Thursday, January 28, 2021

AG James is investigating Governor Cuomo's nursing homes data


AG.NY. Gov

Investigations Reveal DOH Publicly Reported Data Undercounted COVID-19 Deaths
and Many Nursing Homes Failed to Comply with Critical Infection Control Policies

AG Conducting Ongoing Investigations into More Than 20 Facilities

NEW YORK – Attorney General Letitia James today released a report on her office’s ongoing investigations into nursing homes’ responses to the COVID-19 pandemic. Since March, Attorney General James has been investigating nursing homes throughout New York state based on allegations of patient neglect and other concerning conduct that may have jeopardized the health and safety of residents and employees.

Among those findings were that a larger number of nursing home residents died from COVID-19 than the New York State Department of Health’s (DOH) published nursing home data reflected and may have been undercounted by as much as 50 percent. The investigations also revealed that nursing homes’ lack of compliance with infection control protocols put residents at increased risk of harm, and facilities that had lower pre-pandemic staffing ratings had higher COVID-19 fatality rates. Based on these findings and subsequent investigation, Attorney General James is conducting ongoing investigations into more than 20 nursing homes whose reported conduct during the first wave of the pandemic presented particular concern.

“As the pandemic and our investigations continue, it is imperative that we understand why the residents of nursing homes in New York unnecessarily suffered at such an alarming rate,” said Attorney General James. “While we cannot bring back the individuals we lost to this crisis, this report seeks to offer transparency that the public deserves and to spur increased action to protect our most vulnerable residents. Nursing homes residents and workers deserve to live and work in safe environments, and I will continue to work hard to safeguard this basic right during this precarious time.”


Anonymous said...

You go Letitia. Get Benito with his lies.

Anonymous said...

About time! Everyone seems to be getting away with everything now. Hopefully this will get somewhere!

Anonymous said...

She's not doing this out of any sense of conviction or moral obligation, she's doing this to throw shit at a political rival who stands in her way for a run at the governors office. She's a turd...

Anonymous said...

Trite, I know but it is relevant: The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

Anonymous said...

Moe said...
Those poor people, the governor should be recalled/sacked and held to account.

Anonymous said...

Everyone in NY who had relatives in nursing homes that died should sue him.

Anonymous said...

The people of NY have a way of voting in the worse of the worse !

Anonymous said...

He needs to be removed from office if he caused all those deaths !

Anonymous said...

“ She's not doing this out of any sense of conviction or moral obligation, she's doing this to throw shit at a political rival who stands in her way for a run at the governors office. She's a turd...”

So what’s the alternative? Do nothing and keep letting him lie and write books about how great of a leader he is? He got away with wasting money for years, now people are dead on his watch...and he will run for (and probably win) a 4th term, because NYers seem to love him.

Anonymously Grey Gardens said...

Would that this Affirmative Action case (and, terminal embarrassment to primates) could have (SHOULD HAVE!) helped me when I presented her with FIRM, NONNEGOTIABLE evidence of MTA corruption, pension fraud, massive, SLOPPY COVER-UPS, whistleblowing and unfair labor practices that capriciously and arbitrarily robbed me of my hard earned city pension with NYCERS, back when she was just a mentally lazy, social climbing city councilwoman in March, 2011, then I wouldn't be at the mercy of food stamps and SSI that my equally lazy Assemblyman Michael Miller arranged for me to collect, two years later in 2013, IN LIEU OF MY EARNED AND DESERVED CITY PENSION. The whole cover-up is an exercise in criminal sociopathy that even CUOMIGULA himself refused to investigate (for years, Cuomo's ugly henchmen in the Executive Chamber would intercept my calls at the switchboard and play games with me before hanging up).

Tragically, there is so much corruption that Letitia James could have immediately investigated when I reached out to her at a public rally that was held for aggrieved school teachers in Union Square, instead of telling me that she had ' ... bigger problems to handle with the teachers,' which was pure bullshit, before walking away from me and leaving me to rot. In fact, what she was telling me was that my voice, my complaint doesn't matter, and the criminal government of the City and State of New York was too big for her to bother herself with taking on my complaint that ended up being a hellish nightmare and prison sentence without bars (in addition to an unjustified burden to the taxpayers because my case deserved restitution, not and endless enrollment into the SNAP benefits program AND SSI benefits when I could have been collecting my city pension).

Never trust anyone in New York politics, QUEENS County residents (and, politicians overall). They are worse than crack addicted whores without a soul and conscience, ALL of whom continually behave like unresponsive tyrants of lawlessness and outright destruction, as zero social contract becomes the new normal in government that leads to yet even more violence, vigilantism and openly practiced anarchy. Even the global chapters of organized crime family rings could not endeavor to rival these voracious government thieves, much less surpass their never-ending death grip over an entire constituency. They DEVALUE honesty itself!

Anonymous said...

Most of the people who die are in nursing homes. SO WHY IS THE CITY ON LOCKDOWN????????

Anonymous said...

We lied, people died. Who cares !

Anonymous said...

@Bored This guy would have made a first class Italian Fascist during World War 2.

Anonymous said...

He knows what he did, so does God. There's no justice in this world.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

He has no empathy for anyone. He needs to go.

Anonymous said...

He blamed it all on Trump and now that he's gone, he's got no one to blame it on.

Anonymous said...

He can learn from Joe !
"If you don't fire the prosecutor, you won't get the money."- Joe Biden

Anonymous said...

"If you don't fire the prosecutor, you won't get the money."

1 Billion tax payer dollars to be exact. On tape. Nothing matters. Apparently.

But I have to admit he is popular and well liked.

He even got more votes than Obama.