Scobee Diner, a Little Neck landmark for more than 40 years, will close its doors at the end of the month.
According to Armando Morales, manager of Scobee Diner for 22 years, the diner's owners chose not to renew their lease.
"It's a sad thought to drive by here and see the lights off," Morales said.
The owners decided to close after receiving notice that their landlord had doubled their rent, a source with knowledge of the negotiations said.
Though closings of restaurants and small shops have been commonplace in the midst of a prolonged economic downturn, many longtime Little Neck residents were still stunned by news of Scobee's closure.
The 24-hour diner will turn its lights off and close its doors on Nov. 28, Morales said.
R. I. P.
Terrible news. The Asians have been buying up buildings and doubling, tripling the rents for years in Little Neck.
They hate Americans and want everybody out.
People are gonna miss that diner and that iconic neon. It was the last in English on that strip
Its sad but think about it.
They needed to employe over 50 people to make the hours. The rent, taxes and Obamacare bill would have killed them.
Just chatted with somebody who works there on Skype.
The original landlord died and his kids want to cash out.
The Scobee owners were basically held over a barrel at gunpoint to buy the building but the Landlords price tag was over 1.5 million $$ to high. The scumbag landlord got pissed the tripled the rent, Its just not worth it.
Why should these people bust their ass harder to work for Obama and his slime balls in Washington wile making some rich kid blueblood brats richer.
Let the dirtballs that that voted for Obama and his 200 million vacation's in Africa bust their ass.
These people had no choice and did the logical thing as sad as it is INHO
Rest In Peace Scobee !
"Why should these people bust their ass harder to work for Obama and his slime balls in Washington wile making some rich kid blueblood brats richer."
UGH! What the hell planet are you on.
landlords and their REPUBLICAN buttboys in Albany have stymied any attempt at commercial rent regulation for DECADES. -Any- business that doesn't own it's building lives in terror of lease expiration.
These parasites are the prime reason why the cost of living is so high here.
Really man, get a grip on reality. You might not like what you'll find, but you won't appear as sick as you do now.
We have REPUBLICAN representation in Albany ? WHAT ARE YOU KIDDING ?
This states practically California !
The only real Republicans I know are in Southold.
The owners of the Scobee are Greeks BTW.
This is the "market". If you don't want to pay for it, then you leave. If you can't afford it then you leave. I'm sure that the operators of the diner decided to close for a financial reason.
The above people are probably all Republicans who will all go on with their lives.
On the other hand, all the people who lost their jobs are probably Democrats (poor working people).
And they are the ones who ususally get screwed. Not because they are Democrats but because they are poor i.e. making less than $250,000a year.
One last note, I think we get screwed by all the politicians regardless of their affiliations.
"landlords and their REPUBLICAN buttboys in Albany have stymied any attempt at commercial rent regulation for DECADES"
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Well, the DEMOCRATS had control of both houses in Albany for the past 2 years, and they did not do anything about commercial rent regulation.
Also, for years, they clamored about doing away with vacancy decontrol for rent-regualted apts, if only they controled the Senate.
They did not do anything about that, either.
This tells me that both sitting DEMs and REPs are in the pocket of developers.
We need to clean house by term limits.
I haven't been there in a while, but my son's first birthday party was there!! The Scobee Diner will be in our hearts and minds, and we'll miss the many diner meals, lunch, breakfast, and dinner, we've had there. RIP Scobee Diner!!
charlie don't surf and charlie don't eat in diners...
Oh good. It can become an all you can eat sushi joint just like the Seville down the hill in Douglaston.
Let the commercial real estate marketplace work. If the landlord can't find a new tenant at the rent he wants to charge the current tenant, he's going to lose money.
in the words of the great dr. zachary smith from lost in space...queens is as doomed as doomed can be.
Next time you post something so stupid and incorrect, please do so as "anonymous." You're making all the joe's in the world seem like idiots.
You guys just don't have any Seoul!! I guess I'll have to go to the Seven Seas or my local neighborhood place.
Little by little, Little Neck is slipping away.
"Little Neck landmark for more than 40 years"
Have to admit that renting for 40 years is not a wise business choice. Somewhere during that time they should have bought the property.
"landlords and their REPUBLICAN buttboys in Albany have stymied any attempt at commercial rent regulation for DECADES. -Any- business that doesn't own it's building lives in terror of lease expiration."
COMMERICIAL rent regulation? At the FEDERAL level? You really are a communist.
Obama is HOSTILE to private buisness.
If I employ over 14 people why must I foot a $800 a head (each) Obamacare tax at gunpoint or hire illegals of the books ?
Mean-wile McDonalds, Wendys and Burger King down the street got a free pass from Obama and his Dems in Washington and is exempt ?
Obama punishes mom and pop buisness, many are gonna go down if and when that bill starts to kick in. Add more sucking when Cuomo II takes office.
""Have to admit that renting for 40 years is not a wise business choice""
...Greeks are cheap unless it comes to building their own house (then they build like the Bukkarians) . The old landlord (the old man RIP) was cool. Its his estate that are being the assholes.
