From CBS 2:
Sources told Kramer that the investigation is on-going and that the taps and bugs on Kruger’s and other defendants’ phones have produced a cornucopia of possible corruption leads — even the complaint filed against Kruger has hints of possible new avenues of investigation. There is a reference to a Kruger conversation regarding “senator 1″ and a number of chats about “senate leader #1.”
"This may be a Frank Lloyd Crap special".
Actually it's a Friedensreich Hundertwasser special. Check it out here.
That is the worst piece of crap that I have ever seen. I can't believe that anyone would want to live in it.
How is it that only the Feds go after these crooks? why don't our State DAs ever investigate them?
What's with the reference to Frank Lloyd Wright?
Do you think that this piece of SH-T really looks like anything like a FLW house?
where is this place?
and what's with the flagpoles to the left of the driveway?
This makes what those former sheep herding Bukharian goat f-----s built in Forest Hills look good!
The house bespeaks an overwhelming air of entitlement, which seems like the truth in Kruger's case.
Maybe "senator #1" is Moby Stavisky!
I think the Queens clubhouse political machine is about to unravel.
Ever since Brian Mc Laughlin first started "singing" to cut his jail time, a lot of pols have been indicted.
And Alan Hevesi hasn't finished his solo yet.
Some more political crooks will be tumbling from the sky soon.
I can't wait 'til Shulman gets fitted for her orange jump suit.
Frank Lloyd Crap is the antithesis of Frank Lloyd Wright. He has based his career on it.
Zuch uber fart-chitecture!
Maybe "senator #1" is Moby Stavisky!
When is a mouth not a mouth, honey? When it's agape. Bring it on dearie! Yum Yum
For once I agree with Crappy.
This is a masterpiece. The best is catching the brick row house in the frame at left to scale.
The really amazing thing is that Queens Crap blogsite has been in existence for over 4 years and no one, no one, has ever alerted the readership that such an aesthetically questionable edifice even existed in this burg of ours. I mean, come on, it's not like an illegal apartment hidden in the basement.
I was going to ask how this got past the Community Board, but if you read the stories you know why.
"The house bespeaks an overwhelming air of entitlement, which seems like the truth in Kruger's case."
HAH!- my sentiments exactly!
WHERE is this house? Does anyone know?
Somewhere in or around Mill Basin.
Karl has a little stool on his tool..............
Ach, mit der schtool an der tool. Zat von vas anudder gut von. A rrreeel jool! Hahr-hahr-hahr.
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