I noticed something a little different when I went to the State Senate's page and looked up one of our local senators. There's now a link "En Espanol" at the top of
his bio page. Click it and it jumps to the bottom of the page where you can read his bio in Spanish. I browsed around and found this was only on Senate Democrats' pages, and not on the pages of Republicans or any members of the Assembly. This brings to mind a few questions.
1) Why is only the bio page translated?
2) Why is Spanish the only foreign language available?
3) Why is the translation only on the Democrats' pages?
4) How much did this cost the taxpayers?
5) Will sessions also be translated into Spanish from now on?
In answer to question no. five: Will Senate sessions be in Spanish? Not right now, but if you live long enough, you'll see it happen. Vaya con Dios.
como se dice en espanol "who gives a shit,who gives a fuck"
Who gives a shit? Well as a taxpayer, I care.
Support "English is the official language of the United States" laws.
How much did it cost tax payers? You must be crazy. Someone in his office did it for no cost. Any responsible politician hires bilingual people for this purpose. This blog sucks nowadays.
Hasta la veeeeesta, babeeee. Hahr-hahr-hahr.
"Someone in his office did it for no cost."
Someone in every Democratic Senate office did it for no cost? If they are doing it on taxpayer time, it's costing us, moron. Along with the time it took to post it online, which likely was not done by the same person. Why are we wasting taxpayer time and money posting it in only one language? This is discriminatory.
United States Business is conducted in English, as it should be. We live in America, not a foreign country. We are in a recession and our city and state are broke. Why would money be spent foolishly on this nonsense? If the bios have to be translated, which they don't, they should be translated in all languages. Spanish isn't the only language spoken in New York. Politicians should pay out of pocket for this translaltion. There is no need for this. English should be the only language spoken here. If people can't bother to learn it, they should go back to their mother country.
1) Why is only the bio page translated?
Because the target demographic - Spanish speakers - have about zero interest in any of the issues. They only care about fluffy things like a candidate's personality.
Actually, that pretty much describes most of the English speaking voters as well!
2) Why is Spanish the only foreign language available?
As George Orwell said in Animal Farm: "All animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others.
3) Why is the translation only on the Democrats' pages?
Because the Dems are able to more effectively pander to non-white voters. It doesn't matter what the Republicans do or say, they will never overcome the negative perception that Tweeders have of them.
If the choice is between:
a.) Government hand outs to the Tweeded class, but a humongous budget deficit.
b.) A sane, rational government that limits taxes, stays out of citizens' lives, doesn't borrow money that it doesn't have - à la Ron Paul.
Which one do you think the Tweeders will choose?
4) How much did this cost the taxpayers?
Cost? Why should we care about cost?
That's like questioning diversity and multiculturalism!
How dare you try and put a price tag on vibrancy and diversity!!!
5) Will sessions also be translated into Spanish from now on?
I take it you were merely asking this question rhetorically, I think you already know the answer!
This is discrimination. There are other languages besides Spanish. Very unfair to other nationalities. Lots of spanish people speak the language, but can't read it. A total waste of taxpayer money. Where is the ACLU? All government documents should be in English only!
A good book that many commenting on this thread should read is "The Clansman" and if you dont have the time watch the movie "The Birth of a Nation." Its describing the Progressive Clan or KKK as beign a positive thing for the country in the sense that they can help protect this country from being overrun by African Americans... interesting read...
Now while I do admit that there are a good number of minorities that wont vote based on qualifications but on other reasons, that is not the majority and two things you must understand when seeing this...
For those who were born here and are ignorant to the process of learning a new language and assimilating... surprisingly its not as simple as it sounds.
i.e.- try going to Guatemala and learn the language and assimilate to the culture as fast as you want the Hispanics in this country to do so...
2nd Hispanics account for the highest minority group in the United States surpassing African Americans as of a couple of years back and that number is rapidly increasing. granted, there are other cultures in this melting pot which no one should take for granted but as for right now having the biography in spanish is just a way of giving recognition to the large population of hispanics that reside in this country.
Lets leave white supremacy and prejudice out of this and try to see this as it is without putting a meaning to everything...
That's funny, I thought electeds were supposed to represent all of their constituency, not just the ones with the largest numbers.
And not every Dem has a large percentage of Hispanics in their district. For some it might be Caribbean, Chinese, Russian, etc.
Look at the inannity of Malcolm Smith. Lionized for his leadership in the Queens African-American community yet pandering to the Spanish-speaking whose numbers, as the above commentator correctly noted, outweigh those of his own kind.
A good book that many commenting on this thread should read is "The Clansman"
Godwin's Law Alert!!!
