In an effort to untangle the snarled traffic that drivers often encounter around Queens' most popular mall, the city Department of Transportation has unveiled a plan to ease congestion and make the area safer.
The agency's proposal would make a stretch of road behind the Queens Center Mall in Elmhurst one-way, diverting traffic to a less-crowded block nearby, Queens Transportation Commissioner Maura McCarthy said during a Community Board 4 public hearing Tuesday night.
"There are two reasons for doing this," McCarthy said. "One is to ease congestion and the other is to reduce the vehicle-pedestrian conflicts."
The plan would make 57th Ave., where the entrance to the mall's parking garage is located, one-way westbound between 90th and 92nd Sts. - both of which are already one-way.
This change would divert eastbound traffic onto 56th Ave., a residential block north of the mall, which is already one-way but would be converted from one lane to two.
"It will be two lanes so [residents] should not notice any additional traffic," McCarthy said.
The proposal is based on a traffic study of the area conducted during June and July. The study determined that in one hour on a typical weekday, 1,065 vehicles travel westbound on 57th Ave. and 137 drive eastward. On a weekend, 1,051 drive westbound and 530 travel eastbound.
McCarthy estimated that 1,140 vehicles would travel westbound on 57th Ave. if it was converted to a one-way street, and 56th Ave. would see about 300 more cars during an average hour.
They are adding a lane ,but residents shouldn't notice any more traffic! You're kidding! please, you don't think anyone is buying that,do you?
They can't deny that past approvals for the expansion of the mall did not adequately address accommodating the traffic it would generate. If they enforced the black cars not picking up fares this would unsnarl much of the issue of congestion. Double, triple parked black cars to the side of the Target mall is standard - You can't even reach the parking garages because of these black cars blocking the entrance ramp. Traffic enforcement with teeth is the only means of keeping order. The NYPD should be writing tickets continuously between both malls. A satelite NYPD should be setup in one of the storefronts to serve the area for all needs. There are illegal street vendors who clog the sidewalks on the way to the malls from the subways. Perhaps the local lanes in front of the Queens mall should be limited to handicapped and buses only with traffic closed to all other vehicules.
They are adding a lane ,but residents shouldn't notice any more traffic! You're kidding! please, you don't think anyone is buying that,do you?
They're not adding a lane, they're making the two lanes that are already there both go in the same direction. Can you not read?
(However, I do agree that traffic will likely increase.)
The problem is on Queens Blvd. at the curb, and anywhere cabs congregate. Something needs to be done about that. A little TLC enforcement is warranted there.
To Anonymous Above, Yep, We can read, can you?
"This change would divert eastbound traffic onto 56th Ave., a residential block north of the mall, which is already one-way but would be converted from one lane to two."
I'm sure how they plan to make this 1 way street into 2 lanes is to take away one of the free parking sides of the street.
They screwed up this area years ago when they made the block between the mall and McDonalds 1 way going North. The original plan was for it to go south and feed into Queens & Woodhaven Blvd. The neighborhood has never been the same since.
Traffic enforcement with teeth is the only means of keeping order. The NYPD should be writing tickets continuously between both malls.
But then they would be accused of trying to meet their quota.
Must meet the Criteria of over 500 cars per hour. Amazing what a little money can do.
Why not push traffic to the residential areas, screw those pesky homeowners.
Frankly, cheapskates in Queens drive around the residential areas looking to save themselves on parking makes it harder for people who live around here to find parking themselves. If they eliminate a lane of free parking on 56th Street to make the street 2-lanes, the only ones who will suffer are non-residents who don't want to pay for parking, so its fine with me!
Too many people in Queens.
Get them the fuck outahere!
How about more entrances into the Woodhaven Blvd subway station?
Deport all these cab drivers. Only the scummiest of sum take those jobs. Radio-call service, or Yellow Cab. Everyone else, lock them up and scrap their cars.
How about more entrances into the Woodhaven Blvd subway station?
Best idea all day! When the train lets out, its a slow and painful journey up to the street.
With the volume of people, Woodhaven should also become an express stop.
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