The Real Deal
Actor Robert De Niro, alongside his Douglas Elliman broker son Raphael De Niro, development firm Wildflower, and film producer Jane Rosenthal, are in-contract to buy a large development site in Astoria, Queens, for $73 million.
The deal is expected to close by the end of 2019.
Newmark Knight Frank’s Dustin Stolly and Jordan Roeschlaub have been tapped to raise $425 million for the project — $150 million in equity and $275 million in debt. The film studio will likely help meet growing demand for original content from streaming services offered by the likes of Amazon, Netflix, HBO and Netflix.
Robert de Niro's waiting...to milk his cash cow.
I believe that's the Steinway piano woodshop and sawdust filtration system !!
A studio by De Niro ?
Oh great more propaganda and diversity’ perversity flicks.
As if "A Bronx Tale" and the Focker series of horseshit filmed in New York wasn't enough.
Poor Archie Bunker, Heinrich & Wilhelm Steinweg are spinning in the grave.
And the gentrification continues...more "artiste" types will come flocking
"Heinrich & Wilhelm Steinweg are spinning in the grave."
Hardly, more likely the opposite. For a number of decades the name Steinway has been scrubbed as clean from Vallonia as Beria disappeared from pictures of the USSR leadership. Whose needs pianos when you have Sirtaki, Hasapiko, Kalamatianos and all that good land going to waste? This was prime development ground for the boys.
Now, as with the LIC ambitions, all their careful positioning seems to be for naught. It looks like we will never see a Pistilli designed waterfront with the distinctive style of Odessa or Beirut or Athens or Tunis ... next to a sewage plant. Alas.
Does anyone else find it odd that a multi millionaire such as DeNiro needed to milk the 9/11 fund for his film festival? Wonder what government gravy train him & his boy are on with this one.
You have to hand it to Bob - with his custody battle going strong he makes sure to hold his young daughters hand on their way home from school when the paparazzi are working
Whatever you want to say about DeNiro, Tribeca is far better place after his arrival. A class act like his neighbors. Contrast that to the competition that closes streets, displaces the community, and names a school after a great role model for kids - and nothing gets said by the 'progressives' like Gianaris.
Does this mean DeNiro will good left leaning movies about how he feels about president Trump. Or is it just a big fat tax write-off for Bobby. I wanna see DeNiro's tax returns!
Don't open up the issue about tax returns. That's a no go topic in that part of Queens. Right up there with 'silent partners' on real estate schemes.
Don't open up the issue about tax returns. That's a no go topic in that part of Queens. Right up there with 'silent partners' on real estate schemes
I bet you could launder a little money in a movie studio scheme, too.
Oh man, it is so sweet to watch the right wing snowflakes cry, you made my day you pathetic losers. Go outside and do something with your life.
Who's cryin', Bobby! Let's see those tax returns, brother!
"Tribeca is far better place after his arrival. A class act like his neighbors"
A swath of land laden with fruits & nuts just like Hollywood.
Most racist and discriminating place in the city.
One can lease to a $$$ cash paying celebrity, IATSE member working a NYC movie shoot for the summer but NOT BUY a condo or apartment unless you're a super left democrat, preferable Jewish, they have these committees that investigate, interrogate and select or de-select you like Hitler's Geheime Staatspolice
You can also view Tribeca as is its own version of the KKK take your pick
Sounds bad to me Joe. A congregation of unpatriotic bigots who have a warped vision of who we are in America. And All I want is for Bobby to show us his tax returns for the past seven years. Is that too much to ask, Bobby? I think this is another Hollywood tax shelter scam that NYC taxpayers will end up paying for. Tax returns Bobby. Cmon!
Yep Hollywood tax shelter scam.
And more:
I know and worked with some of these America hating bigot sons of bitches & degenerates.
NYC taxpayers will also be subsidizing all these Hollywood people to come here to work during summer weekdays and play out in the Hamptons with people like the governor and his wife on weekends.
Not one jack shit job for the locals unless some kid or starry eyed intern sucker wants to run coffee & water bottles in exchange for rubbing a shoulders with the "beautiful people" and here's why: The local I.A.T.S.E has everybody locked out of 30 mile midtown radius just like in Los Angeles.
Carpenter and electrician jobs for Set building one may think?
Hahaa good luck with that also. They build the sets 30+ miles out in Jersey, PA and Mexico and truck it in.
YES you heard that right 30+ miles out in Jersey, PA and Mexico to screw their own people and unions!! Disgusting bigots, hypocrites, underhanded cheats and freaks.
Feel free to use your imagination for the more descriptive words I left out.
Well, where are all you when Kaufman blocks streets and eats entire blocks?
And wait until the Ark opens. The fun begins.
Has film shoot after another until LIC has said enuf!
Typical Queens - always chasing fiction while ignoring harsh reality.
"You can also view Tribeca as is its own version of the KKK take your pick."
All the kids in Astoria would move there in a heartbeat to get out of Astoria.
You guys should spend less time b!tchen in your tavernas and go out into the real world. Astoria ain't 1990 no more.
The film and studios are sinking like rocks, will all be out of business soon.
Actors going bankrupt, defaulting on condo & home payments
Nobody is buying the studio made shit, 8 out of 10 films flunk and it's getting worse. The fix phase of remaking comic book hero's with sexy women beating the shit out of people won’t save them.
America’s fascination with voyeur, fake reality TV and cheap 1080P home theater has put handheld camera and home studios in the hands of amateur independents looking for shock factor.
Feed the ignorant masses shit and tell them it’s a meal is the marketing theory
I think these studios are designed to fail and fall into hardship cases so they can be converted for other uses.
The rats & vultures are parachuting into the industrial areas with new intent.
Could Bobby be King Rat?
Hang it up guys, and go down to that car show in Astoria Park.
The world has moved on. The caravan has left.
All that remains are the barking dogs.
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