Longest, and Possibly Coolest, a Train Still a-Thrumming at 75
Some 75 years later, the A line stretches farther than it did back then, literally and culturally.
Today, on the A line’s 75th birthday, transit officials will celebrate with a ceremony at the start of the line at the Inwood/207th Street station. A special train made up of six prewar cars is scheduled to provide service along the line’s original route to the Chambers Street stop in Lower Manhattan.
The A often feels like the city’s very own transcontinental railroad, traveling deep under the ground and soaring high above it, below the bustle of Washington Heights, past old tombstones in graveyards in Ozone Park, over the waters of Jamaica Bay. Perhaps the most famous section is the run under Harlem heard between the notes of Ellington’s “Take the A Train.”
Photo from NY Times
check out how etched up that train window is. I bet the NY Times photographer who took this photo went to every window in the train he was on till finally accepting the fact that he wasn't going to find one that wasn't etched up.
A plague on these damned graffiti artists!
The A train that I was on today rode like it was 75 years old.
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