State Senator Carl Kruger is expected to turn himself into authorities Thursday on unspecified charges brought forth by the U.S. attorney's office, sources tell NY1.
The veteran Brooklyn lawmaker and the former finance chairman of the state Senate has been implicated in an FBI influence peddling probe since 2008.
Kruger's surrender comes a week after a Brooklyn restaurant owner pleaded guilty in federal court that he lied to an undercover FBI agent, who was investigating the lawmaker.
Michael Levitis had bureaucratic problems with his restaurant, and says the senator's longtime chief of staff encouraged him to give the senator a fundraiser a return.
is not democrat dictatorship grand?
I just don't understand why NYS keeps voting in the same garbage politicians over and over. Meanwhile the rest of the country is dismantling these crooks and we keep voting for democrats.
I just don't understand why NYS keeps voting in the same garbage politicians over and over.
Let's discuss this over lunch. Meet me at the North Flushing Senior Center Friday at noon. Bring cash. Lots and lots of cash.
The people of Egypt and Libya have more self-respect than our apathetic voters.
Why aren't the Feds investigating Toby and son? and Crowley?
Why aren't the Feds investigating Toby and son?
Patience my friend...
Is not the willingness of the Republican leadership to cur deals with Espada, Monserrate and Kruger grand? They're all the same in this state. They deserve each other's company. It's what guys like Jack Newfield used to call "the Permanent Government."
is it not interesting that the players involved is a democrat politician and restauranteur/lawyer ?
Let's hope that this snares other South Crooklyn Democrats the likes of Councilman Recchia, Councilman Nelson, Assemblyman Brook-Krasny & a big fan of Senator Kruger, none other than Crooklyn Borough President Marty Markowitz.
Birds of a feather stick together, let's hope all their feathers are tightly stuck together.
I'm shocked, shocked to find that lobbyists are buying politicians here!
how do I get in on this? I could use a few dollars.
Anon No. 7:
Is not Restauranteur/Lawyer Dictatorship grand?
it is reported that a democrat nys assemblyman from brooklyn has also been arrested, in this f.b.i.case.are the n.y.c. voters delusional ?
the tea party patriots exist and they will do an honest job for you.
beware of liberals and rino's.
Beware of guys who just repeat the same RepubCon slogans all the time without thinking for themselves.
Beware of guys who just repeat the same RepubCon slogans all the time without thinking for themselves.
Beware of hitting the "Publish Your Comment" button more than once.
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