The top official responsible for enforcing building standards in the city signed secrecy agreements to hide a series of blunders that led to death and building evacuations.
Buildings chief hid architect's mistakes
Patricia Lancaster, the $162,800-a-year buildings commissioner, hid the mistakes made by architect Robert Scarano.
Lancaster - also an architect - signed an unusual stipulation promising not to report the alleged misdeeds of Scarano to "any regulatory agency," including one that could revoke his license.
The charges involve 32 properties, mostly in Brooklyn, and include alleged carelessness that resulted in the death of a construction worker and a screwup that forced a Brooklyn family to evacuate its unsafe home.
And there's much more in this very informative article. Brian Kates of the Daily News has done a great job here.
She should go to jail...and be put in a cell with DPG.
Between Brooklyn's Bobby (the hairpiece) Scarano
and Queens' Tommy Huang....
we have a two man demolition derby
running in NYC!
Who are the flagrant crooked developer SOBs
representing the other 3 boroughs ?
Maybe a contract would have been taken out on Lancaster if she didn't go along with all this ???
Wadda ya think ????
One thing for sure....
it's time for SELF-CERT to go !!!
And, of course, it's time for Ms. Lancaster to be fired then prosecuted along with all the rest of those crooked DOB bums !!!
This is what happens when the reptiles take control.
From the turtle-faced Commissar on down, each reptile he has appointed has looked out to see what he or she could carve out of the rampant corruption they promote and wallow in.
Dump them all! They laugh at us!
What's so revealing about this article? The DOB has been up developer's and architect's asses for years.
DOB and Lancaster keeps bending over for them even now.
Where do you think she'll work after she leaves the DOB?
She'll go to work for the Parkside Group....
Evan always has a soft spot in his heart
for unemployed crooks and double dealers!
Art Crappo Architecture cannot be created un-abetted; Architects are slithering down to the level of mobsters and lawyers in my estimation.
Architects (like Scarano), lawyers and mobsters
are the real "AXIS OF EVIL" !
Why don't you come out from under your rock and let us see what you have been up to and how do you know so much about the axis of evil? I for one have nothing to hid.
That ain't really "Bobby the Hairpiece" it?
Nah....probably just some anonymous "chitrool".
Listen "Bobby".....
I like it fine.... living in my luxury high rise
tree hollow condo....way up in the sky.....
with all of its breathtaking views of the city......
the one that you didn't build.
Say hello to the rest of those slugs
down there under that rock where you
do "your business".
And try using spell check next time....
it's spelled "hide" not "hid".
I think your hairpiece is getting too small
for your swelled head!'s always good to hear from you .
KEEPING THE HUANGS IN THE LIMELIGHT -- Although they seem to do a good job of it themselves.
It is common kowledge within the DOB that Huang's connections go all the way up. Of course, we can only wonder -- how high is up? Lancaster is probably just the tip of the iceberg. Not so far fetched considering that his batteries seem to never run out. What deals have been worked out with his two sons, who have undoubtedly met with Lancaster to vow that daddy is retiring? Being corporate officers on many of their entities could come back and bite them in the ass, hopefully. When will we know what the objections are on their 223rd Street Bayside project? Big problem, it is definitely not a through-lot, hence the private road is illegal and has to go. What now? Presumably, he has some real problems. Can it be fixed with a deal? Besides stop work orders on the project that he began in 2003, there is yet another HOLD on the entire project. Maybe it has something to do with that forensic audit. You think! Is Angelo Costa, his architect who self-certified this ill-planned project, going to finish the mess for Tommy? Will Costa also be offered a secret agreement to withdraw from the self-certification program? What about the engineers' licenses? What is good for the goose(s) is good for the gander(s), no? The DOB should be required to make it all public. Thus far, there are no answers forthcoming from the city agencies about the entire fiasco. As usual, the public is at their mercy.
You can't help but wonder what, if anything, really is going on behind the scenes. Are the investigative agencies and the Mayor going to do something about all of this anytime soon? Surely, the State Attorney General has to be taking a serious look at all of this.
Put a lien on Lancaster's home
and bank accounts (within the USA....
it's gonna be hard to find her offshore accounts)
until (if ever) she's cleared of all charges.
If not....then it's tough noogie.....
she loses her ASS-ets !
After that......
kick her butt into some diesel dykes' jail
and just watch the sport.
She and Pinky can compare lovers' notes !
Didn't Tommy Huang once brag
that he had a few judges in his pocket....
and a back door into city hall ?
Obviously....that Department of Bribery....
the DOB....made some "hay" with him !
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