Sen. Tony Avella has joined his former NYC Council colleague Peter Vallone Jr. in opposing the city’s plan to rename the Queensboro Bridge (or, the 59th Street Bridge, if you prefer) to honor former Mayor Ed Koch.
“Despite my deep affinity and respect for Mayor Koch, I think it is completely inappropriate to be naming the Queensboro Bridge after him at this time,” Avella said in a press release.
“First of all there should be a moratorium on all bridge renaming while the City is facing a fiscal crisis. In addition, this renaming flies in the face the general rule against the naming of public structures in honor of living persons.”
“As a lifelong Queens resident and as an elected official representing parts of Queens, it is particularly disturbing to see a Hallmark of Queens history stripped of its association to the borough.”
Where the hell are the rest of Queens' elected officials on this? Are these asswipes planning to vote yes? Or are they going to make a deal with Quinn so that they can safely vote no while the reps of the other 4 boroughs vote yes?
There's now a Facebook Group dedicated to the topic.
Avella for mayor!
I agree with Avella...
I dunno.
I kinda like the ring of The Funny Uncle Bridge.
now eliminate the nys tax on a gallon of gasoline.do something that really helps the citizens of ny.
Tony, you're a state Senator now...not a NYC councilman...so go pass some important legislation up in Albany instead of grandstanding on relatively minor NYC issues.
I don't like the re-naming of the bridge either but is it really your business or fall under your job description?
ony, you're a state Senator now...not a NYC councilman...so go pass some important legislation up in Albany instead of grandstanding on relatively minor NYC issues.
I am sure Avella is not asleep in Albany and he is active locally down here as well - thank God - no one else is working these issues and he is a NYC resident and can be as vocal as he likes and I encourage them to be as vocal so that we have alternative voices vs Bloomberg & other do-nothing pols.
good work tony! they just can't wait to spend another few million dollars changing the name of another bridge when nobody wants it. I still use terms like triboro and interboro, even after the morons changed those roadways.
Would he object if they rename it the "Parkside Bridge?"
Vallone Sr has gone on record for renaming the bridge for Koch.
F*k the politicians - what do they know and why do they have to be the arbiter of every damn thing in Queens.
That is our problem.
We can think for ourselves. Ask someone else for a change. What do the historians in Queens have to say about this.
How about the civic groups.
Does he have a relative that can take over as mayor for NYC? We need more people like that.
thanks tony for stopping the city from pissing away millions
Can we re-name the Triboro for Koch? Why the hell it was ever named for RFK is still a mystery to all New Yorkers.
"Can we re-name the Triboro for Koch? Why the hell it was ever named for RFK is still a mystery to all New Yorkers."
- - - - - - - - - - -
Actually, it was. "RFK" stands for "Renamed For Koch."
Good question: where is Queens Civic Congress on this.
If they are spineless on this stupid issue where will they be on something important.
"thanks tony for stopping the city from pissing away millions"
How did he do that?
How about the borough historian?
Queens Historical?
Keep the Queensborogh Bridge name! Celebrate Queens!
Got a great 7 train story on my blog today...takes place in Woodside
Queens Historical?
NO! Queens Hysterical!
Did Tony object to Spitzer/Paterson/Silver re-naming the Tri-Borough after RFK?
I doubt it.
ugh whats next renaming the whitestone,the TOby stavitsky bridge?
RE: "ugh whats next renaming the whitestone,the TOby stavitsky bridge?"
Don't give em any ideas!
ugh whats next renaming the whitestone,the TOby stavitsky bridge?
Why not? All roads lead to the North Flushing Senior Center. Right, FBI?
Huh? What was that? Ackerman's got it covered? Whew!
Although Tony's heart is in the right place...Avella's record in NYC wasn't very good.
Aside from holding a myriad of press conferences (many outside his district) how many of the dozens of bills he introduced actually got passed in the city council?
Maybe one...maybe two?
But his record of making enemies among pols is outstanding.
It's been said that politics is the art of the do-able...WHICH REQUIRES COOPERATION among your colleagues.
Maybe Oddo was Tony's only "friend" in the city council who agreed with him on occasion.
The other was Sanders.
Hubba, hubba!
Kochsuckers. All of them.
funny the stavisky bridge ha ha ha
come on tony your better then this
funny the stavisky bridge ha ha ha
The Stavisky Bridge = The only bridge that double crosses YOU!
funny the stavisky bridge ha ha ha
The Stavisky Bridge = The only bridge that double crosses YOU!
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