Better yet, why don't you read: Culture Matters: How Values Shape Human Progress by Lawrence E. Harrison and Samuel P. Huntington, and report back to us on your findings.
i.e.- try going to Guatemala and learn the language and assimilate to the culture as fast as you want the Hispanics in this country to do so...
Maybe you should use your brain for once in your life, and ask yourself:
Why is the human traffic flowing in one direction?
Why are the Guatemalans beating a path to the United States?
Why are there a couple million Guatemalans in the United States, and maybe a couple thousand Americans living in Guatemala?
Think about it.
for right now having the biography in spanish is just a way of giving recognition to the large population of hispanics that reside in this country.
Are you familiar with the history of the secessionist movement in Quebec?
Look up "Partition of Belgium" in Wikipedia.
Does "Czechoslovakia" sound familiar?
Does "Yugoslavia" ring a bell?
Have you ever heard of ETA? No, it doesn't only stand for "estimated time of arrival", it's an acronym for this:
Euskadi Ta Askatasuna
Do some research on this group, and then get back to us with your findings.
Government is meant to represent ALL the people --not just Spanish people. The reason they are becoming the majority is because nothing is being done about ILLEGAL immigration. Slavery is alive and well in the 21st century. It's all about cheap labor and the illegals are being taken advantage of. Democrats are only in power to further their own personal agendas. They want to make lots of money and they always want to be in government. It's called job security. They don't care about the legal people who are here and are paying the majority of the taxes. It's called Dumb and Tweeded.
I was the poster who posted about the book and movie some should read...
Dont get me wrong I am not condoning the fact that he solely has his biography translated in spanish. What i am saying is that maybe he is taking account for the fact that Hispanics account for the majority in this country and especially in NY and this is not really that big an issue like some make it out to be.
To the poster who tried to be condescending and ask me about how many Guatemalans are in US and how many Americans are in guatemala you failed to answer the questions... (just like politicians do). And you also completely missed the point.
My thing is here you have people saying "man why cant these spics come and learn english and assimilate to our culture why do they have to keep speaking their native language and thats what i have a problem with..."
How many Americans that do go to those countries assimilate with the country and adopt their lifestyle... so basically what you're saying indirectly is that because we are so fantastic others need to assimilate to our culture when they come but we shouldnt feel any pressure or right to do the same in another country... thank you white supremist...
Look I am not some tree-hugging, equal rights, let gays and lesbians run rampid liberal... all im saying to some of those on this thread is that moving to another country and leaving everything you have known is not as easy as you make it seem and if there are some accomodations along the way for not just hispanics but all those coming from other countries then i see nothing wrong with that. I think this politician simply understood that in NY Hispanics by far outweigh any other minority group and seeing as how it takes time to translate his bio in every single language he simply used the one that is most popular in this city.
Otra vez...que?
Otra vez...que?
No, you don't seem to get it. It's not "this politician". It's ALL the Dems in the Senate. All of them translated their bios into ONLY Spanish.
Yeah, there's something wrong with that. First, as I said, the primary foreign language in all their districts will not always be Spanish. Second, if you are going to translate it into Spanish, then go the nine yards and do it for everyone off the boat.
And English is not only the language in which most business transactions are conducted in the USA, but worldwide. Go to any country and you'll find people that speak English better than a lot of the people here. It's taught in schools there so the kids can get ahead in business and also to make money off tourism. Teaching your kid Spanish might help them get a job in a NYC or LA hospital, but won't help them at an international business conference.
The difference is that most of the immigrants from down south don't even have an education in their own language, so forget about English. Many of them never made it past 3rd or 4th grade because they had to quit school to help mom and dad scrape up a living. It's a totally different set of circumstances than the previous waves of immigrants. They are not educated and therefore cannot learn another language. Many don't even have basic reading or math skills.
Many of them never made it past 3rd or 4th grade because they had to quit school to help mom and dad scrape up a living.
Seems like the story of most groups - yet they still seem to be able to grasp education unlike the southern migrants.
The reason the southern migrants never made the transition?
They are still living on the plantation expecting all their basic needs given to them.
Its time we move from Uncle Toms Cabin and take a true look at how things really were in the south.
Crappy is sooooo educational!
To throw these bums out of office in Spanish, "pulse la oprima dos."
"Now, cut that out!"
Why is Spanish privileged over Chinese, Korean, Hindi, and all the other non-English languages spoken in Queens?
"In the first place, we should insist that if the immigrant who comes here in good faith becomes an American and assimilates himself to us, he shall be treated on an exact equality with everyone else, for it is an outrage to discriminate against any such man because of creed, or birthplace, or origin. But this is predicated upon the person's becoming in every facet an American, and nothing but an American...There can be no divided allegiance here. Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn't an American at all. We have room for but one flag, the American flag... We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language... and we have room for but one sole loyalty and that is a loyalty to the American people."
Theodore Roosevelt 1907
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