Saturday, July 31, 2021

The short answer is "yes"

Yes, Mr. Defund literally lives ON AN ARMY BASE.


Anonymous said...

Didn’t Jumaane Williams just marry a lobbyist?

Anonymous said...

This twitching asswipe makes me sick. What makes me even more sick, is the uninformed and brainwashed sheep who vote for the twitching asswipe.

Anonymous said...

You figure this one out! It makes no sense to me.

Anonymous said...

Power to the people !

Anonymous said...

@“ This twitching asswipe makes me sick. What makes me even more sick, is the uninformed and brainwashed sheep who vote for the twitching asswipe.”

I agree totally. In fact 46.8% of the Sheeple voted for the “twitching asswipe” last November.

Anonymous said...

Jumanne Williams is a huge Criminal Defender. Especially when black people commit violent and non-violent crimes.

He hates when people are called out when they break the law then turns it around and say other groups do it too. Like illegal immigrants selling merchandise or food in the subways without a vendor's license or food license.

I wish more NYers would wake up and realize what a fraud he is and only wants to be in office to defend and protect lawbreakers and criminals.

Law-abiding citizens be damned!!

Anonymous said...

This guy is a true black supremacist that wants all whites out of power in NYC. He doesn't want diversity. He just wants every white gone.

Anonymous said...

Jumanne means Tuesday in KiSwahili- so he doesn’t have to work on Monday’s, Wednesdays, Thursdays or Fridays.

Love Seth Baron’s articles & new book.
Sad but true- documents the down slide brought about the Democrats.

Anonymous said...

So Tuesday hates all white people but lives in Fort Hamilton - in a nice safe clean white neighborhood. How come Tuesday isn’t living in the hood with the bloods? Does this mean that he gets to shop at the PX @ discounted prices and gets to use the Officers Club & Swimming pool?
You can rent there after passing a background check.
Tragically the jokes on Tuesday & every body else on the base- the house’s have radon in the basements. Entire place is probably a brownfields-look @ the high rates of cancer in Ft Hamilton Base officers & renters.