Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Markey campaigns on taxpayer time

This was sent to voters in Assembly District 30 from the office of Assemblywoman Marge Markey. It reads an awful lot like campaign literature.
It's also full of shit.


Frank Lloyd Crap said...

This is lame. Its thin, vague (explain the ConEd cables under 70th St??) and poorly written.

I don't live in Markey's district, but if I received a letter like this, I'd vote for the challanger.

Anonymous said...

Anthony Nunziato.

At least he has a pulse.

Anonymous said...

I don't live in Markey's district, but if I received a letter like this, I'd vote for the challanger.

I live in Markey's district, I have voted against her, each and every year. I also received this letter which contains statements that stretch the truth on her accomplishments.

In the past when I have emailed her on important issues, I received auto-replies without reponding to my issue. When I forwarded the same to others in Government with her CC, she would telephone me and berate for doing so and explained she does not answer email!! But she does not answer her office phone when I attempted that route.

Markey is clueless, entrenched and in cahoots with the developers.

Anonymous said...

Marge Markey....
just one of the many "fine" examples of a political hack/left over the Shulman days.

like so many of her sister & brother lazy lifers holding patronage jobs with the blessings
of the Queens machine!

She's a political
ARCHIE BUNKER....a legislative throwback to the past just like that Stavisky mob!

That's right folks....
make that a clubhouse Archie BUM-ker!

H-m-m-m....we've just coined a new phrase....ARCHIE BUMKER !

Anonymous said...

Doesn't that make Pinky & Serf a pair of Archie Bum-kers too?

Anonymous said...

Markey is a political hack with no clue about issues that affect the communities she represents.

You never see her at meetings nor do you ever see a proactive approach from her office.

Ten years is long enough!

Anonymous said...

Markey could well be an H.G. Wells'
"Invisible Woman".

Marge keeps an extremely low profile!

She's even embarrassed to open her mouth, lest she reveal her ignorance.

Wadda ya want from a brownsheeted
(or is it brown nosed) member of the KKK...Krowley's Klubhouse Krakkers!

Anonymous said...

Markey is a political hack with no clue about issues that affect the communities she represents.

This really is true - Markey is never at the forefront of an issue and always need much time to take a position - read: gauge citizen opinion - often has no stance on an issue.

For instance she and Crowley let Forest Rattner get away with building Stop & Shop - they acted surprised Forest City's Rattner began building!

She was late to the Gas Tank Parks issue and didn't participate or have any meaningful role to obtain it for the community - Sen. Maltese and Bob Holden were all over this issue like a wet rag for years - they got it done.

Anonymous said...

An old adage:

"When in doubt, keep you're mouth shut".

Marge is good at that because she's always in doubt of her cranial competence!

Being invisible also helps.

A clubhouse go-fer needs only the "talent"to follow her fuhrer's orders!

Anonymous said...

Maltese, Gas Tanks? If it were up to him it would've been a Home Depot. WTF did he do except almost sabotage the community effort.

Anonymous said...

Markey's one step behind Gallagher. After she's ousted she can hang out with Gallagher at O'Neill's and gamble their sorry ass lives away.

Or they can spend time griping on blogs about everyone who has a life that they don't.

As anyone who was close to Gallagher knows, his life is in shambles. Besides being disgraced and ruined financially, his wife left him for a tall dark and hung man with two testicles.To make matters worse he can't deal with the fact that his son has switched teams. Oh how far he has fallen.

So he blames Bob Holden for his miserable life. Talk about disturbed! The only one responsible for his demise is that ugly piece of crap he looks at in the mirror every morning.

Anonymous said...

Can you imagine Dennis Gallagher calling anyone a loser. This guy has some ball.

Imagine this sex pervert grandmother molester throwing mud at anyone? It shows you how mentally disturbed he really is.