Monday, July 15, 2024

Summer Of Division


Ned said...

The division is more with Males under age 40
Something has gone seriously wrong, the majoriery are timid, cant control emotions, and highly feminine.
Here is what I think:
The parents used the Television, used Disney channel and purple dinosaurs and other bullshit to raise them. What did the boy do after school?
Sit with mommy watching Ellen, Oprah, Rachael Ray. Get bombarded with liberal nonsense from a school system where 80% of teachers are gay radicals.

Now in the real world they don't know if they boy or girl and cant cope with anything, cant be noticed like a celebrity, cant be anybody or anything, get picked on at school, get rejected etc
This shooter has found a way to get his fame as many others like him.
"see....look at me now"
All these so called professionals asking why, what motive should know this case and dozens of others like it by now.

The rest males under 40 are usually the other way around, straight and sick and tired of dealing with these pansy's. Sick and tired of being corrected and told "your words are upsetting" "you cant use that language"
What you get is a smoldering powder keg and its not going to end.

Its a wave of mental illness created by TV and schools.
The HIPPA guidelines are messed up also, locker, safe closer or not nobody should be allowed to have a automatic military grade firearm in the house with a crazy messed up kid or spouse.
HIPA regulations should not shield a parent from the ATF removing an automatic weapon from a household with documented mental illness under the roof.
When the school guidance councilor or shrink calls the cops or mental illness on a health record the cops need to be allowed to move.


Anonymous said...

Punks Still hiding their faces !

Anonymous said...

There’s nothin that Zionist Nazis love more than stealing land, kidnapping kids and murdering civilians.
They’ve been doing it since they first colonized Palestine in 1948.
What did the US get for supporting them? 9/11, and endless wars.
Let the fight their own wars without US taxpayers money.

Anonymous said...

Easy to see how it plays out. Zionists punch someone, then run to the cops, "see there, see there", playing the victim.
Same as they do in Israel. plunder, pillage and steal other people's homes and land, then come on American TV crying victim.
Hard to get fair reporting over here. Both CNN and NYT have the IDF censor all their news before it's transmitted to the US.
The NY Times Jerusalem HQ is a building stolen from a Palestinian family and purchased by Thomas Friedman.
So much for fair and balanced reporting on corporate media.

Anonymous said...

The description tells it all.
"Protesters call to "Stop sale of stolen land" while Israel supporters call to "stay away from our Synagogues"

These Synagogues are having illegal auctions to sell stolen Palestinian lands in the West Bank.
This is illegal under US and international law, yet these thieves continue to sell this land openly.

Of course, not anybody can buy this land at an auction. This is for "chosen ones" only. Try bringing a wad of cash and a crucifix to this event, and you'll get thrown out, and maybe beaten too.

Horrible, horrible people.

Anonymous said...

The Tolerant, loving , anti hatred , open minded , inclusive left.

Anonymous said...

The Israeli flag should be treated as a symbol of hate, just like the Swastika.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure our local "Israel first, America last" politicians will be ""outraged"".
Another few billion dollars of US taxpayer money to the IDF terrorists should fix that.

Anonymous said...

When a Synagogues is used as an auction house to sell land that's been stolen from other people, it ceases to be a religious institution, and should be shut down.

Anonymous said...

@"Punks Still hiding their faces !"
When Israel and the Israel Lobby own Corporate Media, Educational institutions, Congress, the White House, they should hide their faces. These Zionists will use facial recognition software to destroy whatever future of anyone who dares questions Israel. Even if they question when the terrorist state is selling other peoples land and property illegaly.

You can criticize politicians, media, sports people etc. but if you dare criticize Israel you are labeled an "anti-Semite" and will be hounded down. Just ask Candice Owens, Jamal Bowman, Katie Helper, Aaron Mate, Mehdi Hasan, Briahna Joy Gray and many more.

The Nation ran an article about the "Canary Mission" which it described here"
"Canary Mission, a massive blacklisting and doxxing operation directed from Israel that targets students and professors critical of Israeli policies, and then launches slanderous charges against them—charges designed to embarrass and humiliate them and damage their future employability. All secretly funded by wealthy Jewish Americans and Jewish American foundations"
The Nation

It's obvious that the US isn't owned by "We the people".

From an Israeli paper

Anonymous said...

NRA Ned ranting about something or other again? Is he talking about that patriot who missed Trump?

Israel First said...

This is outrageous and anti-Semitic.

Anonymous said...

Can you smell it in the air ??? Take a breath of relief, the Big Red Wave is almost upon us.

Anonymous said...

Thy cup runneth over---with shit and made up lies. They shoot off their mouths about Israel, its flag is a symbol of hate, etc. They probably couldn't find Israel on a map, but their libtard teachers pushed their sick point of view onto their students. The synagogues are having "illegal auctions"?

Anonymous said...

What's with the saucers on their heads?

Anonymous said...

Keep thinking we can vote our way out of this, VOTE#2024 !

Anonymous said...

Vance/Vikek 2028-36; Vivek/? 2036-2044

Anonymous said...

So joe knows he has covid and doesn't wear a mask?

Anonymous said...

It has now been “proven” that a face mask does nothing to protect people from anything except being recognized.

Anonymous said...

Cowards don't show their faces. If you monitor left wing social media, they love to brag and they talk way too much, one of the first things they state, when going to their rallies, bring your mask.

Anonymous said...

The WOKE Agenda Is Making Men WEAK...

Anonymous said...

Delusional hatred has been adopted by the weak minded..

Anonymous said...

Let those Zionist Nazis try and steal my home to auction off at their Synagogue, just try!

Anonymous said...

Why would any young person join the US military nowadays? They won’t be fighting for America. They’ll be fighting for Billionaires foreign interests and Israel.

Anonymous said...

As Gomer Pyle would say,” surprise, surprise, surprise “.

Anonymous said...

I’m old enough to remember I had to go the movies if I wanted to see a dystopian America.

Anonymous said...

@"The WOKE Agenda Is Making Men WEAK..."

Woke derangement syndrome?

Anonymous said...

@" They probably couldn't find Israel on a map"

That's 100% true. Israel is a fabricated name for occupied Palestine by European colonists. Oh, and just as a FYI, Palestine stretches between the river Jordan and the Mediterranean Sea, south of Lebanon and North of Egypt.

Anonymous said...

This looks like another video from the same event:
YouTube - protest

Anonymous said...

Here's another video of a <a href=">Zionist kid pushing a NYPD officer</a>

Anonymous said...

What are those horrible fake flags? Half Stars and Stripes and half Terrorist state of Israel hate symbol?
Desecration of the US flag should be illegal!

Anonymous said...

The TDS here is getting quite long in the tooth!

Anonymous said...

If ya can't handle the comments, don't post the article. Easy.