Council Member Avella stated that he was "flabbergasted" that the SCA contractor's representative would "guarantee" that the contamination would not enter the school building. The rep recanted. He explained that there will be 2 pipes through the building and vapors will be pumped through them to the roof where they will exit. [Off-camera, the SCA's engineer explained that the NYPD/FDNY would only be notified of a leak 2 days after it is detected if it is not repaired before then.]
Council Member Avella pointed out that remediating the soil properly is not any more expensive than the system devised by SCA and wondered what the motivation for leaving the toxins in the ground is. It will cost a million dollars just to install a plastic sheet under the school to act as a vapor barrier and this money would be better spent removing the toxic soil instead. (Someone's relative or a "connected" firm is no doubt getting a contract.)
The SCA rep stated that the "soil is not contaminated" with volatile organic compounds (VOCs) but with semi-volatile organic compounds (SVOCs) and asserted that therefore vapors are not an issue. Dr. James Cervino countered by stating that semi-volatile organic compound vapors do filter up through the soil and the ones at this site are a risk as they are 3,000 times the amount of the Northeast Background Levels. He explained that the SCA is instead using NYC Background Levels which are less stringent. The toxins present are known to cause cancer and kidney failure. In a laboratory setting, Cervino has seen them cause DNA mutation in cells in concentrations much lower than what is present at the school site. Cervino mentioned that the SCA has enforced the stricter standards in more affluent areas, but does not do so in middle class and poorer neighborhoods. [Off-camera he also mentioned that sites that were found to have less contamination than this were cleaned by SCA contractors according to the stricter standards.]
Dr. Cervino stated that discharge from the proposed venting system will not likely get the surrounding community sick but it is not the right thing to do because there will not be an adequate monitoring system in place. He also reiterated that schools in less affluent areas typically aren't cleaned up properly.
Dr. Cervino says that "never in a million years" would he send his children to this school given the levels of contamination that will not be appropriately remediated. [Off-camera he also stated that there is an offer on the table of certified clean fill from an anonymous donor to offset the cost of the soil replacement which the SCA engineer said the agency would consider.] Dr. Cervino also said he was shocked that Mayor Bloomberg, considering his "green" stance and past work against global warming, would allow children and teachers to be exposed to these contaminants. (Of course, this comes as no shock to Queens Crap readers who know what a hypocrite the mayor is.)
Dr. Cervino invited the SCA and Councilman Avella to a panel discussion at Pace University to further discuss the subject of contamination at school construction sites, said the contamination must be unearthed and replaced with clean soil and talked favorably about the communities of Maspeth & Middle Village.
Of special note is that Council Member Elizabeth Crowley did not attend this meeting but that her Chief-of-Staff, Lydon Sleeper, did and questioned the levels that the SCA was using and their method of cleanup. So the official Crowley position has shifted a bit from "contamination at industrial sites is a given" and is now more like, "Uh oh! This could make me look really bad!"
It will also be interesting to see if the Queens delegation, especially environmentalist James Gennaro, public advocate candidate Eric Gioia, comptroller candidate, new mommy Melinda Katz and financial geniuses Johnny Liu and David Weprin raise hell about any of this. Let's not hold our breath.
Speaking of holding our breath, after the meeting, a sketch of the school uniforms was handed out:

Well at least the kids will not be able to have innappropriate relationships with the teachers while wearing those uniforms!
It's a shame with the levels of MERCURY! you think parents would be outraged. Children that are Autistic can not break down mecury and with these high levels venting into our community can our mayor guarantee that it won't cause more harm to them. The scientist said "cancer forming" and love the part that he stated he would not send his children to any school with toxic present. Well wake up MASPETH neither would our mayor, city council and the damn contractors who are building the school. I don't believe for a moment that putting down a large plastic under the school is going to vent this shit up and out, i believe it's going to create more toxics to sit dormant under the plastic and vent up through the floor of the basement and the school. Who invented this bogus plastic shit? and who really believes this works? it's a damn illusion and the city and contractors are lying to everyone. Show me tests on other sites that have proven to remove the toxics in the ground and show me a survey of the community that no one has gotten sick... Why on other sites did they pull the projects with less levels, but want to fuck Masepth? I think Liz Crowley should be asking those questions to city council and our Mayor. Also why hasn't Liz done more to research the offer to give the project FRESH CLEAN SOIL! as long as the city diggs the shit out and removes it, someone had offered this. I can't believe the crap I've been reading and hearing at town meetings. We need to come together as a town a demand better from our MAYOR and will not take less.
