes
spent a lot of his time?
Reality bites.
College Point has become a dumping ground for unwanted facilities of every type.
It's close to La Guardia airport
so, hotels and spas will continue to proliferate there.
And it's well known that Asian men love to tryst and gamble.
Hotels and spas fulfill their needs.
Nobody will stop them because
"The Point" is a throwaway nabe.
In this way, northeast Flushing, Auburndale and Bayside can remain the clean, desirable residential neighborhoods that they've always been over the years.
the manes /.dinkins dems. hide-a-way was the restaurant/pub at the boat docks on the north side of the G.C.P./Former Shea Stadium.
it is reported that manes was there when he was informed that the F.B.I. knew, and he cut his legs. he was found on the G.C.P.bleeding in his car.
Maybe Manes backed off
on the price he agreed to pay his whore (or hustler), so she (he) cut up Donald real good.
And I still don't buy Manes' suicide.
that is the spin that the queens boulevard gang tried to get the "people" to believe. no evidence was produced that a hooker was in his car.
read : jimmy breslin, L.I.Press
read"City for Sale" wayne barret , a chapter on the Queens boro Pres. D.Manes and his gang.
he was a "straw "owner of ( paper company) B/Q Cable stock with D.Dinkins and Percy Sutton. it was later bought by Warner/American Cable , now Time.Warner Cable.
they ALMOST took the P.S.130 Q building and school yard/playground/park (25000 sq'ft . of off limits property)in 1981-86.
see Terrence Moan,Div.of Real Property Comm. : "Koch commissioner resigns under D.O.I. Probe"
1987, NY Times.
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