President Obama’s health care law is putting new strains on some of the nation’s most hard-pressed hospitals, by cutting aid they use to pay for emergency care for illegal immigrants, which they have long been required to provide.
The federal government has been spending $20 billion annually to reimburse these hospitals — most in poor urban and rural areas — for treating more than their share of the uninsured, including illegal immigrants. The health care law will eventually cut that money in half, based on the premise that fewer people will lack insurance after the law takes effect.
But the estimated 11 million people now living illegally in the United States are not covered by the health care law. Its sponsors, seeking to sidestep the contentious debate over immigration, excluded them from the law’s benefits.
As a result, so-called safety-net hospitals said the cuts would deal a severe blow to their finances.
The hospitals are coming under this pressure because many of their uninsured patients are illegal immigrants, and because their large pools of uninsured or poorly insured patients are not expected to be reduced significantly under the Affordable Care Act, even as federal aid shrinks.
In some states, including New York, hospitals caring for illegal immigrants in life-threatening situations can seek payment case by case, from a program known as emergency Medicaid. But the program has many restrictions and will not make up for the cuts in the $20 billion pool, hospital executives said.
Don't you find it interesting that Bloomberg, Cuomo, Gillibrand and Schumer have not mentioned one word about NY City & State taxpayers being forced to shoulder the burden of paying for this?
Obamacare 2014. A Queens County hospital waiting room
did not this group of democrat/progressives insist that obama care is a fine and"NOT A TAX"?
fine the illegal aliens......
when it all blows up, we all will be on MEDICAID /WELFARE except the 535 politicians and the chosen union and donor democrats who got Waivers from O.
Let Me Get This Straight? we are going to be" gifted" with a Health Care plan we are forced to purchase and fined if we don't. written by a committee whose chairman who says he doesn't understand it. we will now be forced to pay for H.C for illegal non-americans. passed by a Congress that hasn't read it but exempts themselves from it, signed by a president who also smokes, with funding administered by a treasury chief who didn't pay his taxes, to be overseen by a surgeon general who is obese and financed by a country that's BROKE.
Thanks Mr. Prez,
you just lost my vote (if you ever had it).
are entitled to only one thing...
I can't afford my own medical treatments, so why should I be paying for a non-citizen's?
Vote Republican!
That's why we need a single payer system. Medicare for all.
We already pay for illegal immigrant health care. If you have insurance already, nothing changes. If you don't, you either pay the fine or pay for insurance.
Republicans havent fixed the illegal immigrant issue.
Romney will straighten it all out when he becomes our next president.
His super rich Mormons can pay for everything....LOL!
Whether NYC pays the "needy's" hospital tabs or they pony up for their health care insurance,
you can be sure of one thing...
us taxpayers will be forwarded the bill.
it's a lose lose situation either way.
"We already pay for illegal immigrant health care. If you have insurance already, nothing changes. If you don't, you either pay the fine or pay for insurance."
You seem not to understand the point of the article. The federal govt was paying most of the burden of the illegal alien health care. Now that will shift to the states. Which means state and city tax hikes and cuts in programs to pay for health care for people that shouldn't be here in the first place.
Let's not forget the other side of the equation: most of the illegals are working for someone... if that law-breaking "someone" is caught, let them PAY!
Please! they are "undocumented immigrants," as our leftists pols call them.
There is a reason that BambiCare is schedule to start up in 2013. It's after the presidential election. When people really find out what it is and what it does it will be too late to fire the guy responsible for it.
This is intentional. The government wants to drive every non-government hospital out of business.
the Republicans ain't doing a dam thing about illegal aliens and their jackpot broods but employ them and push them to the front of the line.It's an INVASION.
Illegal immigrants go to emergency rooms for a headache and we pay for their medical care. Then we are treated to articles like the one that alleges that minorities are so much more subject to common ills than any other person, ie- American citizens.
We should feel so sorry for them, but no one is feeling sorry for us.
We are now a third world country, enjoy, the most intelligent voters in the country are in NY, shumer and Gilly will have a job for life
from ny post,michael tanner, cato institute :"obamacare's now a BIGGER mess" "SCOTUS by striking down part of the H.C law that required states to expand their MEDICAID programs, the court tossed a very hot potato into the laps of state lawmakers everywhere.""the expansion would make childless single men ( a high cost group )eligible for MEDICAID for the first time. in all, about 40%of all people projected to gain obamacare coverage would do so under MEDICAID.
many states are balking. Congress can't strip ALL MEDICAID funds from states that refuse the expansion.
if a state agrees to expand MEDICAID ,they will choose to pile new costs on their state budgets and NEW TAXES on their constituents.
this is why the four NYS democrat electeds mentioned in the Q.C. post are silent. remember in November.
from M.Tanner,7/27/12..".COSTS MORE,COVERS LESS" NYPOST
what have we learned this month ?obamacare will cost more and insure fewer people. many of us will lose our current insurance. )my wife and i will lose our common sense SENIOR MEDICAL ADVANTAGE plan along with 16 million other U.S. seniors and have to pay an additional $6,000 per year, from a fixed income.) "and it's going to be harder to see the doctor of our choice".
Since Congress is exempt from Obamacare, they should pick up the tab for the illegals. The Federal Government turns a blind eye to all the illegals and lets them into the country without punishment. Why should taxpayers be punished because the government won't do their job? Let Congress establish a fund with all the millions that they make from insider trading and let them pay.
God bless you, godless George.
all you public servant union members and chosen democrat donors (about 3000 groups) who got obamacare WAIVERS will only escape the H.C. income taxes ON YOUR FED.FORMS ......TILL 4/ 2018.
at that date the s--t will hit the fan for all of you faithful socialists, who financed and voted for this BIG LIE.
unless he is sent to the golf course and B/B court ,permanently....in November.
It appears Obama and the Dems mentioned here are behind closed doors gearing to use the military on civilians.
---You can bet something really big and dirty is in the works they know wll enrange much of the public when whatever it is happens.
You any seen nothing yet, It looks like the shits gonna hit the fan.
See Drudge Report
Why is Dept of Homeland Secretary is sending massive amounts of tear gas, armor, shin guards, guns, gas masks & restraints to police departments and National Guard bases across the country ?
This president couldn't run a fruit stand............
NO-BAMA 4 me!
Emergency Medicaid is a state program. It is not "Obamacare." The Affordable Care Act does NOT cover undocumented individuals. NYC has always shouldered this burden, and the ACA will increase financial liability t the State and providers. This is clearly a problem-- but Obama did not create the mess.
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