Michael Bloomberg’s longtime critic, Tom Ognibene, is running for his old Council seat, and supporting Bloomberg. The mayor’s people did not return calls asking if they were endorsing Ognibene.
Uh, oh! Sounds like Bloomie's backstabbing already! We know how sensitive the mayor is. Maybe he read this from the Forum West and got annoyed:

“I’m very concerned that it is an inappropriate site with possible health hazards,” he said. “There is a lot of action you can take [to block it], and what I can do is sue the City of New York and the School Construction Authority, which is one thing I’m contemplating now and moving in that direction.”
How dare you threaten to challenge Bloomberg's grand vision for Queens!
And speaking of the School Construction Authority...here's something from The Brooklyn Paper:

So, for DUMBO, the City Council's Queens delegation finds SCA's disingenuousness to be a big problem. But for the same scenario in Maspeth, it's more like an inside joke and a tweeder's dream.
The blatant contempt these folks have for us is truly astounding. But more astounding is that we re-elect them time after time in spite of it.
Ognibene is considering to file suit against the SCA and the city, please this is the damn problem, make a difference show us you have the balls to do something. We need someone who is going to make the difference and fight for us here in Maspeth. Sick of those who say one thing and then do another. I really thought I saw some hope hearing this man was running against Lizzy Borden, but I have to see some proof that he means what he states....... also didn't the city purchase the property, over the asking price, lmao this city is a fxxking joke.
Elizabeth Crowley had better remember who stabbed her in the back when they supported building the Maspeth school, but now oppose the building of a school in their own district - for much the same reasons.
If Ognibene can reverse this treachery, then my support go to him!
As for me throwing in my hat? I'll wait for the dust to settle.
If Ognibene can squash the high school and have it built at an appropriate alternate site, then he has my vote. Saying and doing are 2 different things. The thought of the SCA moving forward and exposing our children to toxins makes me cringe. The whole process is disgusting. Tom Ognibene will have full support if he fights this corrupt organization. Let's hope he can deliver for Maspeth!
How are internal SCA e-mails stating that alternative sites were not actually considered the same as an SCA report with reasons why alternative sites were not appropriate? Thanks for more twisted logic.
The SCA needs to be investigated as to why they picked a contaminated site that was not for sale by the owner, nor convenient to public transportation over alternative sites. Not only did the SCA overpay for the property, but they obtained it by eminent domain and will overpay again when they have to clean it up. Something smells fishy here. As I taxpayer, I demand the Bloomberg Administration do a complete investigation on the SCA. Someone is getting paid under the table. Something is definitely wrong here. Maybe Ognibene can convince Mr. Bloomberg to look into this matter. As for an alternative site, St. John's Hospital is on the auction block. It also has a parking lot behind it for all the teachers and students that drive there and is accessable by various bus routes and the subway.
Ognibene is CORRUPT and should just get a joke as the KFC mascot.
"How are internal SCA e-mails stating that alternative sites were not actually considered the same as an SCA report with reasons why alternative sites were not appropriate?"
Perhaps you need to work on your reading comprehension skills. There were "alternate sites" on that report that already had schools on them and the site on Broadway was evaluated as a feasible site and was never ruled out.
Ognibene will fight for Maspeth. He is MUCH smarter and more politically savvy than Liz Crowley will ever be. Dizzy Lizzy is the joke of the city council. We deserve better in Maspeth.
Anyone who would vote for Liz Crowley over Ognibene really doesn't give a shit about Maspeth.
My vote is with Ognibene all the way.
"Ognibene is CORRUPT and should just get a joke as the KFC mascot."
Hey asshole Crowley supporter: Liz Crowley was hooked up politically and romantically with Brian McLaughlin, one of the biggest crooked politicians Queens has ever seen.
Crowley was also caught cheating by the campaign finance board and was heavily fined.
She has no experience in government and only got elected because of her name. Is that who we want representing our community?
"...Liz Crowley was hooked up politically and romantically with Brian McLaughlin,.."
How do you know that? It doesn't even seem possible. What would she want with that old guy?
It was widely reported.
wow she's such a loser, ognibene has my vote just on that note...
Tommy O is the right guy for this role - he has been there and means what he say. Get rid of dizzy Lizzy.
Unbelievable, voters want to replace one proven good-for-nothing with a another proven good-for-nothing. I give up. You will get what you deserve.
Since when have the voters of this district been offered a choice other than what the county parties throw at them? We aren't all Bloombergs who can finance our own campaigns.
What is the difference in this context using the word alternate or alternative? Actually, "alternative" is more appropriate given how it is used. Regardless, it was an illogical analogy by Crapper, comparing deceptive activity that was caught through e-mails to an analysis of ALTERNATE (ok?) sites that Crapper didn't like.
I never questioned the use of the word alternative vs. alternate. The alternative sites were analyzed and not released to the public. They were captured by a hearing participant's camera and show the exact same thing that the e-mails showed - no real alternative site was examined. They were just humoring whoever might ask about it. Mentioning sites that already have schools on them is a joke.
Pray to God that Colonel Sanders doesn't get re-elected. Remember that Pinky Gallagher worked for him. And let's not forget the smut that was sold on the Internet in the former convent of Christ the King Regional High School.
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