From the Times Ledger:
The Mormon church and opponents of a chapel it wants to build in Flushing headed back to the city Board of Standards and Appeals Tuesday to give more testimony for the agency to digest before considering newly tweaked plans.
The church has again altered architectural plans for its chapel, this time getting the number of exceptions to the zoning laws it is seeking down to one — which remains the main source of contention with the community surrounding the plot at 145-13 33rd Ave.
The proposed church would have 75 percent more floor space than would normally be allowed by law, according to civic leaders and lawmakers opposed to the project.
Paul Graziano, a zoning expert from the neighborhood, civics and representatives of lawmakers, including state Assemblyman Rory Lancman (D-Fresh Meadows) and state Sen. Tony Avella (D-Bayside), testified at the hearing in Manhattan. Many of the opponents said granting the church the variance for floor area would fly in the face of the 2009 North Flushing Rezoning, which sought to keep the residential character of the neighborhood.
But members of the church argued that the opponents were misinterpreting the zoning laws and that the proposed floor area meets requirements. Representatives from the church further contended that the current proposal would look nearly the same as a building they could build within the zoning laws.
“The church could essentially build an identical building as-of-right — with no visible differences from the outside — if it were to omit the second story inside,” said lawyer Daniel Braff in written testimony to the BSA.
But Graziano said the revised building would still be more than one story taller than the as-of-right version.
Mormon Church Refuses to Go Down In Flushing!
One more church
built along or near Parsons B'lvd.
("church row") what difference does it really make?
That whole neighborhood is in decline.
Those who still insist
that it's a suburban area are living in a dream world.
The BSA will give
the Mormons what they want.
A few politicians
holding press conferences won't be able to stop them.
Residents will just have to learn to live with that, or else put their houses on the market.
A real estate expert would advise a home buyer seeking quality of life to avoid this neighborhood.
Never mind
what other "experts" are thinking.
Sounds like religious bigotry more than it does trying to maintain the character of a neighborhood that CB7 sold out years ago.
These churches are scams not to pay taxes.
In Bushwick on Wilson & Jefferson you have that St.Leonards sanctuary project housing 2000 illegal aliens and sec 8s.
At night many of these parasites pilfer the neighborhood, rape then come home and make more babies.
The Mormans will do the same shit. Bible packers are worse then the mayor when it comes to giving illegal aliens handouts.
Same shit from different assholes!
Keep fighting Paul.
"Keep fighting"?
Please tell us, for what?
This nabe started going sour
over 20 years ago.
We got the message early and got out
before the economy collapsed.
This is a time for flight,
not fight.
Now, try to get what you can
for your "mansion".
Conditions will only get worse.
This is no longer a desirable residential neighborhood.
It is certainly not suburban.
You're in denial if you think it is.
The remaining homes still have value
as tear-downs.
That's the sad truth.
The real character
of the neighborhood is...
that it is...what it has become.
Look around and walk your borders.
How many houses of worship (and other community facilities) can you count on 2 hands and then need a 3rd
(or 4th)to finish the total?
"Sounds like religious bigotry more than it does trying to maintain the character of a neighborhood that CB7 sold out years ago."
You're not a Mormon----You're a moron!!!
Oh, that nabe
has plenty of "character".
It's becoming a dumping ground
for community facilities of all kinds.
So, who are the morons
that still think it has
a bucolic future?
This area's going to be
absorbed by the the downtown hub
The current zoning code
CAN be amended.
It isn't boilerplate, forever.
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