It was touted in real estate magazines for years and renderings show two glass monoliths, but the current reality for a construction site in Hunters Point is a lot less glamorous.
“What we have now is Lake Vernon Boulevard,” Community Board 2 Chairman Joseph Conley said of 44-02 Vernon Blvd. “It is huge. You wouldn’t believe how much water is in this pit.”
The six-acre property was formerly the East River Tennis Club, but plans to turn it into a condominium complex date back to at least 1989.
Plans for the complex, called River East, included two 29-story towers and four eight-story buildings comprising 910 residential units, 11,750 square feet of commercial retail and 115,000 square feet of parking space.
But in what Conley blames on the real estate bust that came with the collapse of the financial markets last year, little progress has been made at the site and the accumulated water is threatening neighboring buildings.
The city Department of Education’s book depository sits next door to the site, and the agency complained to the DOB in April after staff noticed the water was pooling against the wall of the municipal building.
I actually thought they mistakenly inserted a photo of Newtown Creek into their story...
Not Conley, its not the real estate bust, but collateral damage from the real estate frenzy that you, the political appointed community board, and the politicans like the Doorman that turned their back on a community being displaced right across the river from the UN.
Nice way to showcase the world what US is about just accross the river and outside their windows.
This unfolding disgrace ignored by the press
Of course, the Doorman did cover world hunger and the local press did pick up on that pressing topic in the community.
Look, if you are spreading the blame, how about the arts community and the young people that are to revitalize the area.
Instead of fighting development and decrying the loss of a "vibrant! diverse! community" they jump all over themselves cutting deals with the developers from Suna to Plaxal.
Jumping schools and library to the head of the line and having bike lanes and trees put in while the rest of the borough rots completes the promise of new vitality from the new residents.
That the Tower People live on the tax subsidises from long term residents is something they breezily overlook.
Afterall, Archie and Edith are object of scorn and laughter.
Hey, are great place for a 50 story tower: a FEMA flood plain built on 19th century landfill (so THATS where they dumped all those dead cows and mules and rags and ashes from the Good Old Days) steeped in a century of hydrocarbon spills.
THATS the place I want to live and raise my kids, how about you?
That picture is so trendy. Whats wrong with you people?
Run over there, throw in a few goldfish so we don't have malaria come next spring.
Just make it Water Taxi Beach 2!
Let's give the lake a name. I suggest "Lake Bloomberg".
Instead of "Lake Bloomberg" how about "Mike's Mire" (as in stuck with real estate woes)?
I'm gonna bring my rubber duckie and take a dip before it gets swampy.
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