The linchpin of Mayor Bloomberg's ambitious affordable-housing plan - a proposed city-owned complex on the Queens waterfront - leaves out the poor and provides too little for middle-class New Yorkers, a city councilman charged yesterday.
"The Queens waterfront gives us a chance for a 21st-century Stuy Town, and we only get one shot at this," said Councilman Eric Gioia (D-Queens), referring to the massive Manhattan housing complex built in the late 1940s.
The City Economic Development Corp. wants to build some 5,000 apartments on 30 acres in Long Island City. Sixty percent of the units would be reserved for the "middle class" - defined as tenants with incomes between $60,000 and $160,000.
The remaining 40 percent would rent at market rates, which are expected to be much higher.
But Gioia wants more units set aside for the middle class and 20 percent for the poor. The current plan includes no apartments for the poor.
"A cop married to a schoolteacher ought to be able to live in Queens," he said at a rally at the project's site.
If this jerk cared about the regular guy he would not oversee the displacement and distruction of an entire community of working class people.
The Doorman serves the interest of the machine, not the people that elected him.
The machine wants the 'right' people in a community. Massive development will bring in a new cohert that might not be transfixed by the local political talent (something that does not require too much imagination)
So they want the 'right' people - the tweeded.
Eric, old boy....nobody's going to give waterfront views to the middle class...certainly not the poor.
That's reserved for affluent folks.
If they could get away with evicting tenants at the Queens Bridge projects and converting those apartments into market value "luxury" digs (like they did in Stuy-Town) it already would have been done.
But there's always a tomorrow!
In Herr Bloomberg's view,
you can't have poor folk spoiling the appearance of his sparkling new NYC/Disneyland!
The middle class
is likewise verboten!
Load them onto the trains
headed for Nassau County!
Only the wealthy may co-habitate
in harmony in our Nazi/fuhrer's
"neustadt" vision of NYC 2030!
Uh..your "honor"
(Reich's chancellor) you'd better
consider the ramifications of yesterday's Wall Street meltdown
(when it's finally all over).
Can any of you rude & rough outer borough trouble makers get me an apartment in Queens West? Can you? Would you?
even though I am not rich and am not the "right" kind of person, I ask a lot of questions and will get loud if you push me, I still would like a view of the East river, a balcony and laundry/gym/ rec room in the basement. I wish to look away from the travesty of Queens.
or will I be subjected to every kind of investigation including a colonoscopy and feces sample in order to apply for such a dwelling? I understand the management company wants to know how much fiber I eat every day and well they should as I will be a mere tenant. They can put my caloric intake into their database if only I can take possession ASAP. Will they require a retinal scan or fingerprints or will the blood sample/donation be enough?
I'm not sure my friends and colleagues will be happy having to produce government issued id to surly Al Queada sympathizer security guards each and every time they come to visit or have it logged on camera when they chose to leave.
These kinds of apartments are not solutions. They are yet another death blow to rent stabilization and rent control.
even though I am not rich and am not the "right" kind of person, I ask a lot of questions and will get loud if you push me,
So even if they opened it up to those who make $60K, what is the rent? $2000 a month? $1500 a month? That's well above the take-home pay of a person making that salary. That is, if you pay for your health insurance, transit, and maybe even save some money!
why thank you, does this mean I should drop off the feces samples to you so you can ferry them to the management company and get me an apartment in Queens West?
A TEACHER AND A COP?? A cop makes 40k and a teacher makes like 45k.He probably means a rent a cop and a parochial school teacher.
I'm sure the doorman will arrange for some refugees from a third world country to come live in Queens West. God knows he fights harder for them than he does for us. I think 'The Darfur-man' fits better than the doorman these days.
"A TEACHER AND A COP?? A cop makes 40k and a teacher makes like 45k.He probably means a rent a cop and a parochial school teacher."
85K is NOT enough to live in Queens. Not enough to rent a decent apartment or buy a place.
"85K is NOT enough to live in Queens. Not enough to rent a decent apartment or buy a place."
I beg to differ. I manage to live alone on half of that, rent a nice one bedroom in a two-family house in a quiet area, have money to pay my bills, have enough for fun AND some cash to put away. Of course, I don't have a car to worry about. But it is quite doable in the right neighborhood.
Just curious, what neighborhood is this?
Maspeth. It pays to not live near the train.
I mean to no disrespect, believe me and I'm sure your apartment is lovely. However, 85,000 a year is definitely not enough in my neck of the woods, Bayside. In 1996, we were paying $1000 a month for an apartment in Whitestone and it was extremely difficult to pay your bills(rent, car loan, student loans, credit cards etc) and put away money for a house. So I can't even imagine how people are doing it today. Rents in my area are $1,500 and up and houses? - forget about it. Many recent buyers have half a million dollar mortgages. It's crazy.
How are you doing it?
Gioia ain't wearing
his "KKK" button in this photo
(Krowley's Klubhouse Krooks).
How is anybody going to know
that Eric is their doorman?
Oh, I see.
People should recognize that
because he's so quick at bending over.
Stupid of me not to get it.
From what we've heard,
that "low flier"
will even bend over frontwards
for "big" Joe and his crew.
This doorman earns his tips!
Are we talking
holiday season $$$$$ tips or
the "other" variety...h-m-m-m?
What's your gaydar say?
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