Saturday, July 13, 2024

Donald Trump survives assassination attempt at campaign rally

Former President Donald Trump was wounded on a Pennsylvania campaign stage by a sniper’s bullet Saturday night in an apparent assassination attempt that nearly claimed his life, law enforcement sources told The Post.

The Secret Service said Trump is safe. A campaign spokesperson added that he is “fine” and being checked out at a local medical facility.

“He came within inches of having his face shot open,” a senior law enforcement source told The Post. 

The shooter was killed by a Secret Service assault team.

One other person, believed to be a civilian standing behind Trump on the podium was killed by the sniper, sources said. Another person was reportedly wounded.

The gunman was believed to have been positioned on the roof of building hundreds of yards from the former president at the Butler County Fairgrounds — outside the security perimeter, according to law enforcement sources. Trump confirmed his own brush with death in a post Saturday night on Truth Social: “I was shot with a bullet that pierced the upper part of my right ear.

“I knew immediately that something was wrong in that I heard a whizzing sound, shots, and immediately felt the bullet ripping through the skin. Much bleeding took place, so I realized then what was happening.”

The bullet may have been deflected by glass before Trump was struck in the face, law enforcement sources said.

Following the attack on Trump at a rally in Butler — about 35 miles north of Pittsburgh — nine shots rang out and Trump ducked for cover before being surrounded by Secret Service agents, video from the event shows.


Anonymous said...

God Bless Donald Trump !

Anonymous said...

God Bless President Trump. He is certainly one tough SOB.

Anonymous said...

Where's Melania's Tennis Coach?

Anonymous said...

These patriots should learn how to shoot straight.

Anonymous said...

He's now a "blood orange".

Anonymous said...

My Thoughts and Prayers are with the Trump family at this time.

Anonymous said...

Fake blood on his face. Everyone knows that his real blood is orange.

Joe said...

BBC interview with a recordings of witnesses. All other media who were also there silent.
Hillbilly's screaming "hey, there is a guy crawling with a rifle up there" for minutes--No action
All that security detail and not one person or drone on that roof

Now you have the secret service missing from press conference, I guess they need time to clean things up and write an official script.
They couldn't get Trump with bogus trials, live debates so they tried to kill him.
This is so inexcusable, it had to be on purpose!!
I'm sure the rest of the country's agrees, Trump will be next president for sure.
This should be a warning to all!


georgetheatheist said...

"Et tu Brute?" If this is not a replay of the fall of the Roman Republic, I don't know what is.

georgetheatheist said...

Karma? He sat in the White House on Jan. 6 for 3 hours watching 140 cops get the crap beat out of them by his so-called "peaceful and patriotic" Sturmabteilung adherents.

Anonymous said...

Sad day for America

Anonymous said...

Prayers for Trump and the murdered bystander and the other injured people.

Anonymous said...

This is what terrorists do to their opponents...

Anonymous said...

When he pumped his fist with that look of defiance on his face it almost brought me to tears. Never been more motivated to vote for this man than I am right now.

Anonymous said...

Keep your tempers flared boys but your wits brighter. Wait for our Commander and Chief.

Anonymous said...

I m donating more $$$ to Trump #2024

Anonymous said...

It was stageed. TrumpTurd going for the sympathy vote.

Anonymous said...

Third time luckily!

Anonymous said...

It was deliberate!
The same fool Alejandro Mayorkas running the border is also secret service boss.
He tried to take out trump and failed.
How could this huge building so close to the speech podium not have been secured and covered. It was deliberate!
When Curtis Sliwa went to Staten Island to protest a shelter they had cops, drones and milita with rifles protecting illegals every 5 feet, 1000s of them.

How can these communists progressives wanting illegals, gangs and criminals so bad they would allow assassination a US president to get the job done?
Alejandro Mayorkas should be arrested and jailed.

Anonymous said...

This is really Eerie….

Anonymous said...

​​They took a shot at the king and missed...

Anonymous said...

Will the View change the rhetoric?

Anonymous said...

​​Alex Jones and others warned us this would happen.
Congressional hearings will begin.

Anonymous said...

False flag.

You're all suckers.

Anonymous said...

This TDS simulation is very interesting.
​​They're doubling down already.

Anonymous said...

My thoughts and prayers are with the family of the shooter.

Anonymous said...

There’s no such thing as bad publicity, says the Don.

Anonymous said...

The USA always was and always will be the most violent place in the developed world.

Anonymous said...

Joe Biden said they'll leave no stone unturned until they find this Lee Harvey Oswald fella!

