Ex-NYPD Officer Dennis Kim and his partner admitted accepting cash and sexual favors from a pimp in return for protecting a brothel in Flushing.
Now, the churchgoing Kim could face significantly more jail time because of claims from an informant that he and other cops in the 109th Precinct planted drugs on suspects and stole cash during gambling raids.
Claims of corruption at Queens precinct put crooked cop's sentencing on hold
I telling you , to hear this kind of news in print,taken from the hourses lips, is really schoking..Ps I live downtown flushing not 2 blocks from the 109 itself and always keep my nose open..
Corruption at the 109th? Say it ain't so!
Is this the same Officer Kim that used to walk with the North Flushing group to get the prostitutes out of the neighborhood? Maybe he was recruiting them. Whatta disgrace!!
Gee imagine that! Prosititues protected in John Liu's district?
As if that should come as a surprise to anyone.
John Liu a good man, he Chinese. This cop is Kim, Korean. Korean no good always causing trouble. No good.
I was unaware of any Korean murdering 80 million of his own people (MAO) without a peep of complaint, even after the victims got to live in the US.
Could you kindly explain that?
"Forget it Jake, it's Chinatown".
From Roman Polanski's movie of that same name.
Maybe F-Liu-xhing's wonder boy C.M. Liu has something to say about the vibrant, multicultural diversity that has transformed Flushing from it so called formerly "blighted" state!
It's really a mono-cultural sewer
deserving of its name Flushing.
Does Debbie Markel, the 109th's official "groupie" have anything to say about all this ?
Debbie does who ?
Maybe our "Wedding Banquet" boy
C.M. Liu let the whore houses do business so it would make him look more macho. (Don't let his "beard" (wife) and son fool you).
Time to step out of the "closet".
Is this Ming Tsai of 'East Meets West" on the food network?
to posta above nigga
that school shooter kid was korean. that kid had f'ing issues. with that in mind it ain't a surprise at all.
haha this wimp bagged me for a joint that he had in his squad car along with that fat slob jerry svaranos..im glad there gonna be getting it in the brown once they go upstate...best of wishes u dirty pigs from ya boys in flushtown...ur boy wit the tatoos in ya unit is dirty as they come aswell...internal affairs please look into the 109th pct conditions unit before more inocent kids gotta rott in central bookings cause they gotta make there quota!!
Planting drugs is like a "key to the kingdom" of dirty cops.
Cops who are caught planting drugs ought to receive the penalty attached to the amount in their possession, and be permanently banned from law enforcement.
The same penalty ought to go for cops who confiscate money and drugs without doing paperwork.
Thank you.
~ Officer Kobzey
Yea that little squad of 6 (Dennis Kim and Jerry included) are a bunch of corrupt SOBs. The guy with the tattoos was probably in on it but didnt get his hands dirty because he knew something like this would happen. I know countless people who tell me stories about this tattoo guy he harras the ish out of people and loves to arrest the youth of Frushang.
Cops at the 109th precinct DIRTY? NO!!! Come on open your damn eyes people we all know the 109th is DIRTY!!!! WHERE ARE THE FEDS??? We need help out here!!!! 109th cops seem to forget that THEY ARE PUBLIC SERVANTS, YA WORK FOR THE PEOPLE IDIOT A**HOLES !!!!!
who cares if he was Chinese or Korean. he did something wrong and he gets busted for it.. for all you ignorant idiots commenting on this issue, grow up...
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