Thursday, July 18, 2024

El Queens Center Mariachi WINS 

 Five people were charged on a 625-count indictment in connection to a gun trafficking operation that sold dozens of ghost guns, assault weapons, high-capacity magazines, and hundreds of rounds of ammunition in Queens, New York Attorney General Letitia James announced on Wednesday.

The suspects charged in the operation allegedly transported 3D-printed ghost guns assembled in Nassau County and serialized firearms purchased in Indiana into Queens, where they were stored and sold, according to the Office of the Attorney General.

An investigation by the OAG’s Organized Crime Task Force in cooperation with Homeland Security Investigations and the NYPD recovered 86 firearms – including 55 ghost guns and 25 assault weapons – along with over 90 high-capacity magazines and hundreds of rounds of ammunition.

Investigators began tracking Satveer Saini, 20, and his associates, Mateo Castro-Agudelo, 21, Hargeny Fernandez-Gonzalez, 20, Adam Youssef Senhaji-Rivas, 20, and Milanjit Sidhu, 20, in late 2023, according to the OAG.

During the investigation, Saini, Fernandez-Gonzalez, and Senhaji-Rivas allegedly paid over $27,000 to purchase firearms from Indiana, which has less restrictive gun laws than New York.

Early in the investigation, Saini and Castro-Agudelo drove from Indianapolis to Queens with weapons purchased in Indiana when they were stopped for speeding by the Ohio State Highway Patrol in Medina County, Ohio. During the stop, police recovered nine unloaded serialized handguns from inside Saini’s rental car.

From this point on, Fernandez-Gonzalez allegedly began paying Sidhu to drive weapons from Indianapolis to Queens.

Fernandez-Gonzalez also allegedly bought 3D-printed ghost guns in Nassau County and brought them to Queens.  Saini, Castro-Agudelo, and Senhaji-Rivas all allegedly sold trafficked firearms, high-capacity magazines, and ammunition during the course of the investigation.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like a bunch of joe bidens illegals

Anonymous said...

They are expressing their freedoms under the constitution. What's the issue.

Anonymous said...

That's what happens when Red states sell guns to anyone with a pulse. They sell them to gangsters, madmen, manic depressives, South American drug cartels, Mexican border hoppers and other assorted lunatics.
That kid who shot at TrumpTurd got guns even though he was mentally unstable. Pity he wasn't a better shot. A taste of his own medicine.
TrumTurds want everyone to get these guns without background checks. Let's see how that works out. More school shootings, more assignation attempts, more gun violence.
Welcome to 'Merica.

Anonymous said...

Who honestly believes these goons will obey this law?

Anonymous said...

"At least we finally beat Medicare!"

Anonymous said...

Thanks for keeping us up to date.

Anonymous said...

​​To think there was a time you could leave your home unlocked. Not now!

Anonymous said...

That Thomas Crooks patriot could have used a few of those.

GopGeorge said...

Meanwhile, Jehovah himself showed up at the RNC convention on Thursday night. Mainstream media completely ignored this. Typical.

Anonymous said...

Sheeple "what you see is what you get"!

Anonymous said...

Let’s be clear! C’mon man! What’s with you guys?

Anonymous said...

Some people should not be allowed to vote till they pass a Civic exam on how our political system works. Then vote term limits, voter ID and never have open borders.

Anonymous said...

Biden’s America

Anonymous said...

You voted for this New York.... Dont worry, you will vote for Cuomo to fix this. what a joke but nobody is laughing.

Anonymous said...

If you voted democrat should you lose your right to complain ?

Anonymous said...

Thankfully, Biden crime is down.

Anonymous said...

Just another day in a Liberal Utopia and a crime Hell hole run by Democrats !

Captain Renault said...

Investigators began tracking Satveer Saini, 20, and his associates, Mateo Castro-Agudelo, 21, Hargeny Fernandez-Gonzalez, 20, Adam Youssef Senhaji-Rivas, 20, and Milanjit Sidhu, 20, in late 2023


Anonymous said...

@"To think there was a time you could leave your home unlocked. Not now!"

