At least $90,000 raised by the nonprofit conservancy that supports Flushing Meadows Corona Park has been misspent, officials confirmed to The Post.
The situation is now the subject of three separate investigations, and has already forced the longtime administrator of the massive city park — who also ran the conservancy Unisphere Inc. — to resign both her positions.
Officials pointed fingers at Estelle Cooper, the 82-year-old Republican leader and one-time candidate for Queens borough president who spent 17 years running Flushing Meadows. She earned $101,500 from the city.
Cooper first came under scrutiny from Unisphere’s board last summer, when questions were raised about a rental arrangement she had worked out between the Parks Department and a camp operated at the park by Cooper’s daughter.
Then, when the conservancy tried to reconcile the year-end books, board members learned that thousands of dollars had been taken out of the group’s coffers without approval, they told The Post.
“Debits were being made multiple times, and being made on the same day, many of them in Atlantic City,” said Mark Scheinberg, who recently quit the board.
“I was very shocked to see what happened,” said Queens Republican boss Phil Ragusa, who does Unisphere’s accounting.
Ragusa insisted he had no clue that money was being withdrawn without approval until last fall, when he alerted board members.
Phil Ragusa did the accounting for Estelle Cooper????
Flushing landmark/historical representation?
Who gives a shit, lets steal the money intended for it.
These people will never know.
So, this womean "served" for 17 years. How much of that time was this perfidy and embezzlement going on?
Republicans are just a tiny percentage of Queens (and City) officials, yet at a per-capita they comprise a much greater number of crooks than even the Dems.
-That is without counting all the skulduggery they engage-in with leeches like landlords and vendors to cut our throats...Stuff we never, or only belatedly hear/read about.
Oh and old Soupstrainer Ragusa's excuse here -HA!
Make that man a detective in one of those towelhead hotsheets motels.
The entire Queens Parks Dept must be investigated! Estelle, as stupid as she is was not alone.
She was paid 6 figures???? !!!!!! To do what???!!!
Queens electorate has such low standards and are so frightened of their shadow that you get people like this.
For exmaple, how about Vallone's $3MM for an outdoor stage 40 feet from an active swimming pool that serves a theater workshop?
Not a peep from the community.
Even the park advocates are too frightened to say anything.
Inquiring minds want to know. Stay tuned!!!
She should be forced to pay all the money back with interest and be subject to a year in jail. Once she's out, she should "serve" the public by cleaning up dog doo in the park on a daily basis.
Is it any wonder that with Queens Republican leaders like this, people like Congressman Bob Turner want nothing to do with them and the Democrats are bold enough to put candidates with non-existent resumes up for office.
Only $80,000 this time ?
Some years ago this same women raised over $450,000 for the NYC Pavilion. The fundraiser was held at Terrice on The Park.
To this day nobody will "open the books" and show where all that money went.
The "crooks that be" wont even release $$ for paint & brushes so volunteer experts on restoration can spiff the Pavilion up.
Its criminal !
I think all these crooks paid themselves and "special friends" top dollar for bullshit made up services and dinners !!!
"Hey Estelle, where did the dough go?"
From the looks, she ate it.
You will never find an honest politician. It's the nature of the beast. Best we can hope for is one who will do something for the city and its people while filling his own pockets.
It's was rumored that Estelle was suffering from a form of dementia for nealy 8 years, but the city still kept her on the payroll. She could not function in her position all those years and neede othe staff to speak for her and even help her walk. This city sucks!
You guys keep complaining about Ragusa but if you don't get active soon the things lurking in the background will devour everything that is left. Be careful!
If you could take money out of the political equation, you would have civil servants. There is so much that needs to be improved in this city. Good people could solve these problems if they really wanted to. However, nothing gets done unless money changes hands. Things have to get really bad for the tide to turn. Politics is truly a dirty business and you have to pay to play.
How much is it costing us to maintain the park space memorial to her husband? Eddies garden near the Unisphere....
"city still kept her on the payroll"
Its a Jewish thing, these people take care of themselves and build walls of silence and protection like the old Irish cops.
Another good reason "the people" need to bust this Bloomberg mob up.
These type of politicians are elitists of the worst kind who believe the world is meant to revolve around themselves.
You will NEVER see a DA, Judge, Mayor, administrative personnel , newspaper editor, TV news producer badmouth or fire one of their own.
I worked in both TV and music, I saw this first hand. Its not a stereotype and I am not racist. These "club house people" are like used diapers. You can leave them around to long or they WILL start to fester into one big lump.
Estelle Coopers been protected far to long, ask any employees working at Flushing Meadow park to write in anonymously.
There must loads of riff-raff with millions of taxpayer & donated dollars missing people are afraid to come forward to blow the whistle on.
Rudy Giuliani is Jewish? He appointed Cooper.
You're not a racist, Joe. You hate everyone.
Giuliani became a Jew around the time or just before he ditched his wife and shacked up with Judith Nathan.
He still dodges the question today.
I kinda had a feeling there was some dementia going on ... were there people close to her taking advantage of her and having her sign things that she didn't understand once they figured out she had the combination to this bit of cash ...
Anon No. 20:
I don't think Judith Nathan is Jewish, despite the last name.
All I'm going to say is vote them all out and start fresh. Not along party lines! WRITE THE CANDIDATES IN! Even if they are on a party ticket, WRITE THEM IN!
I know who I'm writing in, do you?
Hey Estelle I thought you were going to take out the Parkside Group with your degenerate son ? Didn't work out, huh ? Seems like you pissed off the wrong people.
"Giuliani became a Jew around the time or just before he ditched his wife and shacked up with Judith Nathan.'
Giuliani moved-in with a gay used car dealer after dumping his wife....Does that make him gay too?
Interesting how NYC Parks Commissioner Benepe is suddenly stepping down. Wonder why???
I'm sure some of it went to restaurants........
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