Matthew and Jean Gershon had complained their windows were rendered useless when the family next door erected a 60-foot-high cinder-block wall inches from their Bay Ridge home in April.
"We used to have beautiful sunlight coming through our windows, but this guy cemented our windows shut," Matthew Gershon said. "The wall needs to come down."
The Department of Buildings agreed. The agency issued two violations against next-door neighbors Robert and Cheryl Cunningham, who own 123 87th St., after inspectors ruled the wall did not comply with zoning regulations.
Sources said the Cunninghams have until July 2 to take down the wall or they could face criminal charges.
Brooklyn wall must come down
The people who bilt this wall sound deranged.
The only mistake was it was not built in Queens.
Then it would be 'as of right.'
It restores a bit of faith in the DOB although I agree with the comment that if it was in Queens it would be "as of right".
Queens might begin to realize that we lost out big time when Magdi Mossad was sent to Brooklyn!
I don't agree. Magdi Mossad stated over and over again that Tommy Huang's project on 223rd Street was audited and reaudited and legal. No way.
Since when is sunshine a right? If the wall is built on one's property who is harmed?? - AB
Reminds me of this California lottery ad, where a couple wins the lottery, purchases the neighboring crap building, and tear it down, restoring their window's view.
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