Once again Liz Crowley did not show up to an important meeting. Instead she chose to stay overtime at her Manhattan fundraiser wooing lobbyists and special interests.
Lets see if the local or daily papers pick up on this story. Crowley has betrayed the people of the 30th district.
went to a meeting last night and liz spoke for a bit, not really much on what she's going to do to help the community from stopping them from venting this crap into the air and then left. she was more concern about talking about the mayor and going green, which is a joke when they want to contaminate us.
What happened to all the school groupies and Crowley supporters who said the opposition to this was grasping at straws and would find any excuse to block the high school? Why aren't they defending their right to send their kids to a toxic school?
No one wanted their children to go to this school in this area. possibly the big six was hoping for it, but no one i know wants close to 2000 more people coming in. now that it's toxic we don't hear from marge or the few others that wanted the school. it's funny that you mentioned it, hmm where are they now...
Actually, Bloomberg is the one who got us in this mess. Then, pinky and phony tony como did nothing. Crowley had to clean up their mess.
Is Queens Crap endorsing Tom or Tony Nunizato?
Actually, Bloomberg is the one who got us in this mess. Then, pinky and phony tony como did nothing. Crowley had to clean up their mess.
Its ok,they're only semi-volatile toxins...........a bullet is only semi fatal while it is still in the gun.
I find it unreal that "officials" feel it is ok to vent toxins into the air! Where is the epa(feds) on this? Think i'll just move yo love canal,ny
The Building on Your Head Party applauds this far-thinking plan to relieve Queens of its excess population.
Sterility, cancer, shortened lifespans are all proven ways to remove non-productive eaters to clear the way for the use of the city by the economically superior.
Remember, "A Building on Your Head, means riff-raff will be Dead."
Bloomberg, Monserrate and Building on Your Head forever!!!
But, but...a school will be good for the neighborhood! Even a toxic one! :)
Bloomberg's alternate spelling for Maspeth:
R-E-D-L-I-N-E-D !
Give him his "pink slip" this coming November!
Vote this diminutive demagogue out!
Crowley had to clean up their mess...
i don't agree with you she's backed up UFT and she was in favor of the school, oh she claims for the "local children", please. i don't see her doing anything to help us now to prevent them from venting this crap out into our community. now we all know they all read into crapper, so i challege them the mayor and liz what the fuck are you going to do to stop them from building and venting??? if your going to fuck us with a school, dig the shit out and take the donation of fresh CLEAN soil... i still don't believe this site is good for the students or the area due to lack of transportation.
Hey Liz, we're wise to you. You pushed for a high school then you made a deal to vote no. The evidence is that you didn't lobby other council members. And please don't tell us about the "Minority," as you mistakenly called them, Caucus not turning down a school. Your name is Crowley, that should at least be worth support from Queens council members.
To make matters worse you never read the Environmental Impact Assessment on the Maspeth HS and didn't know about the toxic levels. When the Juniper Valley group informed you of it you came out with a ridiculous statement that all industrial sites have toxins. Great answer Liz. Shows how you really care about our kids.
You're beholden to the building trades, plain and simple. Your campaign contributions demonstrate that. You do not want to squash an $80 million project because you have your marching orders. That's why you won't try and stop it even though scientists are saying it's more contaminated than many sites.
We deserve better leadership here in Maspeth! And no, this is not "phony tony como" as you continue to write on this blog. I'm a concerned citizen who reads and observes. Hopefully you'll not get away with your charade much longer.
i really wish someone would come forward and get on the ballot, shit i need a job and can't take the bull shit anymore. please someone speak out already june is right around the corner and alot has to get done to get your name on the ballot.
Is Queens Crap endorsing Tom or Tony Nunizato?
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