City Council Member Elizabeth Crowley announced that she was working with COMET to host a news conference to press the Taxi and Limousine Commission (TLC) to take action against commuter van operators who are illegally picking up passengers through the streets of Maspeth and Woodside.
The legislator said her office is organizing a press conference scheduled for later this month to bring attention to the problem; as previously reported, COMET has been petitioning the TLC and the city Department of Transportation to take enforcement action against the owners of commuter vans observed conducting business in the area.
“We will act to prove that the vans are breaking the law,” Crowley said.
Daraio noted that the commuter vans are permitted to service the Board 4 area (which includes Elmhurst) to supplement bus and train service. The vans, however, are not permitted to pick up or drop off passengers in the confines of Boards 2 and 5.
The civic president added that some operators have been observed refusing to pick up certain passengers in the community based on their ethnicity.
Since the Times Newsweekly neglected to mention who is operating the illegal pick up services and who is being discriminated against, I'll tell you.
These are Asian car services and they only pick up other Asians. Many of them only have Chinese writing on them.
Why were these services sanctioned in CB4 when that district has some of the best public transportation in the borough? Also why were there no hearings about it?
refusing to pick up certain passengers in the community based on their ethnicity.
These vans are not a public service and unlawfully operate their motor vehicule in unlawful ways. They unload folks in front of private homes, honk for customers and do not - repeat do not serve anyone who is not Chinese. They steal MTA passengers, block the bus stop so that the legit MTA buses overshoot the stop or cannot see passengers waiting for the MTA buses.
These vans discriminate against all non-Chinese riders. Something must be done to ban these unsafe vans from our neigborhoods.
Not to mention that many of these vans are "church vans" and thus are tax-free. Yet somehow, they seldom seem to be use for church functions.
hey crappiie can they be sued for not picking up non asians?
I suppose they could, but first you would need to find out who they are. They only have Chinese writing on the vans.
These vans are pretty organized; they even have numbers which represent their routes painted on the front. I always see them running along Calumus Avenue on the same route as the Q45 bus. Why should they be permitted to take money away from the MTA? Is someone afraid to come after them because they are a minority and may cry discrimination?
Crappie, get pics of their license plates -start there. and/or write down the license plate numbers. that's not in Chinese.
then deport them all back to China, put them in their own vans
I've seen the Korean church vans
When I attended college the "dollar vans" often cruised the bus stop on Queens Boulvard and picked up freezing college students who had waited vainly for buses for a half hour or so. At that time, the bus fare was half as much as the van fare, but we gladly paid it.
MTA step up your game.
really? c'mon man! there are bigger issues out there to focus your time and efforts on than giving the dollar vans a hard time.
this is like complaining to the mafia about not accepting italians.
you can do it but would it really change anything?
In all honesty, would any of guys even want to ride in the vans if you had an opportunity?
How about taking the time that you would dedicate to following and photographing the vans and volunteer at an after school proram helping some kids with homework instead.
So you're ok with these vans taking money away from the MTA, not being licensed properly and discriminating against anyone not Asian?
The Chinee vans have been around for quite a while. I always wondered when our elected officials were going to do something about them. It's election time and people are complaining about the vans, so our officials will say they'll look into the legalities of the vans, however, it's only to appease their constituents for their votes. Once the election is over, you'll still see these vans. Politicians have to pander to the Asians because in 10 years they will be the majority in Elmhurst.
I'm sure that these vans are properly insured in case of an accident, right? Has anyone had a "run-in" with one of these vans? And what about the passengers?
So you're ok with these vans taking money away from the MTA, not being licensed properly and discriminating against anyone not Asian?
Legally, its not right but it has absolutely no impact on my day to day life so it doesn't bother me.
Would shutting them down make my subway fare go down? probably not.
Would the MTA add extra trains and buses to make up for the extra riders that would use the system instead of the vans? probably not.
Would you jump on the opportunity to ride in one of these vans? probably not.
If you go after EVERY scofflaw no matter how big or small the offense, no one would be untouched.
The MTA has bigger problems to deal with than these vans and the people who ride on them.
"Legally, its not right but it has absolutely no impact on my day to day life so it doesn't bother me."
Now there's a genius statement. It impacts many people's day to day lives.
If operators are unlicensed, they likely are employing unsafe drivers. They operate illegally and drive unsafely when they get jumpy. They screech away from the curb, weave in and out of traffic, pull over unexpectedly, etc. Maybe when you get hit by one of these vans, you'll feel differently.
Now there's a genius statement. It impacts many people's day to day lives.
If operators are unlicensed, they likely are employing unsafe drivers. They operate illegally and drive unsafely when they get jumpy. They screech away from the curb, weave in and out of traffic, pull over unexpectedly, etc. Maybe when you get hit by one of these vans, you'll feel differently.
in all honesty, you made a valid point.
I think that if you really feel strongly about this issue, organize a picket line at the stops, present the cost for the ride and demand to be admitted on the bus, have a sit in like the civil rights demonstrations of the 1960's. Get the media involved, cause a stink.
However, if this is going to be a forgotten issue in 3 or 4 days that only served as a venue to the readers of this blog to vent their frustrations and nothing more, then its just a waste of time and energy to sit back and complain.
Legally, its not right but it has absolutely no impact on my day to day life so it doesn't bother me.
That is one of the most selfish things that I've ever read on this blog...or almost anywhere else! What an asshole.
You have to wonder why someone who doesn't care about this issue would comment multiple times about it.
The electeds will have a press conference about this soon and there has already been undercover work done on it which will continue. No point in demanding equal access to an illegal service. Best to just shut it down.
Anonymous said...
That is one of the most selfish things that I've ever read on this blog...or almost anywhere else! What an asshole.
you must not read this blog much because guaranteed there's been much worse comments that what I've made.
you must not read this blog much because guaranteed there's been much worse comments that what I've made.
Who the fuck are you to judge? An ego-inflated TROLL!!! Your selfish attitude is unwelcome.
PS ever use the word "than" you illiterate moron.
you must not read this blog much because guaranteed there's been much worse comments that what I've made.
Right! You come here and say that something that could present a danger to people but does not impact upon your life is OK. Your selfish attitude is incredible. Why didn't you say what you really feel, to HELL with all of you. Please go away!!!
the one I've used before (white van, red or black lettering) only picks up passengers who call ahead. the dispatcher usually speaks english and arranges the pick up location/time. coming back into queens, you can get dropped off at any point in the route.
Right! You come here and say that something that could present a danger to people but does not impact upon your life is OK. Your selfish attitude is incredible. Why didn't you say what you really feel, to HELL with all of you. Please go away!!!
aren't you taking this a little too far, I mean really.
If you don't agree with me, that's cool, just say so, you don't have to condemn me to an eternal firey torment because a difference in opinion.
Did you miss my comment where I said that I agreed with crappy after he brought up the possibility of lac....aww screw it. What's the difference anyway. I'm going to Mike's Pub
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