Anonymous said...

Trump calls for dis-unity after Saturday's event, and said this is the worst thing to happen to him since his bone spurs back in the day.

Anonymous said...

Russia will be blamed

Anonymous said...

Something is rotten in Denmark

Anonymous said...

How are the Democrats going to spin this? You know they can't help themselves.

Anonymous said...

Defenders of depravity expose themselves daily here.

Anonymous said...

This would never have happened in the great red swamp of Florida.

January 6 Law Enforcement said...

Trump. You made this bed of violence, now lie in it.

Anonymous said...

We all know this was done by biden. This fake "republican" who shot at him donated to a biden approved fund. And I heard they were part of antifa rallies. But we will see if more comes out about this one. They will probably send in the same people "to investigate" who were supposed to investigate who bought the cocaine into the white house.

Anonymous said...

His secret service team had enough of his lies and crap.

Anonymous said...

After complete border security failure and now this how the hell is it Alejandro Mayorkas still in charge and gets to investigate this. As in his his own failure?

The fish has been rotting from the head down since his appointment, and not one peep about this from any press or democrat politician.
What is the press and blue donkeys so afraid of?

Anonymous said...

Posting Drunk again TA Commie ?

Anonymous said...

George drank the Kool-Aid !

Anonymous said...

Last thing Trump said before the shots were fired: "Hi Alec - what are you doing up there?"

Anonymous said...

Do the Trolls watch Morning Joe to get the facts ? LOL...

Anonymous said...

​​Make America a Constitutional Republic Again!

Anonymous said...

Axios quoted a anonymous established Democratic representative saying, “We’ve all resigned ourselves to a second Trump presidency.” !
Trump will be attending the Republican National Convention on Monday and is expected to deliver a message of unity.

Anonymous said...

Liberals Claim TRUMP STAGED Assassination Attempt, Media Calls it BLUE ANON Conspiracy.
I believe they believe it. They believe a man can be a woman.

Anonymous said...

Flat earthers have more credibility than these people claiming it’s staged

Anonymous said...

Dear Leftists...
Cope! Yeah, that's right. Cope!

Anonymous said...

Wasnt Alex Jones canceled for claiming false flag?

Anonymous said...

Did you get a good look at the fat fumbling DEI hire who shouldn't be with 10 miles of Trump's detail. Can't even holster her weapon.

Anonymous said...

@"We all know this was done by Biden..."
Funniest comment of the day. Biden doesn't even know what planet he's on, let alone have time to hire some dumb loner kid to shoot some clown who should be behind bars anyway.

Anonymous said...

Maybe he's new V.P was behind this. After all, he did call Trump "America's Hitler", back in 2016.

Anonymous said...

Unhinged leftists who spew their TDS on social media are learning that actions have consequences. No matter where you are on the political spectrum in a democracy this has to be decided by the ballot box.

Anonymous said...

Elon Musk plans to donate $45M a month to super PAC backing Trump — after fully endorsing the candidate following the shooting.
Top that amount Clooney....

Anonymous said...

@Where's Melania's Tennis Coach?

Doing your mother, waiting for your wife.

Anonymous said...

@My thoughts and prayers are with the family of the shooter.

Your what? Thoughts?

Your just as brainless as your communist friend on the roof top.
The prayer part does not apply to satanists like yourself.
To much adrenochrome for you?

Anonymous said...

@Trump. You made this bed of violence, now lie in it.

As for you, lie in a casket soon.

Anonymous said...

Liberal freakout over Trump judge ruling shows they don’t really believe in judicial independence. The left believes that only judges who do their far left biding are the ones who uphold democracy. Any judge who disagrees with their viewpoint is obviously a fascist and is helping President Trump continue with his "existential threat" to democracy. End quote...pause...repeat.
But the liberals cheered when Al Baldwin's court case was somehow thrown out by the judge. Not a joke, come on man!

Anonymous said...

Tenacious Derangemen said...
Jack black and his bandmate are what I expect of Liberals !
He's now Jack
Jack Black looks like Rosie O'Donnell with a beard.

Anonymous said...

It’s funny watching the left cancel themselves.

Anonymous said...

There was too much slope.

Anonymous said...

Musk is a truth-telling warrior. So glad he bought Twitter!

Anonymous said...

The shooter had every right to take down a convicted felon on the loose. It's what they call, a "Citizens Arrest".

Anonymous said...

@"Tenacious Derangemen said...
Jack black and his bandmate are what I expect of Liberals !"

