"This happenned yesterday in Boro park this 80 year old begged this traffic cop not to ticket her for being 1 minute late.... but the ruthless senseless cop did what all the traffic agents do: act inhuman and unfair.
Vote for Bloomberg and it will get only worse!
Pass it on! show the true picture of Bloomberg!" - smiling dreidel
They are NOT cops.Traffic enforcement agents,aka Traffican-Americans.
Its incidents like this that will cost Bloombuck$ the election.
Sigh. OK, here I go, one more time for the hard of hearing....THEY....ARE....NOT.........COPS......THEY....ARE....TRAFFIC......AGENTS........TRAFFIC..AGENTS....ARE......NOT....COPS....THEY.....NEVER....WERE....COPS....THEY......NEVER......WILL......BE....COPS...........got it?
they're just doing there job.Watch parking wars!
If I'm not mistaken once a traffic agent scans the vid they cannot cancel the ticket. I'd rather deal with a traffic agent than a New York Prick & Dick.
If you can't do the time don't do the crime.
At least she was 1 minute late. I've been ticketed while walking to the meter to drop the money in.
I thought this was a law and order blog. There's plenty of intolerance for the least bit of lawbreaking in other areas of city life - why is this the exception? If the agent was a minute early that would be one thing, but Granny was a minute late. Okay, you might say, give her a minute grace. Fine. What about two minutes? Five? Ten? Half an hour? When do you finally reach that moment when you say "no more"? And who decides exactly? What if you give Granny a break because she's old and adorable - do you then screw the young and ugly? What's your standard? Best to have one rule for everyone.
no matter who is in office, they are still going to write tickets. as upset as I get when I get one, it boils down to feeding the meter and being on time.
its comes with car ownership in NYC, love it or leave it.
"I thought this was a law and order blog. There's plenty of intolerance for the least bit of lawbreaking in other areas of city life - why is this the exception?"
Once again, you have your head up your ass. Did the Crapper not ask what people thought about the excessive ticketing for the posters last week? You can give granny a break. Chances are the ticket agents' scanners are not synced with the munimeter system anyway.
Actually, I also have posted time and again about ticketing for pulling over into a bus stop or bike lane to pick someone up or drop someone off. I have posted about entrapment by ticket officers, I have posted about unfair ticketing at Willets Point.
So this isn't the "exception" by any stretch of your imagination.
Crapper -- My mistak. You're merely approve of automotive scofflawery. Or do you also think it's okay to keep library books overdue?
Guess you failed to read the comment above mine.
Crapper: Guess you failed to read the comment above mine.
Anonymous: You can give granny a break.
Another scofflaw.
If granny were on a bike you'd probably send her to the Tombs.
I guess you missed the story about the guy who rode his bike on the sidewalk and ended up in the Tombs because he left his wallet home and they wouldn't let him call his wife's cell phone so she could bring his ID down. I said it was ludicrous that 1) they arrested him and 2) they wouldn't let him call his wife.
Also said the same thing about the guy who went through the emergency exit in the subway.
You need to get a meaningful hobby.
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