Yes. It's no Wonder those guys went to a red state to get guns. They need them for self-defense. It's a dangerous world out there.

Anonymous said...

Vote like California, become California.

Anonymous said...

Vibrant diversity!!

Es muy macho!

Anonymous said...

I think they are not sending us their best.

Anonymous said...

We need a republican A.G. This is an attack on their freedoms to have weapons.

Anonymous said...

Crime pays in NY.
42nd cop killer released in 7 years ! RIP P.O. George Werdann

The lack of respect for the very people who protect us is appalling. Is it any wonder there are so many brazen crimes? Killing a cop is an assault on society itself and the death penalty should be applied. To add insult to injury Cuomo even gave them all the right to vote in State elections. That’s right convicted felons have the right to vote, thanks to Cuomo who obviously wanted and needed their votes.

Anonymous said...

Lack of advancement of the human race

Anonymous said...

Now go back to the precinct and spend the next 5 hours on overtime completing your paperwork.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Corn pop was a bad dude said....
"It is in the best interest of my party and the country for me to stand down"

Joe said...

"That's what happens when Red states sell guns to anyone with a pulse"

Hugh, look at the bags of plastic 3D printer beads and colors
These people are making them locally.
Just wait till all the kids get good on 3D printers.
Go to Micro Center in Westbury.
I was there to buy a 27 inch computer monitor and noticed the whole store was re-arranged to accommodate a 3D printing sections.
They got beads, tubs, nozzles, tables you name it and guess what the people shopping in that section looked like.
What's a tattooed nasty looking inner city youth of color doing with 2 bags of black 3D printing beads in his hand (besides stealing them)
I'm sure its not for a boyscouts projet.


Joe said...

"To think there was a time you could leave your home unlocked. Not now!"

There was a time you could sleep outside
Back in the 60s good days the house on DeKalb (just north of Evergreen ave) was paid for but we were too poor to have an AC.
During heat waves I sleep outside with parents/grandparents.
It was a paradise, some Bonanno family's lived on the block, all get together, drink wine and play Bingo in the yards too.
If anybody started shit they got a talking too including some of the local priests.
Oh boy those old Mafioso sure didn't like priests around their grandchildren.
....then gone to hell overnight with Kennedy-Johnson democrat Civil Rights and Immigration acts passed. Homes sold for $8000 - 12,000 Italians as run to Long Island, Glendale Middle Village and Ridgewood.
Those who didn't move got it the worst.
All Democrats know how to do is destroy


Anonymous said...

Shit, the bullet magazines are the exact same color as the guns and what looks like a bump-stocks meaning they are now printing THOSE as well.
No gun laws will stop this, only at the voting booth.
Seat Mayors, governors, lawmakers, DA, who will un-cuff the police and Judges.
Will New York ever learn its lesson and consequences of electing democrats and progressives?

Anonymous said...

They’d be patriots if this was in Texas.

Anonymous said...

"If voting made any difference they wouldn't let us do it."
Mark Twain

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Escape from New York wasn't a fictional movie, it was a documentary.

Anonymous said...

We love diversity

Anonymous said...

Big on gun control but not big on crime control.

Anonymous said...

Who remembers when Rudy was in charge?
Pepperidge Farm remembers.

Anonymous said...

I've stopped feeling bad for people who chose to live in lawless hell holes.

Anonymous said...

Failed Border Czar caused this...

Anonymous said...

Not too long ago, borders were secure, the world was at peace, gas was affordable, groceries were affordable, mortgage interest rates were 2.5%, and the economic outlook was outstanding.

Now look at the mess in less than 4 years.

Anonymous said...

Sheeple, The state-run media thinks you're a fool.

Anonymous said...

Censorship in Queens is real. Prove me wrong.

Anonymous said...

Is Queens Crap dead???
Two weeks and absolutely NOTHING.

JQ LLC said...

@Anon re: dead

Not dead. Struggling.

Anonymous said...

Thanks JQ for all you do.

Anonymous said...

Meanwhile, the left claims crime is down. Uh huh