This dog is looking for its owner. It was found on 46th Street and 43rd Ave. outside the Turkish deli.
The dog was rescued on September 30, and has been cared for by a member of Sunnyside United Dog Society (SUDS)
This was passed around through dog rescue circles, and the dog was thought to be the dog in this flier:

So e-mails were exchanged which eventually led to a happy reunion 5 days later, on October 8th (yesterday):
"Sorry to get back to you so late. I was inseparable from Thruster!! And yes, he is Thruster. The couple that found him...took good care of him. He is now safe and happy in our house!"
The dog theft was caught on surveillance tape, which hopefully was turned over to the 110th Precinct.
A dog reunited with his owner.
A president is given the Nobel Peace Prize.
I ,for one, am enjoying the bounty of good news today.
("They" say things happen in threes. Let's hope the next bit of good news regards " Poppy" being reunited with his owners!)
Who's Poppy?
George Bush, Sr.
Ach, dat vas vun uf der best vons yet!
The Onion has announced they are folding, as they can never top the Nobel Committee
Good to see a family back together
What a perfect ending! Thanks for letting us know!
Is anyone going to to speak with the owner about perhaps having Thruster neutered? One dog a time.
re:above-"Poppy" was your lost dog post on Sept. 17th.
Thank You,Humans.
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