They (like most American young today) don't want to work and retire for life on inheritance, collecting high rents or sell the property (cash) to a commercial crap builder from Flushing.
The Asians backed by the Rev.Moon organization are buying up everything (cash) Bayside to Little Neck.
At night around 10-11PM you see dozens of women walking those little white dogs 2-3 at at time.
First the food sucked. Also the owners want out. They made they're cash and are now headed south. End of story .
How the hell did this degenerate into a political discussion? Listen, the democrats suck at certain things, the republicans suck at others, and both of them suck at most of what they are supposed to be doing. Enough with the childish, "my political party is better than your political party." Greed is killing the Scobee, pure and simple.
dumb ass land lords ,
some rich kid blueblood brats richer.
your right , let them move out let the kids pay for it and i bet they cant even pay the taxes on it ,
-Joe said...
Obama is HOSTILE to private buisness.
If I employ over 14 people why must I foot a $800 a head (each) Obamacare tax at gunpoint or hire illegals of the books ?
Mean-wile McDonalds, Wendys and Burger King down the street got a free pass from Obama and his Dems in Washington and is exempt ?
Obama punishes mom and pop buisness, many are gonna go down if and when that bill starts to kick in. Add more sucking when Cuomo II takes offi
Anonymous said...
"landlords and their REPUBLICAN buttboys in Albany have stymied any attempt at commercial rent regulation for DECADES. -Any- business that doesn't own it's building lives in terror of lease expiration."
"COMMERICIAL rent regulation? At the FEDERAL level? You really are a communist."
Earth to anon: did you, by chance, see the word "Albany" in there?
Just checking.
This is a scenario for things to come "the writing on the wall" sort of speak.
It is political
Bloomberg has been turning Queens into a cesspool to push out the old and the white. High density stupid lazy desperate people eating rice & beans with supermarket coupons are easier to control. It also get him more government money
Now add layers of more sh*t:
The fed running the money printer 24-7 causing hyperinflation wile destroying the US dollar. A socialist ultra-lib president whose dumber then Jimmy Carter intent on forcing people share the wealth , Cuomo II and King Bloomberg in local office (possibly for the rest of their lifes, water tax, toilet tax, exploding district schools taxes....FORGEDABOUT.
The death of the Scobee final witness to the end of American culture, prosperity and heritage.
It just hasn't sunken in yet.
--Another bank, Food chain or commercial barracks coming soon
Very sad.
RIP Scobees
Oh this is priceless! A blog based on the most diverse borough in the most diverse city in the world, and it teems with bigotry.
It would be folly to try to refute any of the above inanity.
And that Archie B guy is great. I always said that many of the commenters seemed just like him.
But, of course, he was only a character. As is our own Archie B. Because no REAL person would say things like "dumber then [sic] Jimmy Carter" as if it were an insult, when in fact Carter was a nuclear physicist.
Jimmy Carter was not a nuclear physicist, he was a peanut farmer.
From his bio: "he took graduate work at Union College in reactor technology and nuclear physics, and served as senior officer of the pre-commissioning crew of the Seawolf, the second nuclear submarine."
In the military. Then he farmed peanuts.
But thanks for the misinformation. We Archies just had a good laugh at Meathead's expense.
"Earth to anon: did you, by chance, see the word "Albany" in there?
Just checking."
No I did not. My bad. I assumed you were just a Bush hating Dem lemming. But you're a Sheldon Silver loving Dem lemming. NO RENT REGULATION AT ALL!!!!!!
not only does charlie not surf or eat in diners, charlie don't pay taxes, charlie don't follow zoning laws, charlie likes to live 8 in a room, charlie don't like to assimulate into the community, charlie don't give a shit what came before him, charlie likes to pay cash for everything, charlies likes to turn everything into a church, charlie don't like whitey.
R. I. P.
sad - even though I haven't eaten there in 30 years - I feel sad that it's closing. It's a landmark as far as I'm concerned.
No one really eats diner food any longer too which doesn't help the situation. It must be hard on the wait staff too.
Who's the landlord - anyone know?
You know, every so often, even successful businesses close - because they can.
"How the hell did this degenerate into a political discussion?"
You're absolutely right, I certainly don't classify myself as a republican or democrat, just a citizen trying to squeeze out a living. The owner died, the kids are cashing out and before long that diner will have a sign that I can't read atop it because it will be in Chinese.
Private commercial landlord raises rent on private commercial renter.
Folks, nothing to see here, move along, please.
Charlie don't speak English and Charlie hates Anglos!!
Jimmy Carter did graduate work in nuclear physics and applied his education while working in the military.
Considering that the point of that character's comment was to imply that Jimmy Carter is stupid, I think the above suffices as a valid refutation.
Mr. Crap: nuclear physics is, like, science and stuff.
I hear it's a pretty complicated field of study too. Ya gotta know like math and lofty concepts and stuff. I've never heard of any idiots entering such a field of study.
