For the second time this week, Borough President Melinda Katz is claiming that one of her Democratic rivals in the Queens district attorney race has launched sexist ads against her — but the allegation this time is against one of her three female opponents.
On Friday, Katz decried a two-minute online ad from public defender Tiffany Cabán published that day. Cabán singles out Katz as a remnant of the Queens Democratic Party machine despite there being five other hopefuls in the June 25 primary, saying that Katz accepts campaign funds from the real estate industry.
“But the corrupt Queens political machine doesn’t want me to win because they get rich off of foreclosures, they’ve taken millions from developers and I can’t be bought and controlled. That’s why they’re going all in to elect Melinda Katz,” Cabán says in the ad. “Here’s the simple choice: Your next DA could be a career politician, a career prosecutor or a career public defender. Who would you trust?”
But Katz countered out with a Twitter thread that began with the claim that sexism had played a role in Cabán’s campaign ad.
“Let me be clear. For someone who is supposedly running a “different kind of campaign,” this ad was full of the same sexism & half-truths that the worst kind of campaigns use,” Katz said. “The truth: I first ran on a 3rd party line to challenge the men in power & have spent years supporting women doing the same. I have always been my own woman & always will be, despite the sexist refrain the Cabán campaign is pushing.”
Both are garbage. Vote for the experienced tried-and-true Judge Greg Lasak who will keep the miscreant jailbirds on Rikers not in your back yard!!!
I wonder if Caban is the sleeper candidate in this race
Caban is no sleeper. She's got her own big money donors which includes the wife of Netflix and has gotten a endorsement hug and a guaranteed victory claim from Ms. Ocasio-Cortez.
Just be clear ... Lasak cannot keep the jails at Rikers. The only people who can do that are the Council Members in the neighborhoods where the jails are planned. For Queens, that is CM Karen Koslowitz.
The DA gets no say. DA Brown was opposed to closing Rikers, too.
Can you picture Caban or Katz showing up at the murder scene with all the blood on the sofa and the body in tne bath tub?
Anon 3 re: rikers
Thanks for pointing that out. I had a feeling that was the case, and it's interesting that all the candidates are using that issue to get votes even though they have no role in keeping Rikers open or closed.
Very problematic
The DA has no legal role in keeping Rikers open, but certainly as a powerful public official has some sway and will be allowed input in the decision. And they are certainly allowed to state their opinions on the matter.
Greg Lasak is an experienced judge who knows the court system. He's fair and honest and doesn't want Rikers to close. He wants to fix it. I'd rather have Greg Lasak as DA than a political hack who's clueless about the courts.
If you actually prosecute people for their crimes and win,then Riker’s stays open.
Katz is looking for her next paycheck, and people are stupid enough to Vote for her.
What has she done for queens over her terms, except for making it dirtier and overcrowded with her push for all these over development. Plus pretending not to know of all the overnight popup shelters since. Garbage.
Sounds like another case of lesbian rampage brewing.
Get the popcorn ready, but I'm sure stupid NYC voters will elect her.
NYC is sinking like the Titanic, perhaps Katz can sing the last song with the rest of the band.
Judge Lasak is the only qualified candidate. Endorsed by every single law enforcement union in the city.
Harry Bingham, IV
Sinking Ned, NYC has SUNK. Don't understand why so many of you still stay. A big country (and world) with much better places, better quality of life, jobs, etc. Just leave that sunk shithole and let assholes like Katz continue doing their thing, because they are going to do it anyway. Leave, you will be much happier. From a very happy Ex-New Yorker, who would never step back, even for a day.
Clueless...can I get that liaison to the community boards job she had ? I wonder what hack is collecting that check these days?
Katz has good judgement,she has two children out of wedlock with Curtis Sliwa a married man at the time and oh yeah she sings pretty good too.She's the right one for the job.
A big country (and world) with much better places, better quality of life, jobs, etc.
Yea, where? The deep south, Florida, California, the Rust Belt, the Dust Bowl, Maine, N Dakota, Utah?.
Come on.
"...she has two children out of wedlock with Curtis Sliwa..."
Exceedingly poor judgement.That should immediately disqualify her from holding ANY political office.
Sorry state of affairs though that after Lasak, she is actually the second best candidate when it comes to actual matters of crime.
"Sorry state of affairs though that after Lasak, she is actually the second best candidate when it comes to actual matters of crime."
How so? She's never practiced criminal law and hasn't practiced law in decades. I'll bet she's never tried a case to verdict or even picked a jury.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
A big country (and world) with much better places, better quality of life, jobs, etc.
Yea, where? The deep south, Florida, California, the Rust Belt, the Dust Bowl, Maine, N Dakota, Utah?.
Come on.
Extremely pessimistic narrow minded thinking that has become the trademark of those who live in the NYC bubble. You named just a few places. Like there are no other places in this entire country. So keep moaning, bitching and doing nothing while you live in an over-developed, overly crowded, overly noisy and overly filthy 3rd world city with the worst transit system in the world.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
"...she has two children out of wedlock with Curtis Sliwa..."
Exceedingly poor judgement.That should immediately disqualify her from holding ANY political office.
While Katz is an ass and do-nothing for the community, if this is the criteria for holding political office, then human beings should all be disqualified. GIVE ME A BREAK.
She's the cream of the crap.
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