Legislation is being introduced in the state Senate that would bar welfare recipients from using their public-assistance money to buy booze or cigarettes or spend money on lottery tickets or in casinos, The Post has learned.
The proposed law also would impose a ban on welfare spending on adult-oriented entertainment, such as strip clubs.
“Public assistance is designed to help needy families provide for their children until they can transition back to the workforce and become self-sufficient,” said state Sen. Thomas Libous (R-Binghamton), the deputy majority leader and bill sponsor.
“This common-sense legislation would protect hardworking taxpayers from abuse while ensuring that individuals receiving welfare benefits continue to get the temporary assistance they need and deserve,” he said.
Recipients who violate the ban would lose benefits for one month for a first-time offense and three months for a second. A third strike would permanently boot the offender from the program.
Welfare recipients receive both food stamps and cash assistance for other needs — to help defray the cost of housing, utility expenses and clothing — under the Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) program.
A family of four could receive a maximum $668 in monthly food-stamp benefits plus $433 in cash- assistance benefits.
People who qualify for welfare receive an “electronic benefit transfer” debit card to access their cash assistance.
Currently, recipients can use the card to buy cigarettes and booze or spend an afternoon at the racetrack or strip club.
The Libous measure would specifically bar recipients from using their EBT cards to make withdrawals from ATMs in liquor stores, betting parlors and sex clubs.
"Recipients who violate the ban would lose benefits for one month for a first-time offense and three months for a second. A third strike would permanently boot the offender from the program."
Would this be retroactive and include those who have already violated the welfare program and been caught doing it?
Haven't they tried this about fifty times over the last 10-20 years already???
Bout time! Long overdue.
I disagree. Money is money and if you decide to redistribute it from taxpayers to the deserving poor non-taxpayers, give them the dignity to make their own choices.
I'm tired of adults of any economic class being treated as infants incapable of making their own judgments on where to spend money.
Soooo they can go to the ATM next to the liquor store and that's okay?
this is CRAP. people are forced onto welfare when places that employed them, like hospitals close. when the Unemployment runs out, they have no choice but to go on Welfare.
this is just to make poor people look bad.
"this is CRAP. people are forced onto welfare when places that employed them, like hospitals close. when the Unemployment runs out, they have no choice but to go on Welfare."
Bullshit. most people on welfare were never employed and / or are unemployable, due to lifestyle choices. Don't confuse unemployment with welfare. one is insurance, the other is a handout.
this is just to make poor people look bad.
They don't need the government's help in making them look bad, they're doing a fine job themselves!
You need to be drug tested for many jobs,but not welfare/food stamps?????????
the ny post article also states that if ny state does not pass a law to restrict this abuse of welfare benefits, the new federal law in 2014 will impose a 5% reduction from nys welfare funding.
this calculates to about $120 MILLION a year.
other states have acted already
now will the nys dem/progressives vote the right way ?
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