Friday, July 5, 2024

Man murders younger half-brother and stabs parents, then gets gunned down by NYPD at "affordable" housing tower




The 4th of July holiday became a nightmare in Queens on Thursday afternoon after a man stabbed a child to death and police fatally shot the knife-wielding suspect in a domestic dispute, police brass said.

According to NYPD Chief of Patrol John Chell, cops from the 103rd Precinct rushed to a luxury apartment building  at around 5:20 p.m. in the Jamaica section of the borough, located at 147-25 94th Ave after several residents called police for help.

“A female came out of this building pleading for help. She ran down to the corner to MTA police to get help and simultaneously the security desk called 911 for assistance,” Chief Chell said. “Members of the 103 Precinct responded in three minutes.”

Upon arrival at the 5th floor apartment, authorities said, cops were confronted with a man, in his 20’s, holding a knife to his 43-year-old father’s neck. Inside that same apartment a 29-year-old woman had been wounded and an 8-year-old boy had been stabbed to death, all in the same apartment as an 8-month-old-baby. Chief Chell told reporters that cops demanded the man drop the weapon, but he refused, resulting in the officers shooting the suspect. The baby was unharmed.

Police say the perpetrator was rushed to a hospital; sources close to the investigation report that he later died.  

 Chief Chell said the 8-year-old and his killer were stepbrothers, however, the ultimate reason for the holiday rampage remains under investigation.

This is not a luxury tower per se, it's one of those "affordable housing" towers from the 421a program to set aside 20%-25% of units under market rate (it's the one with the now leasing sign)

Besides the tragic domestic slaughter, this is bad all around for the "city of yes" and what may be another indictment of the city's continuing lack of mental health services.





Anonymous said...

America has always been like this. It started around 1492.

Anonymous said...

Mental illness is a disease, not a crime.

Anonymous said...

Why aren't more folks outraged?

Anonymous said...

Just another crime ridden hellhole and a no-go zone for police and good people.

Anonymous said...

Who did you vote for?

Anonymous said...

Next story, people in that hood complaining about "convenience store deserts"

Anonymous said...

Yet the voters keep voting for democrats and wonder why nothing changes. I don't feel a bit sorry for the residents there...

Anonymous said...

We don't even need to see a picture to know what the perp looks like.

Anonymous said...

What happened to thou shall not kill?

Anonymous said...

Violent crime is no longer limited to late nights in colorful zip codes. Can happen any place, any time now in this blue dump. But according to Adams and Kathy, it doesn’t exist, it’s just right wing propaganda - like Middle Class Joe’s dementia.

Anonymous said...

Alvin Bragg says it’s safe so does AOC...

Anonymous said...

Fake news. Bojangles comes on TV every day, telling people how crime is down, specifically violent crime.

Anonymous said...

So who's the replacement?
​​Trump 2024 Brothers and sisters

Anonymous said...

Welcome to the new Jamaica, was the murderer an illegal alien?

Anonymous said...

Were there 2 different entrances to the building? They said there would be trouble if the city allowed separate doors for the affordable housing set asides.

Anonymous said...

One weekend 109 Shot & 19 Killed In Chicago, The Mayor Blames A Dead White Guy.
The Demorat Mayor of Chicago blames the city deaths on Richard Nixon

Anonymous said...

But, hey crime is down according to Joe & all these corrupt politicians.

Anonymous said...

""One weekend 109 Shot & 19 Killed In Chicago""
Blue cessool
Isnt that where the Democratic convention is going to happen?
What are regular people going to do when every cop, gun and drone is sent to only police & guard every blue polititions coming to town?