Jerry Iannece, the chairman of Community Board 11 in Queens, is gearing up his campaign as primary season for the State Assembly district he’s seeking fast approaches. Accordingly, he’s rolled out the endorsement of Comptroller John Liu in a press release indicating he’s also hired the Parkside Group to handle at least his communications.
Of course, Mr. Liu’s support is hardly a surprise, as Mr. Iannece has the formal backing of the Queens County Democratic Party, an organization notable for the loyalty it commands among its elected officials.
Although some aspiring politicians may shy away from Mr. Liu, who’s often referred to as “embattled” due to the federal indictment against his campaign treasurer, he remains quite popular in the city’s Chinese-American community. And that’s not a bad get as he campaigns for the demographically diverse seat held by outgoing Assemblyman Rory Lancman.
Jerry is a good guy but a hack as well. He surrounds himself with garbage and has been doing so since a wee bit tot in Astoria . Just look at who he has surrounded himself with.. He was involved in the DOE pay to work scam, the Whitestone Piazza scam, the bogus Italian American PAC with its 4 core members, and the list continues.
Jerry you are too good for this! Shed the shit and ride on your merit! Your loyalty is your best attribute but it is proving to be be your political downfall.
But he doesn't live in the district
This race is competitive, Nily Rozic of Hillcrest is the alternative.
gerry is a good guy.
joe concannon will fix those parkside hacks.
Joe Concannon is a nobody from where exactly?
A retired police supervisor who used to fudge the numbers in order to make the Mayor happy and not get the proverbial spanking.
Come on you can't be serious!
Look at who his supporters are.
Look deep.
What exactly has Joe CON cannon done for in the community? Where has he been? Has anyone ever heard of him till now? Another Johnny come lately is all he is.
Has he volunteered un the community? Where? Doing what?
Look at who his friends are and then tell me who he is.
I don't love Avella but come on and get real.
Who are Joe's supporters????
I bet he has question is where? Ive lived in the area for over 50 years and am informed when it comes to local politics. So who is he again and what has he done?
Who are his supporters?
Can't vote for a man who doesn't accept his own appearance and puts on a bad rug! Can't vote for a man who accepts his appearance and always has a forced phony smile( you Vallone)! Cant vote for anyone ( Jerry ) who has Parkside and other various other political crooks! Screwed I tell you this area is soooooo screwed!
as long as the candidate is not connected to Queens Progressives who, hi-jacked the once proud democrat party, and have taxed the CRAP out of citizens give the candidate a chance to prove his worth and integrity.
we already experienced what the status quo accomplished.
Tax enough what?
for a starter if you own real estate or have investment income.all citizens will be taxed on this ,beginning 2013-2014, by the federal government. the collection will be enforced by the 16,000 new I.R.S agents who are being hired soon.
read "HIDDEN R.E. SALES TAX IN HEALTH CARE BILL"by Dr.Laurie Roth, Http://www.canadafreepress.com/index.php/article27634
"starting 2013, not only will you pay the closing costs and real estate fee when you sell your house but now you will pay a 3.8% Sales Tax. so, if you sell your home for $400,00 ,you will pay $15,200 in TAX.
"anyone making $200,000 or over gets to pay 3.8% of their annual investment income."
other websites and news reports have mirrored these hidden taxes in store for us, SOON. 20 NEW TAXES IN HEALTH CARE LAW....
Hey "goombah" Jerry...
go out and get yourself a decent hairpiece.
You can certainly afford it.
Mamma mia, que mafioso.
Anon No 11:
Which isn't the point. The slogan isn't "Tax Enough Already," it's "Taxed Enough Already," If you say it your way, people aren't going to know what you're talking about.
Anon No. 11:
No such thing as a decent hairpiece.
Jerry is nice guy but will make awful assemblyman. This is the perfect time to write in a candidate of your choice. Learn how on the internet and do it. Blow this stupid Democrat/Republican dance out of the water with your free vote!
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