Right-wingers are such Karens.
Go cry to mummy.

Anonymous said...

@"Elon Musk plans to donate $45M a month to super PAC backing Trump — after fully endorsing the candidate following the shooting."

Why bother having elections, then? Why not let corporate billionaires and Hollywood celebrities decide for the Sheeple?
Democracy has been lost because of gullible pawns like you who cheer on "super PAC's" and which donors gave which candidate millions of dollars.
This will be nothing more than the most expensive Antiques Roadshow finale in history.

Anonymous said...

Fascists got upset over Jack Blacks “mean jokes”. Poor little fascists are easily triggered.

Anonymous said...

TrumpTurd was shot by fellow QAnon creep.

Anonymous said...

MSNBC and CNN have called Trump every name in the book. Including the same name as the worst mass killer in history.

Yet, they take no blame.

Anonymous said...

TA Commie should be a member of the View! She/he will just fit in well with all the other idiots.

Anonymous said...

Biden doesn't even know what planet he's on, let alone have time to hire some dumb loner kid to shoot some clown who should be behind bars anyway.

Is he around the same age as Barron?

Anonymous said...

So, this guy was planning to shoot Trump, Biden or Garland. Trump just happened to come to his neighborhood. Maybe he thought that Biden would drop dead any day now anyway.
Thank lax gun laws when kids with major depressive disorders can get weapons like that.
Either way, he was a much better American than the orange clown with the Vincent Van Gough look.

Anonymous said...

TA Commie, you feeling alright?

Anonymous said...

Fight fight fight....

Anonymous said...

Lionel Legal said...

MSNBC Host Joy Reid Under Fire for Baseless Conspiracy Theories on Trump Assassination Attempt

In a recent segment during MSNBC's coverage of the Republican National Convention, host Joy Reid promoted a baseless conspiracy theory about the recent assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump. Reid suggested that the situation, in which Trump survived an attack at a Pennsylvania rally, might have been staged, implying the former president was given an opportunity for a photo op during the active shooter situation.

Reid's comments have been widely criticized as promoting an unfounded and reckless conspiracy theory. Her remarks included the assertion that Trump, an elderly man, was inexplicably given a brief moment for a "photo op" during the incident, a suggestion that undermines the severity and reality of the assassination attempt.

This is not the first time Reid has made controversial statements. She has previously been involved in other controversies, such as claiming that hackers edited archived copies of her old blog posts to add homophobic content. Despite these issues, she remains a prominent figure at MSNBC.

Reid's latest comments have drawn significant backlash, with critics highlighting the irresponsibility of equating an assassination attempt with a staged event. Her comparison of President Biden's recovery from COVID-19 to Trump's survival of the shooting has also been labeled as inappropriate and misleading. The severity of surviving a potentially fatal shooting is in no way comparable to recovering from a virus that, while serious, is treatable and lacks the malevolent intent of an assassin's bullet.

Law enforcement, including the U.S. Secret Service and FBI, confirmed the attempt on Trump's life was genuine, marking the first assassination attempt on a former president since Ronald Reagan in 1981. The attack, which resulted in the death of a Trump supporter and critical injuries to two others, has been taken very seriously by investigators.

Reid's comments have raised questions about her continued role at MSNBC. Despite her increasingly controversial and extreme statements, the network has so far stood by her. As calls for accountability grow, it remains to be seen whether MSNBC will address the latest incident and take any action.

In an era where misinformation and conspiracy theories can rapidly spread on social media, the responsibility of media figures to present accurate and truthful information is more crucial than ever. Reid's comments have been a stark reminder of the potential consequences of straying from these principles.

Anonymous said...

Anyone notice a trend ?

Anonymous said...

It's Joever ! #TRUMP2024

Helen said...

Does anyone know how he lost his shoes during the assassination attempt ? As the SS was removing him from the stage he was asking for his shoes . He did manage to get them back on but am wondering why they were off in the first place .

Anonymous said...

“How much slope would a roof slope slope if a roof slope could slope roof”?

Anonymous said...

After watching the entire hearing and listening to Director Kimberly Cheatle not answering questions asked, I've came to the conclusion that she has missed her true calling...
Director Kimberly Cheatle should have been a Professional Dancer because she has more dance moves than Fred Astaire....

Anonymous said...

What a surprise, yet another miserable DEI failure.
27 years with the Secret Service prior to guarding potato chips did not teach her leadership.

Anonymous said...

From what I understand, TDS is a terrible disease.