Thanks for taking the bait.
So, what was your point again?
My point was that taking courses in something and actually making that your career are 2 different things.
Thank YOU for taking the bait.
You can go back to your pointless tangents now.
Relax guys..that sushi joint won't last long, they never do..have you seen how many vacant storefronts are in Flushing now?? just like in the 70s..until a new group comes in to "revive" them..hopefully some clean, respectful people who don't throw eel heads & fish into the street, leave Queens now while you still can!!!!
You're flattering me with all your attention, Mr. Crap.
Fortunately for me, I have a semblance of a life. Therefore, I cannot spend much time on the internet, let alone making instantaneous responses to bitter people.
I do find it hilarious, though, that you call my comments here "pointless tangents."
The story is about the imminent closing of a diner. Cool - perfectly appropriate for this blog.
But then, as early as comment #2, we have the beginning of disgusting, bigoted, and ignorant rants about Asians. Apparently, none are shocking enough to merit your personal attention. I struggle to ascertain how racist diatribes against our neighbors are not tangents. Please elaborate.
But then I have the temerity to call-out the ignorant hatred, and you're all over it.
Either you're as ignorant and bigoted as them, or I've touched a nerve.
But God bless you, and God bless Queens.
"It would be folly to try to refute any of the above inanity."
Interesting that this came from you, yet you expect me to do something differently. Also interesting that you said that then claim you had "the temerity to call-out the ignorant hatred."
You didn't call-out anything but the use of the word "stupid" to describe Jimmy Carter, a politician. In other words, free speech protected under the first amendment.
Well congratulations, you make no sense.
Went for a final bite to eat at Scobees. I'm sad. I can't believe they are closing. It seems the whole neighborhood is going to hell. Nothing needs to stay the same forever...just long enough in my lifetime.
Anyone know what happened to Bayside Diner?
Jimmy Carter may have done graduate work in nuclear physics receiving some kind of diploma. Doubt he was qualified nor could to throw a switch, work a soldering iron or oscilloscope, charge, read and work a Geiger Muller tube.
A degree in physics doesn't make you an engineer.
Ask the old timers about the current asshat & inlaw possie working for at the MTA about the schematics.
...They just check "its good to go" ...Well so is Bubbas BBQ !!!
Bayside Diner?
The corner joint on the Bell strip. I used to get a light Gyro there after playing music at KC's-Crazy Moose. Its gone if that's the same place
Bayside Diner..
Northern Blvd & Clearview Expressway. It's been closed for months. Really weird.
Rumer has it that a developer has already contacted Vallones boy follow the buck Chuck and Gene Kelty in order to build a high rise hotel with a rooftop restaurant.
With of course your standard "Luxury Condos on several of the higher floors"
Since you're clearly obsessed with me, Mr. Crap, I'll throw you a bone and keep this riveting dialogue going. But if you keep this up, my wife may begin to get jealous.
Re-read my first post. I called-out the Neanderthals and their bigotry. The Jimmy-Carter-as-stupid issue was just something I cited specifically. You'll figure it out.
But then you say, "In other words, free speech protected under the first amendment." What? Huh? You lost me.
Where does the Constitution enter this discussion? Did someone steal my identity and write that my man Archie B should be persecuted for what he said? Because otherwise,
what does the First Amendment have to do with any of this?
Or are you just typing nonsense now in order to force a response and increase comment volume? If that be the case, then good work.
Why would you bother to respond to the Neanderthals? You yourself said it was folly. Yet you came back and responded to someone you consider to be not worth your while multiple times, because you think I'm obsessed with you.
You're really losing it.
Overpriced sucky food.
Good riddance!
It might have been a great place to eat about 20 years ago but not recently.
A Few of the posts I agree with and most don't even come worthly of commenting on.Try being a landlord, paying way too much property and a school tax on a commerical building that you cannot use that address to attend the schools in that area, another way to be forced to pay for something you (the taxpayer) do not use. As for "charlie", buying the property, then why doesn't the "non charlies" buy property that is for sale, then the "non charlies" won't complain. (oh, you mean invest your own $, better think twice) And if the landlords are raising the rents, someone will pay it but will it be you? We all have a choice to pay the going price either buying a home or renting, it's your choice!. Me, it's the caribbean for myself! Enjoy your snow storms!
The food was so so. They did however have a good dessert menu.
As far as the Asian comments, they are hard working and mind their own business, however, I see Little Neck going the way of Flushing.
I seriously wouldn't be surprised if good old non-asian scobee is taken over by the greedy koreans who are overtaking the area with force. Makes me sick to know that I'm only 20 and I already miss being able to walk up and down northern blvd be able to read store signs in english, and now it's all korean. I feel sorry for those who have been going to scobee since it opened.I was there last night for its last night open, and it was a sad atmosphere watching everyone say goodbye. RIP scobee.
After 50 years and paying $1,500/month rent. They've been cleaning up. Don't cry for them. It's about time the landlord can get fair market value.
The truth is that Panera Bread killed it.
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